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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 13.02.2018

THAT WAS QUICK: Schumer Balks on Immigration Talks – Says Democrats will only Discuss DACA Amnesty and Border Security (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Schumer and Democrats balk at immigration talks in Senate. The US Senate voted 97-1 to open debate on immigration on Monday. President Trump issued for requirements for legislation he would support. Trump’s immigration proposal would increase visas for skilled immigrants, end chain immigration by limiting family visas to spouses and minor children, end the lottery […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Senator Tim Kaine Condemns Antifa Violence – After His Son Was Arrested in Antifa Riot

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Tim Kaine has released a statement denouncing the violence of the alt-left terrorist organization Antifa. “I condemn all violence at any political demonstration, including any violent activities by members of Antifa,” wrote Senator Kaine in a letter to independent journalist Remso W. Martinez. DNC deputy chairman Keith Ellison tweeted a photo in support of Antifa on January […]

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A Racist Con-Man: Obama’s Portrait Artist, Who Hires Cheap Chinese Labor To Paint “His” Work, Says “Kill Whitey” Is A Major Theme

The Gateway Pundit 

Since Obama’s portrait was unveiled, I’ve received a flurry of text messages from outraged artist friends I made while living in New York. No, they weren’t outraged because they saw Kehinde Wiley’s other painting that feature black women murdering white women. They were outraged because Kehinde Wiley is a terrible artist who only rose to prominence, something they have been […]

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New Details Emerge About Suspicious Letter That Sent Donald Trump Jr.’s Wife To The Hospital

The Gateway Pundit 

New details have emerged about the suspicious letter that sent Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa Trump, to the hospital Monday.  New York Post reports: The letter addressed to Donald Trump Jr. that contained a suspicious white powder and landed his wife in the hospital Monday said, “You’re an awful person and now you get what you deserve,” […]

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Sekulow: Susan Rice Wrote Memo Because They Knew ‘Someone’ Saw Their Meeting Take Place (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney Jordan Sekulow joined Shannon Breane on Monday night to discuss the Susan Rice memo released by the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier in the day. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. Rice wrote the email to herself on her […]

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Judge Napoloitano: Only One Person Could Have Told Susan Rice to Write Memo… Obama (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday Judge Napolitano joined Fox News host Martha MacCallum. During their discussion Judge Napolitano suggested the bizarre email Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent to herself on Obama’s last day in office was done in an effort to cover-up her former boss’s role in the plot to sabotage President Trump. On Tuesday morning […]

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Either Former FBI Director Comey or Former NatSec Advisor Susan Rice is Lying Based on Yesterday’s Email Released by Senator Grassley

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former NatSec Advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s inauguration day.   The email clearly implicates either Susan Rice or shamed former FBI Director James Comey in a lie! As reported yesterday by TGP’s Cristina Laila, […]

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TOM FITTON: Obama Was Given the Russian Dossier – “What Did He Know and Why Hasn’t He Been Questioned About It?” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Tom Fitton joined Sean Hannity tonight to discuss Barack Obama’s knowledge of the junk Russian dossier that was used to spy on the Trump Campaign and Trump Transition Team. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. Rice wrote the email […]

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Michael Flynn Jr Reacts to Bombshell Report Comey Told Congress General Flynn DID NOT Lie Under Oath

The Gateway Pundit 

James Comey reportedly told lawmakers last year that FBI agents who interviewed General Michael Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them. General Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn Jr. reacted to Byron York’s bombshell report on Monday. Deep state players Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on January 24, 2017, with an unannounced questioning of […]

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The Next Shoe To Drop?… Ex-Secret Service Agent Hints Andrew McCabe Was Caught Mishandling Classified Information

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino hinted to his nearly 320,000-strong Twitter followers that the next bombshell to drop could involve former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s mishandling of classified information.  “Here’s the next shoe to drop -> was Andy McCabe using secure comms to send/receive classified information? Someone should check on that,” tweeted Bongino. Here’s […]

