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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 25.07.2018

YouTube Hits Infowars with a Third Strike – Removes Videos with Trump’s Famous “The Snake” Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

For years Infowars has been a target by the left. Infowars was very influential during the 2016 election and because of this the left wants to destroy them. The American left is through discussing the issues. Now they want blood. YouTube took down two videos that included President Trump’s famous “the snake” speech. Sharia-compliant YouTube […]

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Dem Rep. Joe Crowley Says Families Who Crossed Border Illegally Should Be Financially Compensated (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

During a press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley stated that families that cross the border illegally should be financially compensated. Crowley was speaking to reporters about children who are separated from their parents when they are detained for crossing our border illegally when he made the shocking assertion. “The […]

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HUGE NEWS! TRUMP Secures Concessions From EU to Avoid Trade War (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday the man Donald Trump labeled a” brutal killer,” the top dog in the European Union, Jean Claude Juncker, took his stuff to the White House. European Commission spokesperson Margaritis Schinas said Wednesday’s talks between Juncker and Trump, would seek to “de-dramatize any potential tensions around trade.” For background on this important economic meeting […]

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REP. GAETZ: ‘Twitter Deliberately Targeting Me, Nunes, Meadows, Jordan For Shadowbanning’

The Gateway Pundit 

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called out Twitter Wednesday afternoon for targeting prominent GOP lawmakers such as Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows for shadowbanning. Twitter’s censorship goes beyond just targeting pro-Trump accounts, they are now actually targeting lawmakers who support the President. Last week, Rep. Gaetz shredded Twitter during a […]

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Hallelujah! American Christian Pastor Released After 21 Months in Turkish Prison *Updated*

The Gateway Pundit 

Pastor Andrew Brunson AMEN! An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow confirmed Wednesday that Pastor Andrew Brunson, an American from North Carolina, was finally released from a Turkish prison after he was arrested 21 months ago for the crime of “Christianization.” And Turkey is supposed to be an ally to the United States?? Jay Sekulow and […]

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Portland Protesters Hurled Racist Slurs, Screamed “F***ing N***er!” at ICE Officers for the Entire Month… But It’s OK Cuz They’re Leftists

The Gateway Pundit 

As TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks reported earlier this month Portland anti-ICE activists were caught on camera berating a black ICE agent and repeatedly referring to him as a “f–king n—-r.” The racist incident took place on Wednesday as a bus was leaving the ICE facility and several protesters had already been arrested. A protester can be […]

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Update: Man Arrested After Destroying Trump Star on Walk of Fame with Pick Axe

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday far left vandals again destroyed Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a pick axe. BREAKING! President Trumps star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was just destroyed. We’re following up on #2NEWSAM. pic.twitter.com/qiad6yIMCn — Ron Bird (@KUTVRon) July 25, 2018 Donald Trump’s star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame destroyed […]

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President Trump Slams Michael Cohen After CNN Airs Private Recording “What Kind of Lawyer Would Tape a Client?”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump unleashed on his former attorney Michael Cohen Wednesday morning for recording a private conversation between them. The FBI seized the recording during a pre-dawn raid of Michael Cohen’s home and office earlier this year. The Drudge Report ran a blistering headline Wednesday morning, calling Michael Cohen “THE RAT” after he flipped on Trump. […]

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DEVELOPING: GOP Lawmakers Aware of New Documents Related to Hillary’s Phony Dossier After Lisa Page Deposition

The Gateway Pundit 

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) are meeting with senior DOJ officials on Capitol Hill Wednesday to discuss the ongoing production of Spygate documents. According to Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, GOP lawmakers have discovered new documents related to […]

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WTH? Speaker Ryan Says GOP Lawmakers Ran on His “Better Way” Not Trump’s “Make America Great Again” Platform (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) joined FOX and Friends this morning to discuss the upcoming midterm elections. Ryan said he was confident about the November elections because the GOP Congress ran on his “Better Way” plan and they stuck to it. Ryan did not mention President Trump or his historic “Make America Great Again” platform. Speaker […]

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WATCH=> Speaker Paul Ryan Won’t Commit to President Trump’s $5 Billion Request for Border Wall (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaker Paul Ryan was asked on Wednesday morning if he will commit to President Trump’s request for $5 billion for the Trump border wall. Ryan waffled. President Trump ran his campaign on building a border wall to stop the flow of illegal immigration. So far Congress has denied him funding for the project despite passing […]

