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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 28.02.2018

“Unleash the Dogs of War”: James Woods Weighs in After POTUS Trump Shreds AG Sessions

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday morning, President Trump slammed Attorney General Jeff Sessions for directing Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to probe Obama-era FISA abuses.  “Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the […]

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In Rare Move, AG Sessions Issues Response to Trump’s Twitter Fury

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday, President Trump slammed his AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions for neglecting his responsibilities as US Attorney General. President Trump lashed out at Sessions for asking the Inspector General to look into Obama era FISA abuse. Trump correctly states it “will take forever.” In a rare move, AG Sessions responded to President Trump’s Twitter […]

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GOP Rep Sends Letter to AWOL AG Sessions Urging Him to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate FISA Abuses, Hillary’s Sham Investigation

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep Lee Zeldin (R-NY) sent a letter to AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions Wednesday urging him appoint a Special Counsel to investigate FISA abuses and how/why Hillary’s probe ended and Trump’s Russia probe began. On Tuesday, AG Sessions told reporters the Department of Justice would investigate Obama’s FISA abuses. He then elaborated and said Inspector […]

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“Black People Unite!” After Proposal by Black Racist – South Africa Votes to Confiscate Land from White Farmers

The Gateway Pundit 

In 2011 South Africa youth leader Julius Malema told his supporters that the white farmer’s land must be shared by all black Africans. He was arrested for playing “Kill the Boer (white man)” song at his rallies. Julius Malema later founded the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party. Malema recently called for new […]

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WOW! ‘Foreign Government’ Hacked Obama’s Campaign – He Didn’t Do A Damn Thing About It

The Gateway Pundit 

On February 16th, the office of special counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” Reports of Russian meddling insensed the Democrats and mainstream media talking heads. These are the same people […]

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Is She Drinking Again? Hillary Clinton Sounds the Alarm ‘The Russians Are Coming’

The Gateway Pundit 

The Russians are coming! Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton sounded the alarm Wednesday from her Twitter account like a modern day Paul Revere. Russians under every bed! Hillary Clinton thinks the Russians are so dangerous that her State Department approved the sale of 20% of our Uranium reserves to the Russians after the Clinton Foundation […]

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Same Far Left Group That Designated Singing Nuns as Hate Group Is Censoring Content for YouTube

The Gateway Pundit 

Outrageous… The far left Southern Poverty Law Center has repeatedly placed the “Singing Nuns” on its hate group map. Here the Singing Nuns from Spokane sing “Ave Maria.” A typical hate group, huh? The Singing Nuns are traditional Catholic Sisters, members of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. In other words, they wear their full-length […]

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Senior White House Official Accuses John Podesta of Threatening Jared Kushner

The Gateway Pundit 

Senior White House official Dan Scavino, Jr. accused former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta of threatening Jared Kushner, a fellow senior White House official and also President Donald Trump’s son-in-law. Podesta wrote on Twitter Tuesday night that Kushner “better start wearing his kevlar on his back.” John Podesta, official White House photo via Wikipedia. […]

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Boom! POTUS Trump Slams AWOL AG Jeff Sessions for Asking IG to Investigate FISA Abuse – “Will Take Forever”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump slammed his AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions for neglecting his responsibilities as US Attorney General. President lashed out at Sessions for asking the Inspector General to look into Obama era FISA abuse. Trump correctly states it “will take forever.” We have no Attorney General. Jeff Sessions went AWOL the day after he was […]

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Narrative Fail: Americans Blame Florida School Shooting on Government Failures NOT Guns

The Gateway Pundit 

Nearly 60 percent of adults blame the Florida high school shooting on government failures and not on guns. On February 14th 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 adults and children at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida. The FBI was warned at least twice about the killers homicidal threats and local authorities visited the […]

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Dinner with Deep State: Former Top DOJ Official Tells All on Mueller, Comey, McCabe and Punk Peter Strzok

The Gateway Pundit 

Introduction: This interview took place this week between a Gateway Pundit reporter and a former Department head in the Department of Justice. The names were withheld due to privacy concerns. A former Department Head in the DOJ expressed his anger and shame with his former agency in an exclusive discussion with The Gateway Pundit. We […]

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Threat or Bad Word Choice? John Podesta Warns Jared Kushner to Wear Kevlar Vest

