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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 22.02.2018

CNN Town Hall Crowd BOOS Pro-Second Amendment Rape Survivor (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Attendees of CNN’s town hall on the Florida high school shooting booed NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch as she brought up pro-second amendment rape survivor Kimberly Corban.  Daily Caller reports: Kimberly Corban was raped when she was under 21 years old and is an outspoken supporter of the Second Amendment, saying she wishes she could have tried […]

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DEEP STATE SCANDAL=> Robert Mueller STILL Relying on Hillary-Funded Phony Dossier as “Road Map” For Russia Witch Hunt

The Gateway Pundit 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still relying on Hillary’s phony Russia dossier as a “road map” for investigative leads, reports Paul Sperry. Paul Sperry reports via Real Clear Investigations: Special Counsel Robert Mueller is continuing to use a controversial 35-page dossier financed by the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign as a “road […]

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“This is Absolutely Insane”: CNN Fails To Press Broward Co. Sheriff Over New Report Local Police Knew Nikolas Cruz “Used a Gun Against People Before”

The Gateway Pundit 

A new CNN report reveals South Florida law enforcement knew Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gunman Nikolas Cruz had “used a gun against people,” months before the massacre.  CNN reports: Just months before Nikolas Cruz killed 17 at his former high school in South Florida, the host family who had taken him in immediately after […]

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CNN Accuses Hero Colton Haab of LYING ‘We Did Not Provide or Script Questions For Anyone in Last Night’s Town Hall or Ever’

The Gateway Pundit 

As TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks previously reported, Colton Haab opted out of participating in CNN’s anti-gun town-hall event on Wednesday evening — seemingly because his perspective does not fit the narrative they have been peddling. Haab is the brave 17-year-old member of the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps who ushered 60 to 70 people to safety […]

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Dem Rep. Opposes Ban on All Semi-Automatic Weapons Cheered at CNN Town Hall (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) told CNN host John Berman Thursday that he opposes a ban on all semi-automatic weapons cheered at the CNN town hall Wednesday evening.  Partial transcript below: BERMAN: “What was interesting there Congressman is the crowd of several thousand people cheered wildly at the notion of banning every semi-automatic weapon. You’ve proposed a ban […]

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Angry Students Storm Governor’s Office, Chant “Where’s Rick Scott?!” …He Was at Shooting Victim’s Funeral (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Angry high school students were driven over to the governor’s office in Tallahassee on Wednesday. The kids stormed the Florida governor’s office and started chanting, “Where’s Rick Scott?!” Happening Now: Students chant 'Where is Rick Scott? Where is Rick Scott?' inside Florida statehouse. pic.twitter.com/TFtlLd93tU — Fox News (@FoxNews) February 21, 2018 After they could not […]

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President Trump: Give Concealed Guns to Adept Teachers to Fire Back at the “Savage Sicko”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump went on a tweet storm on Thursday morning after meeting with law enforcement and victims of mass shootings this week at the White House. President Trump called out “Fake News @CNN and @NBC” for misconstruing his suggestions on how to better defend America’s schools and American children from deranged mass shooters. President Trump […]

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CPAC: Where Everyone Thinks Trump Supporters Are Nazis

The Gateway Pundit 

I started The Gateway Pundit in 2004 ought of love of country and the void of conservative voices online. I started out with two readers a day – my twin and a good friend Chris. During the 2016 election The Gateway Pundit had a million readers a day. In 2016 The Gateway Pundit was the fourth […]

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CNN Refused to Allow Florida Shooting Hero Colton Haab to Ask Questions at Town Hall That Didn’t Fit Their Narrative (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Though Parkland student Colton Haab is being recognized nationally as a hero, CNN opted to leave him out of Wednesday’s town-hall event on Wednesday evening — seemingly because his perspective does not fit the narrative they have been peddling. Haab is the brave 17-year-old member of the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps who ushered 60 […]

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School Shooting Survivor Cameron Kasky Likens Marco Rubio to Crazed Killer Nikolas Cruz (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Cameron Kasky, 17-year-old junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who survived the Parkland, Florida school shooting by a former student that killed 17 students and faculty last Wednesday ripped into Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) at a CNN town hall Wednesday night in Sunrise, Florida, telling Rubio he sees gunman Nikolas Cruz when he looks […]

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Lou Dobbs Breaks Silence After Fans Express Worry About Absence From Fox Business Network

The Gateway Pundit 

Pro-Trump host Lou Dobbs has been absent from his Fox Business Network program as of late and his legions of fans have begun to worry.  https://twitter.com/hyland114/status/966514639860391936 But where in the world is Lou Dobbs?You can tell us Bernie — Shek Yerbouti (@ShekYerbouti) February 22, 2018 That's good but question remains this is week 3 no Lou […]