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LIST: The 35 Criminal and Destructive Acts by the Democrat Party, Deep State, Media and Never Trumpers to Gut America

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Last night Americans experienced another leak and another smear of President Trump from CNN.  This leak is a tape from the President’s lawyer which may have been taped illegally, which may have been initially stolen from the President’s lawyer by the Mueller team (to hell with attorney-client privilege) which  is […]

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US Morphs into Banana Republic Thanks to Obama, Democrats, Never-Trumpers, the Deep State, MSM, and Jeff Sessions

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Last night Americans experienced another leak and another smear of President Trump from CNN.  This leak is a tape from the President’s lawyer which may have been taped illegally, which may have been initially stolen from the President’s lawyer by the Mueller team (to hell with attorney-client privilege) which  is […]

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Another Liberal DC Restaurant Kicks Out Trump Youth Official – Jim Crow Is Back!

The Gateway Pundit 

Another day, another conservative is kicked out of a liberal establishment by intolerant leftists. Joey Cortese is the Communications Director for Students for Trump. On Tuesday night Joey Cortese was kicked out of the liberal Don Tito restaurant in Arlington, Virginia. Joey tweeted on this last night. Tonight I was kicked out of @dontitova because […]

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Dershowitz on Cohen Tape: Cohen Will No Longer Take a Bullet for the President, He May Well Fire a Bullet at Him (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday night CNN aired a private recording of President Trump discussing with his attorney Michael Cohen how they would purchase rights to Playboy model Karen McDougal’s story about their 2006 affair. President Trump did not know he was being recorded at the time of the call. The private recording is from a conversation between […]

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NY Times Hacks Smear Trump as ‘Raging Against Reality’ After Leaked Email Describes President Banning CNN From Air Force One TVs

The Gateway Pundit 

Mean girl New York Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Katie Rogers were full of glee Tuesday night as they ran with a smear of President Trump as ‘raging against reality’ based on a White House email leak that he demanded his order be obeyed that CNN not be shown on Air Force One televisions. Maggie […]

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NY Times Gossip Girl Reporters Smear Trump as ‘Raging Against Reality’ Over WH Email Leak of President Banning CNN From Air Force One TVs

The Gateway Pundit 

Mean girl New York Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Katie Rogers were full of glee Tuesday night as they ran with a smear of President Trump as ‘raging against reality’ based on a White House email leak that he demanded his order be obeyed that CNN not be shown on Air Force One televisions. Maggie […]

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

Confirmed: Twitter Censors Pro-Trump Accounts: Mike Cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson, TGP’s Jim Hoft, Jack Posobiec …But #NeverTrump Accounts Not Blocked

The Gateway Pundit 

It’s common knowledge that Facebook censors and shadow-bans conservative websites, especially pro-Trump conservative websites. A Gateway Pundit June study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites. But it’s not just Facebook that is blocking pro-Trump publishers. Twitter is also censoring pro-Trump accounts. But anti-Trump and […]

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BREAKING: CNN Airs Private Trump-Cohen Recording (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN aired a private recording of President Trump discussing with his attorney Michael Cohen how they would purchase rights to a Playboy model Karen McDougal’s story about their affair. The private recording is from a conversation between Trump and Cohen in September of 2016; Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis provided the recording to CNN. The Playboy […]

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Ben Shapiro Loses Debate Defending Disgraced Perverted Disney Director James Gunn

The Gateway Pundit 

Debating Ben Shapiro’s Unprincipled Position on Disgraced Disney Director James Gunn By Ali Alexander and Jonathan Lockwood “A man may be judged by his standard of entertainment as easily as by the standard of his work,” preached arch-conservative commentator Ben Shapiro in his gospel Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism is Corrupting Our Future. These words […]

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VFW Berates Veterans for Booing Media at President Trump Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

The Veterans of Foreign Wars fragged its own veteran members for booing the media during President Donald Trump’s speech Tuesday to their annual convention being held in Kansas City, Missouri. The VFW posted two statements to Twitter Tuesday afternoon attacking veterans for booing the media. The first was in response to Military Times deputy editor […]

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John McCain BOOED LOUDLY at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Dinner (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit is taking place this week at George Washington University in Washington, DC. On Tuesday Senator Paul was speaking at the TPUSA dinner when he dragged Senator John McCain for voting “no” on repealing Obamacare. The crowd of high school students went wild and booed loudly. John McCain voted […]

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