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Новости за 10.10.2015

Merciless Judge Sentences Domestic Violence Victim for Not Testifying


A Florida judge sentenced a traumatized domestic violence victim to jail time for not showing up to testify at her alleged abuser’s trial. The video, which was filmed on July 30, shows Judge Jerri Collins berating the woman who explains she had been suffering from anxiety and depression. Judge Collins shows no compassion for the victim and even says to her, “You think you’re going to have anxiety now? You haven’t even seen anxiety.”

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What Does a 'Fake' Person Look Like, Really? 


Accusations from Rosie O’Donnell’s adopted daughter Chelsea calling out her mom’s alleged phoniness are uncomfortably lurid, but more interesting is Chelsea’s plea that O’Donnell “should be her real self, who she really is.” What, exactly, is your real self? Do any of us achieve it?

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“It’s, like, where do you even begin with stuff like that?


“It’s, like, where do you even begin with stuff like that? People who don’t know how to read fiction, they just shout words like ‘loathsome’ and ‘misogynist’ because they can’t deal with it. I fail to conform to the brutish, white, male stereotype and that is actually more enraging than the brutish, white, male stereotype. It’s the middle ground which is precisely what’s upsetting to people on the extremes.” Jonathan Franzen just can’t help himself.

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Shia LaBeouf Arrested for Being Shia LaBeouf 


Shia LaBeouf was arrested in Austin, Texas last night and booked on misdemeanor public intoxication. TMZ reports, “Shia was either extremely drunk or high on drugs when he ran down the street and jaywalked in front of police.” According to a witness, LaBeouf’s run down the street came after he was warned by police. The rat-tail-loving actor/artist/dancer and an unidentified woman had previously been denied entry to a bar because they were already too drunk. LaBeouf began cursing loudly. Tomorrow he’ll say it was performance art. Читать дальше...

Kanye West Thinks His Wife's Stupid App Is a Rip-Off


Fatherhood changes a man, which explains why Twitter oracle Kanye West took a charmingly domestic turn tonight, warning parents everywhere of the dangers that stupid little iPad games present when placed in the hands of children: Those stubby little fingers will click on those colorful in-app purchase buttons, racking up charges to daddy’s iTunes account.

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Target's Only Male Plus-Size Model Says His Wife Gave Him the Confidence to Take the Job


Scattered among rumors about Hollywood’s A through D-listers on People’s “News” section are human interest stories that I generally avoid. Today there was a headline about sisters meeting each other for the first time at 9 and 10 years old (too boring), some dog who found a home after losing an eye (too sad), and a story about Target’s one and only male plus-size model. That’s the one I clicked.

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Captive Orca Breeding Banned at SeaWorld San Diego


After a long day of speeches, the California Coastal Commission voted to ban captive whale breeding in SeaWorld’s San Diego park, as well as to significantly restrict the movement of whales in and out of the park. These were set as conditions for the approval of SeaWorld’s $100 million habitat expansion, which detractors say is too little, too late, and that construction will cause the 11 orcas in the park extreme stress.

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Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду

Турнир памяти Гринькова. Кондратюк, Федоров, Анисимов выступят с короткими программами

Убивший двух человек в Приморье медведь растерзал 35 собак в местном приюте

Начальник почтового отделения из Заринска вошла в топ-3 лучших в стране

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