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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 17.02.2018

Another Washington Post Reporter Attacks President Trump Over Hospital Visit to Parkland School Shooting Victims

The Gateway Pundit 

The Washington Post’s hatred of President Donald Trump is on full display this weekend as Post reporters attack Trump over his visit Friday night to Broward Health North Hospital where he and First Lady Melania visited with Parkland school shooting victims, their families and hospital staff. One reporter nastily wrote of Trump that he is […]

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Director Michael Moore Was Russian Pawn In Anti-Trump Protest At Trump Tower (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, the office of special counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” Investigators also found the Russians organized rallies against Trump in New York City and Charlotte.  According to court […]

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Video Resurfaces of Sheriff Serving Ultimate Dose of Reality About Media-Driven Mental Health Crisis After School Shooting

The Gateway Pundit 

Footage is making the rounds on Twitter of a press conference featuring Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich serving up the ultimate dose of reality to reporters following the September 14th shooting at Freeman High School in Rockford, WA. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich gives a dose of reality to the MSM and the U.S. as a whole. pic.twitter.com/xqbArHgZSX — […]

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Mob of 70 Antifa Anarchists Surround ICE Van in Los Angeles (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A mob of approximately 70 anarchists and open borders activists surrounded an Immigration and Customs Enforcement van with two agents inside on Thursday evening in Los Angeles. The incident took place outside the Metropolitan Detention Center in response to ICE arresting more than 200 illegal aliens throughout the city during a five-day operation. The mob […]

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YouTube Deletes Popular Journalist’s Video Criticizing the Media Over Falling for 4Chan Florida Shooter Hoax

The Gateway Pundit 

YouTube has removed a video by Tim Pool, a popular and award winning journalist, that criticized the mainstream media for falling for a 4Chan hoax that claimed the Florida school shooter was part of a white nationalist group. Youtube just removed my video criticizing the media for the Florida Suspect hoax and gave me a […]

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White House Blasts Washington Post Reporters for Ugly Report of Pres. Trump’s Visit With Parkland School Shooting Victims

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump, accompanied by First Lady Melania, visited paid a visit to Broward Health North Hospital in Florida Friday night where he visited with victims of the Parkland school shooting, their families and medical staff. Trump’s visit was attacked by the media and Obama administration officials who falsely accused Trump of only being at […]

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Hah! Jennifer Lawrence Cracks Joke When Asked if She Would Play Politician: “I Could Play Senator Warren as Pocahontas!”

The Gateway Pundit 

Actress Jennifer Lawrence was asked this week which politician she would like to play in a movie. The Oscar-winning actress shot back without hesitation, “I could play Senator Warren as Pocahontas.” Even Hollywood liberals know Senator Warren is a fake. Here’s the video… Jennifer Lawrence on playing a politician in a film: 'I could play […]

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Tom Fitton: Trump Was Victimized, Targeted by FBI, Clinton Campaign, Russian Operatives, Obama Admin and Fusion GPS (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Judicial Watch founder and President Tom Fitton hammered the corrupt Mueller investigation on FOX and Friends Weekend on Saturday morning. Tom blasted the corrupt Obama Justice Department and declared the Trump-Russia collusion investigation over after Friday’s sham announcement of the indictment of 13 Russians. Tom Fitton calls out the corrupt Justice Department on their criminal […]

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FBI Had Killer Nikolas Cruz’s Name From YouTube, Instagram, Facebook – Ignored It, Then Said They Could Not ID Him???

The Gateway Pundit 

Florida officials including Republican Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi joined local officials again Thursday morning in Parkland, Florida after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. During the Thursday morning briefing the local FBI chief made comments on the threat shooter Nikolas Cruz made on YouTube in 2017. Nikolas Cruz, […]

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FBI Had Killer Niklolas Cruz’s Name From YouTube, Instagram, Facebook – Ignored It, Then Said They Could Not ID Him???

The Gateway Pundit 

Florida officials including Republican Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi joined local officials again Thursday morning in Parkland, Florida after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. During the Thursday morning briefing the local FBI chief made comments on the threat shooter Nikolas Cruz made on YouTube in 2017. Nikolas Cruz, […]

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Will Deep State Now Indict Obama for Interference in Egyptian, Israeli, Kenyan and British Elections?

