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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.02.2018

Crazy Adam Schiff Attacks POTUS Over Russian Trolls Interfering in 2016 Election – Twitter Responds

The Gateway Pundit 

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) continues to attack President Trump over Russian trolls posting memes to Facebook and Twitter during the 2016 election. Schiff is upset Trump refuses to impose sanctions on Russia; the only thing that would make these liberals happy would be a full blown war with Russia. […]

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Nancy Pelosi Heckled At Town Hall Event, Forgets Martin Luther King Jr. Quote (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi was met with opposition at a town hall in Phoenix after criticizing the recently passed Republican tax plan. The awkward moment began when Pelosi, who needed notes to remember a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, began claiming the tax plan will worsen income inequality in the U.S. “As Martin Luther […]

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Chairman Nunes Goes After Comey, Clapper, Brennan in Phase 2 of Trump Dossier Probe – THREATENS TO ISSUE SUBPOENAS

The Gateway Pundit 

GOP House Intel Committee members just launched phase two of their dossier probe. Chairman Nunes fired off an inquiry to many current and former intelligence, law enforcement and State Department officials Tuesday, Fox News’ Catherine Herridge reported. Nunes even threatened to issue subpoenas if he doesn’t receive a timely response on a voluntary basis. Via […]

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PAMELA GELLER: Social Media Censorship Panel at CPAC, with — Pamela Geller, James O’Keefe, Jim Hoft, James Damore, Harmeet Dillon, Dan Gainor

The Gateway Pundit 

I am so excited to announce today that CPAC has agreed to hold a panel discussion on Social Media Censorship — the most pressing issue facing conservatives today. PAMELA GELLER: Social Media Censorship Panel at CPAC — James Damore, Harmeet Dillon, Pamela Geller, James O’Keefe, Jim Hoft, Dan Gainor As published at Breitbart: This week […]

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WOW! Mueller Indicts London Lawyer Regarding Interview on His Work with Ukrainian Ministry — IN 2012!

The Gateway Pundit 

We are witnessing the most corrupt and expansive witch hunt in US history! The Salem witch trials have nothing on Robert Mueller! Robert Mueller was ordered to oversee the investigation into “any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may […]

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Judge Napolitano Weighs in On General Flynn Indictment: “Judge Sullivan Must Suspect a Defect in Guilty Plea” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Judge Napolitano weighed in on the recent developments in Mueller’s case against General Michael Flynn. Judge Nap says Judge Sullivan must suspect a defect in General Flynn’s guilty plea. Judge Napolitano: So Mike Flynn pleads guilty. A new judge comes in. It’s time for sentencing. Bob Mueller delays sentencing until May. That’s normal. You have […]

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TRUMP TWEET STORM: President Trump Takes on Obama for Not Taking Action Against Russian Election Interference

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump cut loose on Twitter again on Tuesday morning. The Republican president went off on Barack Obama again, the Democrat Party and the far left’s Russia collusion hoax. Trump hit Barack Obama on his Russia policy. I have been much tougher on Russia than Obama, just look at the facts. Total Fake News! — […]

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Here We Go… Liberal Lawmaker Compares Russian Collusion Hoax to 9-11 Terror Attack

The Gateway Pundit 

There’s something seriously wrong with this party. Democrats are now openly comparing the “Russian collusion” hoax to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Radical Muslims murdered 2,996 people in the attacks and destroyed the World Trade Center. Democrat Rep. Joaquin Castro compared those bloody attacks to the Russian collusion hoax. Democrats won’t be happy […]

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Veteran FBI Official: Mueller Indictment of 13 Russians Meant to Justify Existence and Salary of Special Counsel Witch Hunt

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” The 37-page indictment was a big fat nothingburger. Rosenstein admitted not one American had knowledge they were interacting with Russians […]

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SICK! Jim Carrey Tweets to Teen Survivor Graphic Cartoon of School Massacre With Anti-Trump Message

The Gateway Pundit 

Actor-comedian Jim Carrey created an anti-Trump work of ‘art’ showing bloody bodies of dead students killed in the Parkland, Florida, school massacre and tweeted it to a teen student survivor of the attack. The image shows President Donald Trump in silhouette on a golf course before a fairway littered with bloody bodies of children. Trump […]

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Hollywood Actor Tells Laura Ingraham to “Shut Up and Dribble These Nuts, B*tch” #MeToo

The Gateway Pundit 

This guy still has a Twitter account? Hollywood elitist Michael Rapaport told Laura Ingraham to “dribble on these nuts, b*tch.” This was after Laura Ingraham told LeBron James to stick with basketball. Michael Rapaport: “This is for Laura Ingraham, the cock-eyed FOX News with the Bobby Brown jaw who said that KD and LeBron James […]

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REPORT: Mueller Expands Witch Hunt to Jared Kushner’s Contacts With Chinese Investors During Trump Transition

The Gateway Pundit 

Mueller is on the march as he expands his witch hunt yet again. Rosenstein gave Mueller a broad jurisdiction so he is on a fishing expedition. Since Mueller has failed to find any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, he is now investigating Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner for his efforts to secure financing for his company from […]

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BREAKING: POTUS Trump Endorses Mitt Romney in Utah Senate Race

The Gateway Pundit 

In a late evening tweet Monday, President Trump announced his endorsement of Mitt Romney for the soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat of Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). The President tweeted: “Mitt Romney has announced he is running for the Senate from the wonderful State of Utah. he will make a great Senator and worthy successor to Orrin Hatch, and […]

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Звезды оперной сцены представят I Международный фестиваль «Мир классического романса»!

Columbine Survivor Proposes Necessary Expansion of Concealed-Carry in Schools

The Gateway Pundit 

A survivor of the horrific Columbine massacre, Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, is once again introducing legislation that would remove limitations on concealed carry in schools K-12. In the wake of the recent Florida shooting, many liberals, as well as some students, have called for tighter gun laws without taking in the reality of […]

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Photos=> Student School Massacre Survivors and CBS Reporter Party Like Rock Stars

The Gateway Pundit 

Shocking photos posted to Twitter of a CBS News reporter and students who survived last Wednesday’s high school massacre in Parkland, Florida that killed seventeen students and faculty, show the reporter and students laughing uproariously and posing for the photos like they are partying rock stars. The photos featuring CBS reporter Gisella Perez and the […]

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Busting the Russian Facebook Ad Hoax=> Russians Spent Total of $3,111 in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania During Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats and their dishonest mainstream media want you to believe the Russians hacked the election with a well financed and organized campaign to sway opinion in favor of Donald Trump. The Russians spent a total of $100,000 during and after the campaign on Facebook ads. Hillary Clinton had a lapdog media that favored her while […]

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EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines [VIDEO]

The Gateway Pundit 

As previously reported: In less than a week since they survived a mass murdering gunman attack on their school, two student who quickly became media stars of the Parkland, Florida school shootings are now media obsessed to the point they say they are snubbing an invitation to meet with President Donald Trump this Wednesday in […]

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President Trump Hammers Obama For Doing Nothing About Russian Meddling

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump hammered Barack Obama again on Monday for doing nothing about the Russian meddling up to and beyond the 2016 election. On Friday, the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … […]

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