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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone’s Wife Nydia Provides Letter to President Trump Making Her Emotional Plea to President Trump Asking to Pardon Her Husband Roger Stone


Roger Stone was targeted, arrested at 5am in the morning by an army of FBI Agents at his home with CNN there to film his arrest.  He was indicted on fraudulent charges in a fraudulent case held in a kangaroo DC court by a corrupt judge and jury and sentenced to extensive time in prison.  He is to report to prison on July 14th

Today in an exclusive, Roger Stone’s wife pleads for a pardon to prevent her husband from going to prison before he has time to appeal this unjust spectacle of a case instituted by the corrupt and criminal Mueller gang.

Here is Mrs. Nydia Stone’s emotional plea to President Trump:


July 3, 2020
The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

It was 28-years-ago this past December that you came to our wedding when Roger and I got married at the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C..

After my husband and my father-in-law, you were the next man to dance with the bride. I remember how kind you were to my family on that special day.

As you know, since 1988, my husband has believed that you not only had the ability to be a great candidate for President- but also that you had the capacity to be a great American President. The incredible achievement of your first term has exceeded Roger’s wildest expectations— your courage in sticking to a reform agenda while those you defeated refused to accept defeat and have launched a series of illegitimate and unlawful efforts to end your presidency.

We now know – based on declassified documents – that the Mueller investigation had no legal justification for its existence and was purely politically motivated to set you up for impeachment and removal from the Oval Office. Your patience and fortitude allowed you to defeat their dastardly aims and to expose their political motives.

We now know that the investigation of my husband was not approved by acting-Attorney General Rod Rosenstein until October of 2017- almost three months after Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew there was no collusion between the Russian State and the Trump Campaign. For almost two years, the Special Counsel’s office illegally leaked stories to the fake news media reporting that Roger would be charged with “treason, conspiracy against the United States, trafficking in stolen e-mails, money laundering of Russian cash in violation of the foreign contributions ban, and would prove to be the link between the Russian State and Trump Campaign.” After defrauding several federal judges and magistrates and obtaining a search warrant, Mueller and his investigators subjected us to the most invasive investigation imaginable; poking into Roger’s business, our family life, our personal lives, and all of his political activities. No evidence of the crimes they continually alleged he would be charged with was found. Instead, Andrew Weissman fabricated “Lying to Congress” charges even though the misstatements that Roger made in his voluntary appearance before the House Intelligence Committee were entirely immaterial and with no underlying crime. In other words, Roger had neither motive nor intent to lie. The witness tampering charge was thrown in to make it all the more ominous, but as you have pointed out; the person Roger allegedly threatened testified in court and in a letter to the judge that he never felt threatened at all.

Mueller and his lieutenants used legal trickery to ensure that Roger’s case would be heard by Obama-appointed Judge, Amy Berman Jackson. Long before the trial began, Judge Jackson systematically ruled out every line of powerful defense; including that of selective prosecution, and also barred the use of expert testimony and forensic evidence to prove that no one hacked the DNC and that the stolen material was actually downloaded to a portable drive and spirited out of the DNC headquarters instead. Incredibly, Judge Jackson also specifically prohibited Roger’s lawyers from raising the question of misconduct by the Special Counsel, the FBI, the Department of Justice, or any member of Congress.

Judge Jackson also ruled that party affiliation and stated antagonism toward you and your Administration was not a legitimate grounds to eliminate a juror. Ultimately Roger’s case was tried before a jury completely comprised of Democrats, including a number of former political appointees from both the Obama and Clinton administration- as well as people with direct ties to the Justice Department under Barack Obama, the FBI, and even the prosecutors themselves. There were no Trump-supporters, Republicans, military veterans, blue-collar workers, or anybody with less than a college education on the jury. Three of the jurors were lawyers, and the majority of the jurors held post-college degrees. Three of the jurors were Democrat Party activists and four of the jurors had contributed to Hillary Clinton in 2016, while one of the jurors had contributed to Beto O’Rourke in his failed bid for the Democrat Nomination. As our friend Tucker Carlson said, “Roger Stone’s trial was over before it began…”

Despite a veritable tsunami of fake news about Roger’s case, Roger counterpunched aggressively to correct the enormous amount of fake news being churned out daily by the Trump-hating fake media. Ultimately, Judge Jackson deprived Roger of his First Amendment Free Speech Right to defend himself, claiming ridiculously; that his speaking in his own defense and criticizing the political motives of the prosecution would somehow “taint the jury pool.”