The Gateway Pundit 

John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign. posted a tweet Tuesday evening warning senior Trump administration advisor–and presidential son-in-law–Jared Kushner that he “better start wearing his kevlar on his back.” John Podesta, official White House photo via Wikipedia. Podesta made the comment about a Washington Post article hit piece on Kushner […]

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REPORT: Uranium One Informant Reveals Russians “Bragged About Bribing Clintons” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In a video report released Monday, veteran political pollster Dick Morris, revealed FBI informant William Campbell told congressional investigators that Russians involved in the Uranium One deal bragged about bribing the Clintons.  Credit: Dick Morris Morris reports: The lawyer for FBI informant William Campbell said that her client has told congressional committees that the Russians “bragged […]

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Dem Group Bullies College Club Over Gun Drawing

The Gateway Pundit 

The Oregon State University College Republicans are gearing up for their annual 2nd Amendment Week, where they host events featuring guest speakers, film showings, free CHL class for students, and other 2A related things. Part of the tradition is to hold a drawing for a variety of firearms related things, which usually includes an AR-15, […]

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Gregg Jarrett Rips AWOL Jeff Sessions: Did He Approve His Announcement with Rod Rosenstein First? (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday Attorney General Jeff Sessions shocked the world when he told reporters the Department of Justice will open an investigation into FISA abuses after Obama’s FBI, DOJ used Hillary’s phony dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. On Tuesday night Gregg Jarrett asked if Sessions OK’ed the announcement with […]

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OUCH. Facebook Proves Hillary Wrong With a Chart After She Floats Theory Her Campaign Paid Higher Prices For Advertisements Than Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton just won’t stop whining about her crushing 2016 election loss. On Monday, Crooked Hillary blamed social media for her election loss then called for censorship before the midterm elections. She also floated the theory that her campaign paid higher prices for Facebook advertising. Facebook responded with a chart showing Donald […]

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MYSTERY: Missing CDC Scientist Told Neighbor To Delete His Phone Number Before Vanishing

The Gateway Pundit 

The day before mysteriously disappearing, Center for Disease Control and Prevention scientist, Tim Cunningham, told a neighbor to tell his wife to delete his phone number from her cell phone, reports WHAS 11. Cunningham vanished February 12th after meeting with his supervisor, who explained to him why he was passed over for a promotion.  Atlanta Police Major Michael O’Connor released new […]

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Breaking: Possible Chemical Attack, 11 People Treated for Nose Bleeds, Burning Sensations after Suspicious Letter Opened at VA Base

The Gateway Pundit 

At least 11 people were treated for nose bleeds and burning sensations after a suspicious letter was opened at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington on Tuesday afternoon. The letter triggered a Hazmat situation on base. BREAKING: Letter opened at Virginia's Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall triggers hazmat situation; 11 fall ill https://t.co/xYMHIYa0OH pic.twitter.com/O1c5n1YXVi — Fox […]

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Donald Trump Jr. Zings Obama and Liberals in Tweetstorm

The Gateway Pundit 

Donald Trump Jr. is on a roll! The President’s oldest son hammered liberals from his Twitter account Tuesday.   Don Jr. laughed at Obama’s ridiculous claim of “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us.” 😂😂😂 https://t.co/z1kPSJaxyQ — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 27, 2018 On Tuesday, Trump reached a deal with Boeing corporation on […]

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Rockstar Ted Nugent Praises Michael Savage, Says “Lyin’ Dyin’ Feinstein” Can Be Defeated (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In an interview with Infowars’ Alex Jones Monday, rockstar Ted Nugent praised radio legend Michael Savage and said he believes there are enough ‘real Californians’ to turn the state red.  NUGENT: “Alex, I’m just a guitar player, but every elected employee in America knows exactly what the Nugent family demands, what we expect from them — […]

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Texas Sheriff Sends EPIC Memo To Department Amid Reports Broward County Deputy Refused To Engage Parkland Gunman

The Gateway Pundit 

Amid reports that Broward County deputy Scot Peterson refused to engage Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz, Denton County Sheriff Tracy Murphree sent a memo to his deputies, reminding them to take “immediate action in an active shooter situation.” “We do not stage and wait for SWAT, we do not take cover in a parking lot, and we […]

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