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Новости за 23.12.2022

Democrat Urges Two Liberal Supreme Court Justices To Retire – So They Can Be Replaced By Younger Versions

The Gateway Pundit 

Liberals are worried about the Supreme Court. Ian Millhiser wrote in Vox about the possibility of Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan retiring early so to make sure that Republicans aren’t able to fill their seats. The article is titled “Sotomayor and Kagan need to think about retiring.” Althouse.Blogspot reported: Asks Ian Millhiser…

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Why you can’t take a screenshot of a TV show or movie on your computer

The Daily Dot 

When you try to take a screenshot on Netflix, Disney+, or any of the major streaming services, you invariably end up with a blank, black screen. Automatic screenshot blocking is a point of frustration and confusion among many viewers, not least because it seems counterintuitive. When fans post screencaps on social media, they’re creating free advertising for the source material. So why are streaming services hell-bent on stopping them?

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The perfect streaming service

The Daily Dot 

The Netflix activity log is one of the most frightening pieces of data you can access about yourself online. With a click of a button, you can see every piece of content you (and the people you share your account with) watched, even if it was a movie you put on for one minute before deciding to switch to something else. I log all the films I watch on Letterboxd, like any normal person. But I don’t keep a record of all the TV I watch in a year, mainly because I don’t want to know. The streamers I subscribe to, however, do know. Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

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Елена Рыбакина

Лучшая теннисистка мира сделала заявление перед матчем с Еленой Рыбакиной

Быстров негативно высказался о «Спартаке»

Выставка Церетели откроется в Московском музее современного искусства

Фолкленды-82. Аргентинское самоубийство (2 статьи)

Шойгу: Минобороны создаст научно-производственный центр БПЛА