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Новости за 11.06.2022

Jizzakh pedagogical Institute

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Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute was founded in 26.07.1974.The name Abdulla Kadiriy was given on the basis of the decision of the Regional Council of Deputies of the Republic in 21.12.1989.

Today, 524 professors and teachers work at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. 19 of them are Doctors of Science and DSCs, 130 Candidates of Science and PhDs. The scientific potential is 27%, and today the Institute has 10 Faculties and 32 Departments. The average age of professors and teachers is 44 years. Читать дальше...

How create a gmail account

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A Gmail account gives you access to everything the company offers. You can use the Gmail email service, upload files to Google Drive, and create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and websites using Google's online office suite.

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