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FIGURES. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama Praise Parkland Students For Pushing Gun Control

The Gateway Pundit 

Crooked Hillary and Michelle Obama crawled out of their holes Wednesday to praise the Parkland students for pushing gun control after mass shooter Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people last week. Figures. Of course our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the Parkland high school mass shooting, however; the left has used the traumatized […]

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Lawyer Gregg Jarrett Lists SIX WAYS Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe & Yates Are in “SERIOUS LEGAL JEOPARDY” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

During a live broadcast of “Hannity” from CPAC Wednesday evening, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett articulated why former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, are in “serious legal jeopardy.”   WOW! Fox Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett just roasted Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, […]

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CNN Fails to Disclose Former Handgun Control, Inc. Spokesman Role of Jake Tapper, Host of CNN Parkland School Shooting Town Hall

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s Jake Tapper, host of the town hall held Wednesday night in Sunrise, Florida on the February 14 Parkland school massacre worked in 1997 as a spokesman for Handgun Control, Inc., the precursor to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. CNN and Tapper have failed to disclose Tapper’s anti-gun activism in advance of the […]

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Breaking: Australian Labor Party Sent Operatives to Work Against Trump During 2016 Campaign …When Will They Be Indicted?

The Gateway Pundit 

It is well documented that the Australian Labor Party sent staffers to work against Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign. The story was well documented and raised a bit of a stink in Australia because the operatives were funded by Aussie taxpayers. When will Dirty Cop Robert Mueller indict these foreign nationals? This makes the […]

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Dirty Cop Mueller Investigating Whether Manafort Promised Chicago Banker Trump Admin Job in Exchange For Loans

The Gateway Pundit 

Mueller is on the march and he just hit former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort with new criminal charges, according to Reuters. Dirty cop Mueller is also investigating whether Manafort promised a banker a job in the Trump administration in exchange for loans. Because this has everything to do with Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 […]

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Chairman Nunes Trolls Adam Schiff After ‘Russian Bot’ Hysteria Reaches Fever Pitch ‘If You Are a Russian Bot Make This Article Go Viral’

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday, Chairman Nunes trolled Adam Schiff on Twitter after the Russian bot hysteria reached a fever pitch. Twitter was set ablaze late Tuesday evening after the social media platform restricted and locked thousands of conservative, pro-Trump accounts. Twitter users also experienced a huge drop in followers and used the hashtag #TwitterLockOut to discuss the […]

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Ex-Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Agent Drops TRUTH MOAB About “Gun-Free Zones”

The Gateway Pundit 

Amid a concerted effort by the mainstream media, Democrats and left-leaning groups to pressure Congress into passing gun control measures, former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino dropped a truth MOAB about gun-free areas.  “”Gun-Free Zones” are never gun-free for criminals,” tweeted Dan Bongino Wednesday. “Gun-Free Zones” are never gun-free for criminals. — Dan Bongino (@dbongino) February […]

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VIRAL VIDEO: Former Navy SEAL Gives Best Ever Defense of the AR-15

The Gateway Pundit 

Amid a concerted effort by the mainstream media, Democrats and left-leaning groups to pressure Congress into passing gun control measures, a 2016 video of former Navy SEAL Dom Raso explaining why AR-15s are “the best chance of surviving in an age of terror,” is making the internet rounds.  “The only way for us to stay free […]

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MSNBC Crank Claims Governor Rick Scott “Too Busy” to Meet With Students – Later Admits Gov Scott Was Attending Shooting Victim’s Funeral

The Gateway Pundit 

MSNBC reported Wednesday that Governor Rick Scott was “too busy” to speak with students causing the teens to storm his office, chanting “shame on you!” In reality, Governor Scott was attending a shooting victim’s funeral and agreed to speak with students later in the afternoon.   MSNBC’s Ali Velshi tweeted: BREAKING: students are in the […]

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Trump-Supporting Father Who Lost Daughter in FL Shooting and Was Tortured By Hateful Leftists — Meets President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday February 14, 2018, 19-year old Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen students and faculty were murdered in the mass shooting. On Wednesday a man named Andrew Pollack was photographed searching for his daughter, Meadow. Thursday Pollack said, “she’s gone” after finding out his daughter was killed by mass shooter […]

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In Case You Missed It=> EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines [VIDEO]

The Gateway Pundit 

We posted this article on Monday evening and received national headlines. Chelsea Clinton disapproved of the post. And on Wednesday I learned that I was kicked out of CPAC because my writer Lucian Wintrich posted this article. I must clear something up though. I actually know about the earlier discussions that were going on at […]

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