The Gateway Pundit 

The 13 Russian internet trolls have NOTHING on Barack Obama. On Friday the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a federal grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities for ID fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud from 2014 through the 2016 elections. The Russians launched pro-Trump […]

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Hilarious! Rush Limbaugh Rips Rosenstein During Presser: “This Is Absolutely Unreal… There’s Nothing Here!” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday the office of special counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities for ID fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud. In today’s nothing burge Mueller discovered that a Trump volunteer unwittingly provided Trump signs to a Russian “posing as a grassroots […]

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Eric Holder’s Reaction to Robert Mueller’s Indictment Proves the Left is Desperate

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” The 37-page indictment was a big fat nothingburger. Rosenstein admitted not one American had knowledge they were interacting with Russians […]

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TRUMP CURSE=> Skier Lindsey Vonn Fails to Medal in Her First Olympic Event in 8 Years After Trashing Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump curse hit leftie skier Lindsey Vonn yet again after she previously trashed the President. During an interview with CNN in December, Vonn said she does not compete for the president. When asked how it will feel “competing at the Olympic games for the United States whose president is Donald Trump?” Vonn responded with […]

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Obama Officials Attack Pres. Trump Over Hospital Visit to Parkland School Shooting Victims; Falsely Claim POTUS Only Spent Six Minutes With Victims

The Gateway Pundit 

How low will Democrats and the media go to undermine President Donald Trump? A new low was set Friday night with their Lying about how much time Trump spent visiting victims of the Parkland school shooting. Trump, accompanied by First Lady Melania, spent over thirty minutes at the hospital but was falsely accused of breezing […]

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WHOOPS: AP Admits They Ran #FakeNews About Nicholas Cruz Being White Nationalist, Issue Strange Semi-Retraction

The Gateway Pundit 

The MSM was so turned on when they thought school-shooter and garbage-person Nicholas Cruz was also part of a fringe white nationalist group in Flordia. Unfortunately for them, this was fake news given to them by a random 4Chan troll. Just hours after this false report came out, Tallahassee law enforcement said they have not found […]

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BREAKING: Mueller Hits Paul Manafort With New Allegations of Bank Fraud

The Gateway Pundit 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors hit Trump’s former campaign Chairman Paul Manafort with new allegations of bank fraud on Friday. Robert Mueller’s team is now focusing on Manafort’s real estate transactions and alleged mortgage fraud. These are separate allegations from Manafort’s October charges of money laundering and failure to file a FARA form. Politico reported: […]

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BREAKING: Broward County Sheriff’s Office Received 20 Calls Regarding the Killer (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office said Friday they had received 20 calls in the last few years regarding killer Nikolas Cruz. Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 individuals at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Wednesday, February 14, 2018, in Parkland, Florida. .@browardsheriff on Florida school shooting: "We have uncovered at the Broward Sheriff's Office that we've had […]

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Leaker Comey Brags About Upcoming Interview With George Stephanopoulos to Discuss New Book “A Higher Loyalty”

The Gateway Pundit 

Crooked cop Comey promoted his new book “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership” Friday morning on his Twitter account.  He also announced he would be sitting down for an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. This interview will be Comey’s first major appearance since President Trump fired him in May of 2017. Comey announced his book is […]

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Judicial Watch Chief Investigator Chris Farrell: Shut Down the FBI – Clean Out the Headquarters (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday morning the FBI admitted they did not follow protocol in investigating the violent threats posted online by Nikolas Cruz. The FBI also admitted they did not follow protocol on a second threat warning about Nikolas Cruz in JANUARY! FOX Business Network reported: Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 individuals at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, […]

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Tom Fitton Hammers Mueller Indictment: ‘Russian Troll Farms Pale in Comparison to Clinton-DNC-Obama Use of Dossier to Spy on Trump’

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” The 37-page indictment was a big fat nothingburger. Mueller has nothing on Trump’s camp yet the witch hunt […]

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Journalist Laura Loomer Interviews YouTuber Who Reported Mass Murderer Nikolas Cruz to FBI (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz, 19, carried out a mass shooting attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Classmates, teachers, and people who knew Cruz described him as a stereotypical school shooter who had a troubled pass, mental illness, and a liking for violence and killing animals. One day after the […]

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Crooked Hillary Attacks Gun Sellers After Florida Mass Shooting – Twitter Responds

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday afternoon, 19-year old Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen students and faculty were murdered in the mass shooting. On Friday morning the FBI admitted they did not follow protocol in investigating the threats posed by Nikolas Cruz. Then we learned the FBI was tipped off TWICE about Nikolas Cruz […]

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