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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 31.07.2018

Facebook Removes Fake Accounts That Were Trying to Interfere in Midterm Elections – Not Able to Confirm If Russia Was Involved

The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook announced on Tuesday that the company has deleted several fake accounts that were “trying to interfere” with the midterm elections. Facebook added that they were not able to confirm if Russia was involved with the accounts. Facebook identifies political influence campaign, not conclusively tied to Russia: NYT from CNBC. The Facebook pages in question […]

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#OccupyICE Protesters Temporarily Shut Down DHS/ICE Operations in Florida

The Gateway Pundit 

Operations were temporarily shut down at Tampa’s office of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency after six #OccupyIce protesters locked themselves together by their necks to block the entrance, according to a press release from the activists. The press release states that “after 11 days occupying the entrance of the building, Occupy ICE […]

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President Trump Approval Rating is 4 POINTS HIGHER Than Media Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

Despite the continued media hysterics over the past several months including the meltdown after President Trump said kind words to Vlad Putin — the US president’s approval rating remains unchanged since May. Trump's approval rating remains basically unchanged since May 1st… think about how many times the media has freaked out about something over the […]

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Senate Democrats Escalate Battle to Stall Kavanaugh Confirmation

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Democrats are escalating their battle to delay Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. The Dems are requesting a long paper trail of Kavanaugh’s work going back to the Bush Administration. On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) even taunted Republican Senators pushing back on the ridiculous requests, asking, “What are they hiding?” […]

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Idiot Democrat at ICE Hearing Says Only Reason It’s Illegal for Anyone to Waltz Into Country Is Because of Trump (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Senate Judiciary Committee under the direction of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) held a hearing Tuesday on ICE and family detention centers. Democrats are very upset that families who enter the US illegally are broken up. Democrats are always supporting their constituents in the illegal alien community. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) played the fool at […]

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JUDICIAL WATCH: New FBI Emails Reveal Peter Strzok Insisted on Retaining Declassification and Special Authorities For Mueller Assignment

The Gateway Pundit 

Peter Strzok Judicial Watch obtained 14 pages of FBI documents revealing Peter Strzok requested he retain his declassification and other authorities after he was reassigned to Special Counsel Mueller’s team to investigate Trump-Russia collusion. This is further proof the migration of people from Hillary’s sham investigation to the ‘get Trump’ Mueller investigation was designed to […]

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Washington Post Continues to Peddle Fake News Russian Conspiracies… Will Facebook Ever Flag Their Bullsh*t Content?

The Gateway Pundit 

The Washington Post continues to push BS conspiracy theories that Russia helped President Trump win the 2016 election. There is no proof to back up this conspiracy, that was originally pushed by the Clinton campaign and Obama administration, back in 2016. There has however been been real evidence of the Obama Deep State spying on […]

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Billionaire Charles Koch Trashes Trump, Says Trump Tariffs are “Unfair to Foreigners”

The Gateway Pundit 

Billionaire Charles Koch attacked President Trump this past weekend during a conference with donors. Koch said President Trump’s tariffs were “unfair to foreigners.” Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports to protect American jobs. This upsets Charles Koch. President Trump responded to the “globalist” Koch brothers on Tuesday. The globalist Koch Brothers, who have […]

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Facebook Eliminates Conservative Pages in Brazil Too — Just Weeks Before National Election

The Gateway Pundit 

It’s been widely reported by this website that Facebook has eliminated the traffic to top conservative websites in the United States. A Gateway Pundit June study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites. Facebook began eliminating conservative content after the 2016 election. Here are the […]

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Jordanian National Arrested for Smuggling Six Yemenis Across US Open Border with Mexico

The Gateway Pundit 

Jordanian national Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was arrested this week for allegedly smuggling six Yemenis across the open US border with Mexico. Aldairi was arrested for his smuggling trips across the Texas border with Mexico. The Daily Caller reported: A Jordanian national who allegedly smuggled six Yemeni citizens across the U.S.- Mexico border was arrested […]

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FEARLESS! Ron DeSantis Proudly Displays His Support for Trump in New Ad — Builds Border Wall with Kids (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is running for governor of Florida. The pro-Trump Republican is leading in the primary against his fellow Republicans by a wide margin since President Trump endorsed him. In his latest ad Rep. DeSantis proudly displays his support for President Trump. In the ad Rep. DeSantis is shown building a border wall […]

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Democrat Candidate for Governor Is Dead Broke, Owes $77,522 in Credit Card Debt, and Wants to Run Georgia Economy

The Gateway Pundit 

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams became the first black female candidate to win a major party primary for governor in May. Stacey Abrams was the guest of honor at the Democrat “Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party” at the party’s annual spring conference. Abrams and fellow Democrats want reparations for blacks and free college for all […]

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Trump-Hating Congressional Candidate Calls First Lady Melania Trump a “Hoe Bag”….Update: Twitter OKs the Tweet

The Gateway Pundit 

Mark Roberts Twitter avatar Update: Mark Roberts’ tweet is still up 24 hours later; Twitter has taken no disciplinary action against the Congressional candidate. Mark Roberts is running for Congress in Oregon’s 2nd Congressional district as an Independent. Roberts is a rabid Trump hater and took his attacks to the First Lady on Monday. Classy. […]

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Trump-Hating Congressional Candidate Calls First Lady Melania Trump a “Hoe Bag”

The Gateway Pundit 

Mark Roberts Twitter avatar Mark Roberts is running for Congress in Oregon’s 2nd Congressional district as an Independent. Roberts is a rabid Trump hater and took his attacks to the First Lady on Monday. Classy. On Monday, TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk tweeted about First Lady Melania Trump using far less fewer staffers than Michelle Obama did. […]

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Border Patrol President Brandon Judd: I Support Shutting Down Government for Border Security (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Border Patrol President Brandon Judd joined Lou Dobbs to discuss the remarks by President Trump that he will shut down the government if Republicans and Democrats do not send him a spending bill that pays for the wall. Brandon Judd agrees with the president. He told Lou, “I Support Shutting Down Government” for the Wall. […]

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CBS News Slobbers Over Obama-Biden Sighting at DC Bakery “America’s Favorite Bromance Continues”

The Gateway Pundit 

CBS “News” slobbered over “America’s favorite bromance”–Obama and Biden spotted at Dog Tag Bakery in Georgetown Monday. After they made their purchases, the former president and VP smiled for photos and shook hands with patrons and fans, CBS cheerfully reported. Imagine CBS running an article anywhere close to this to describe a ‘surprise’ visit to a […]

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Despite Media Hysterics Trump’s Approval Remains Unchanged – And He Is Still 3 Points Ahead of Obama at Same Point In His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

Despite the continued media hysterics over the past several months including the meltdown after President Trump said kind words to Vlad Putin — the US president’s approval rating remains unchanged since May. Trump's approval rating remains basically unchanged since May 1st… think about how many times the media has freaked out about something over the […]

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The List of Times the Media Has Called for Violence Against Trump or His Supporters Is Mind-Blowing!

The Gateway Pundit 

On Sunday New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger complained to President Trump about “potential” violence against reporters. The New York Times has ignored the hundreds of violent attacks against Trump supporters. There have been over 538 violent attacks against Trump supporters since the 2016 election season. The liberal mainstream media has ignored these violent attacks. […]

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