I sat in the front row every day of the five-day trial and watched incredulously as the government’s witnesses perjured themselves one by one on the witness stand. Most shocking was the testimony of Steve Bannon, who’s false testimony helped seal the guilty verdict against my husband. We now know that Bannon’s testimony under oath at Roger’s trial was completely and specifically contradicted by his sworn testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

The prosecutors never presented any evidence to show that Roger possessed or knew about the source or content of any of the WikiLeaks disclosures prior to their release. Although both Michael Cohen and Rick Gates testified falsely about overhearing a conversation between you and my husband regarding the WikiLeaks disclosures- Roger testified honestly before the House Intelligence Committee that no such conversation ever took place. Interestingly, prior to his indictment, Roger took and passed two polygraph tests regarding this plea bargain induced claim by both Gates and Cohen.

On July 24th, 2019, Mueller prosecutor, Jeannie Rhee asked for a private meeting with one of my husband’s lawyers; where she presented him with documentation of some phone conversations between you and my husband in 2016, redemanding that Roger “confess” and “come clean” and admit that these phone conversations pertained to the WikiLeaks disclosures in the assistance of Russian assets in your election. Rhee said the prosecutors would recommend leniency in his sentence and might even recommend that he “serve no jail time” in return for his “cooperation.” Roger flatly refused to lie, to ease the burden on himself.

As you know, Roger was wrongly convicted on all seven counts- and it was only after the trial that we learned that the jury forewoman, a lawyer from Tennessee who had run for Congress, had posted anti-Stone and anti-Trump social media postings on both Twitter and Facebook in 2019. This juror had her social media platforms on a private setting during jury selection and Roger’s trial and deleted this history when the trial was over. Even though the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that every defendant is entitled to a “impartial and indifferent jury”- we were stunned when judge Jackson ruled that none of the jury four women’s actions proved bias, and Roger was denied a new trial.

Because Roger insisted on pleading not guilty and refused an offer from the Mueller cabal to bear false witness against you, we have literally lost everything trying to finance Roger’s legal defense. We have lost our home, our car, our savings, most of our insurance, and most importantly; Roger’s ability to make a living writing and speaking. It is only through the generosity of over 65,000 great Americans that we have been able to finance our ongoing legal fight to vindicate Roger and ensure his freedom. Roger has filed an appeal of both his conviction and his judge’s flawed decision not to declare a mistrial and a new trial.

Now, however, despite the Department of Justice and the U.S. Bureau of Prison policy of moving inmates convicted of non-violent offenses from incarceration to home-confinement, Judge Jackson has ordered that my husband, at 67-years-old and with a medical history of asthma, be sent, in 10 days, to a correctional facility in Georgia which just yesterday released a violent sex offender, pedophile and child pornographer to spare him the risk of Covid-19 infection. Even though the DOJ did not oppose an emergency motion before Judge Jackson to either delay Roger’s prison surrender date or allow him to serve his sentence in home-confinement, Judge Jackson placed my husband under immediate house arrest and extended his surrender date to July 14th.

I now honestly believe that Roger’s life is in jeopardy. While we are highly confident that he would be exonerated on appeal, there is a high likelihood that he would not live long enough for his appeal to be heard approximately a year from now before the D.C. Court of Appeals.

Mr. President: I am asking you as an act of both justice and mercy to use your extraordinary power to grant clemency to my husband Roger Stone, either in the form of a Presidential Pardon or the commutation of his sentence which would allow him to appeal and clear his name.

Because as you know, Roger eats, sleeps, and breathes politics; he firmly believes that you will be reelected after a bruising fight in which the Democrats engage in widespread voter fraud and during which the fake news media will continue to falsely vilify you. Even though Roger was no longer an official member of your campaign team- no one worked harder for your election; giving hundreds of surrogate speeches and interviews, talking about his deeply held believe that you were and are the right man to lead America at this perilous moment.

You may have read that during this extraordinary ordeal, Roger had the occasion to meet Reverent Franklin Graham, who strongly advised him to reaffirm his belief in Jesus Christ, and to live by God’s word – this has provided Roger enormous strength and solace through this entire horrific experience. I know that, with the responsibilities you bear; that you are also guided by The Lord, as you make life and death decisions every single day. I appeal to you – as both a friend of forty years and a Christian – to save my husband’s life so that we can begin rebuilding and recover everything that has been taken from us.


Nydia Stone

Mrs. Nydia Stone also sent out a plea to President Trump on Twitter:

Roger Stone’s wife, makes a final plea for Stone’s freedom.

We know President Trump is a just man – let’s hope and pray the President addresses this situation if the courts don’t first throw it out.

Please donate to the Stone Legal Defense fund to assist Roger and his family in their legal fees here.

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone’s Wife Nydia Provides Letter to President Trump Making Her Emotional Plea to President Trump Asking to Pardon Her Husband Roger Stone appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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