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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 04.07.2018

Chuck Schumer Celebrates the Murder of Millions of Unborn Babies in July 4th Message

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) celebrated the murder of millions of unborn babies in his July 4th message on Wednesday. Americans across the country are celebrating America’s 242nd year of Independence from the British Crown. We are thankful God gave us our freedoms; the Constitution is the best […]

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BREAKING VIDEO=> “Abolish ICE” Loon Climbs Statue of Liberty on Independence Day …Update: Captured and Now in Custody

The Gateway Pundit 

A woman is climbing the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day. Here’s live video of the woman. NEW: Woman climbs base of the Statue of Liberty, prompting evacuation of Liberty Island. https://t.co/zcWsvnzvHF pic.twitter.com/zY5IauxGmk — ABC News (@ABC) July 4, 2018 WATCH LIVE: Person scales Statue of Liberty https://t.co/rilK3H2mIq — Melissa Griffin (@CaneCorsilover) July 4, 2018 […]

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BREAKING VIDEO=> Woman with “Abolish ICE” Protests Climbs Statue of Liberty on Independence Day

The Gateway Pundit 

A woman is climbing the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day. Here’s live video of the woman. NEW: Woman climbs base of the Statue of Liberty, prompting evacuation of Liberty Island. https://t.co/zcWsvnzvHF pic.twitter.com/zY5IauxGmk — ABC News (@ABC) July 4, 2018 WATCH LIVE: Person scales Statue of Liberty https://t.co/rilK3H2mIq — Melissa Griffin (@CaneCorsilover) July 4, 2018 […]

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Deep State DOJ Lawyer Who Helps Rosenstein Oversee Mueller Witch Hunt Stepping Down

The Gateway Pundit 

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein The highest ranking lawyer in the Justice Department and top aide to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Scott Schools, is stepping down from his position. Scott Schools helps Rosenstein oversee the ever expanding Mueller witch hunt. Scott Schools spent 27 years in the Department of Justice and will be replaced, […]

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UPDATE: Iranian Official Personally Gave Bomb to Terrorists to Blow Up Paris Conference with Top US Dignitaries

The Gateway Pundit 

The annual Free Iran Conference was held last Saturday in Paris, France. Nearly 100,000 supporters attended this year’s rally supporting a free and Democratic Iran. This is the largest convention of its kind in the world. This year The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft attended the massive conference. Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani led the bipartisan […]

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More Good News! Creepy Porn Star Attorney May Run for President against Donald Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

What a great Independence Day! Donald Trump is President of the United States. His approval numbers are up on Obama despite the constant attacks by the #FakeNews media. Trump continues to honor his promises. And now this… Porn star lawyer Michael Avenatti is talking about running for president against Donald Trump. It doesn’t get much […]

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American Donations to Charities Set Record in 2017 – Gifts Exceeded $400 Billion for 1st Time in History!

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Americans gifted more money to charities in 2017 than any other year in recorded history, surpassing more than $400 billion in donations! According to GivingUSA.org Americans set a record in giving in 2017 due to a booming stock market and a strong economy.  All together Americans gave an estimated $410.02 […]

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Results Matter: PRESIDENT TRUMP Tops Obama in Approval Numbers at Same Point in His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s approval rating on his second Independence Day is at 48% with likely voters. And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media. And after a month of anti-ICE protests by Democrats President Trump jumped 10 points with Hispanics in the recent Harris-Harvard poll. On Barack Obama’s second Independence Day — despite […]

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Happy Independence Day 2018! … Thank God for Our Freedoms

The Gateway Pundit 

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY 2017! Hope you have a safe and joyous holiday! Today we are fortunate that America has a leader who loves this country and her citizens. We are truly blessed. Don’t forget to bring out the American flags today… Happy Independence Day 20185! Celebrate with the American flag – Bring the kids to […]

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Lovely First Lady Melania Trump Visits Wounded Sgt. John Peck… Did She See What Is on the Back of His Wheelchair?

The Gateway Pundit 

Lovely First Lady Melania Trump surprised injured service members and their families with a visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Tuesday. The First Lady of the United States spent time speaking with Marine Corps Sgt. John Peck and others. I had a wonderful visit to @WRBethesda today. Thank you to the many […]

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After One Full Month of Unhinged and Violent Anti-ICE Protests — Trump’s Approval Jumps 10 Points WITH HISPANICS! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Another liberal protest turned violent today when far left immigration activists fought with police outside of the ICE building in Philadelphia. After a month of protests and calls to violence by Democrat leaders like Maxine Waters President Trump’s approval rating jumped 2 points on Real Clear Politics. And after a month of anti-ICE protests President […]

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Apologizes After Falsely Accusing Trump Supporter of Calling Latino Boy a ‘Dirty Mexican’

The Gateway Pundit 

MSNBC host Joy Reid has apologized for falsely accusing a Trump supporter of calling a 14-year-old Hispanic-American boy a “dirty Mexican” and saying he would be among the first to be deported. Reid falsely wrote about La Liberte to her hundreds of thousands of followers, ““He showed up to a rally to defend immigrants. … […]

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UN Report Blames Trump for “Poverty in US” …Using Data From the Obama Years

The Gateway Pundit 

The United Nations released a report earlier this month blaming President Trump for poverty in the US. They used data from the Obama years. Reuters ran with this fake news headline: Investors.com reported: An uncritical Reuters headline says it all: “America’s poor becoming more destitute under Trump: U.N. expert”. The Hill’s equally blase headline: “UN […]

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WINNING=> Trump Admin Moves to Rescind Obama-Era Affirmative Action Policies

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump administration is rescinding affirmative action policies put in place by the Obama administration that encouraged colleges to use race during the admissions process to promote “diversity” which of course means no white people or Asians. As usual, everything with Obama was about race. Attorney General Jeff Sessions cited “improper rulemaking” saying, “The American […]

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What Racism? Hollywood Actress Warns Fellow Elites That ICE May Soon Come For Their Cheap Help

The Gateway Pundit 

The American left is very concerned about President Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration. Hollywood actress Amber Heard warned fellow elites of the horrific world ahead without cheap illegal help. Amber Heard warned fellow elites to protect their housekeepers, nannies and landscapers. This tweet from @realamberheard is a straight up racist MACROagression. And ya know what? […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Даниил Медведев

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В Москве прошёл вечер памяти епископа Василия (Родзянко)