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Hannity: Russia Is Currently Working to Shop Out at Least Four More Anti-Trump Reports to Deep State Operatives (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sean Hannity opened his Monday show with updates on the growing Deep State Trump spying scandal. On Friday The New York Times reported that US CIA spies last year paid $100,000 to a “shadowy” Russian promising dirt on Trump. American intelligence officers concluded the information they purchased was already publicly available by a hacking group […]

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PAPER: Former FBI Agent & Obama Cybersecurity Official On ‘Secret Mission’ To Verify Junk Steele Dossier

The Gateway Pundit 

A year after BuzzFeed published the now discredited Steele dossier, the news outlet that got its start churning out zany listicles, is on a ‘secret mission,’ to verify it.  Zerohedge reports: BuzzFeed has been paying a former top FBI and White House cybersecurity official to traverse the globe for the past six months on a secret mission […]

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Judge Napolitano: Susan Rice Email Likely Sent To Cover-Up Obama Role In Plot To Sabotage Trump (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Judge Napolitano joined Fox News host Martha MacCallum Monday night, suggesting the bizarre email Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent to herself was done in an effort to cover-up her former boss’s role in the plot to sabotage President Trump. .@Judgenap: "This is probably an effort by Susan Rice to reconstruct history to make Barack Obama […]

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Sarah Sanders TORCHES Liberal Press Pool ‘Look Around This Room, You’re the Ones Who Publish Classified Information’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fearless warrior Sarah Huckabee Sanders torched the liberal press pool on Monday after they showed faux outrage over which White House aides have security clearance. All of a sudden the liberal media is concerned about White House leaks? White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter announced his resignation last week amid allegations he beat his ex-wives. […]

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Новости России

Более 230 работодателей Москвы и Московской области получили субсидии за трудоустройство новых сотрудников по программе субсидирования найма

Ex-Secret Service Agent Drops Cryptic Tweet About Hillary Clinton ‘Gatekeeper’ Philippe Reines

The Gateway Pundit 

Did former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino just drop a clue about who is next to be implicated in the Steele dossier saga?  “@PhilippeReines is a police-state supporting hack and a disgrace, even by liberal standards,” tweeted Bongino. @PhilippeReines is a police-state supporting hack and a disgrace, even by liberal standards. — Dan Bongino (@dbongino) February […]

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REPORT: Dirty Cop Comey Told Lawmakers General Michael Flynn DID NOT Lie Under Oath

The Gateway Pundit 

James Comey reportedly told lawmakers last year that FBI agents who interviewed General Michael Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them. Deep state players Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on January 24, 2017, with an unannounced questioning of Trump official. Typically, a lawyer for the National Security Council would be […]

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Is Rosenstein’s Firing Imminent? Number 3 at DOJ Quit Over Fear She May be Asked to Oversee Russia Witch Hunt

The Gateway Pundit 

As previously reported, the third-highest ranking Justice Department official, Rachel Brand, is leaving her post, according to the New York Times. MSNBC video screenshot of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (L) and Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand (R) The New York Times reported last week: Rachel L. Brand, the No. 3 official at the Justice […]

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LEAK: Loretta Lynch, James Comey & Andrew McCabe in HOT SEAT as IG Investigation Nears End

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News contributor Sara Carter reports Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will wrap-up his investigation into the handling of the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation next month. Carter reveals the probe includes interviews with former top and current FBI and Justice Department officials.  Carter reports: According to several government officials, the scope of DOJ […]

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Ex-Prosecutor Reveals REAL REASON Schiff Memo Blocked: People at FBI & DOJ Are Under “CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION”

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump administration announced last week that they would not release the Schiff  memo unless national security and law enforcement concerns were met.  “Trump will not approve of releasing Dem memo, per person with knowledge. Instead, he will tell legislators that memo needs changes before it could be released,” reported the Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey. Trump will […]

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Susan Rice Memo Implicates Obama, the DOJ and FBI in Spying on Opposition Candidate Trump – Using Dirty FISA Warrants

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. Rice wrote the email to herself on her last day in office to document a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting between President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former […]

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