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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 11.07.2018

BREAKING REPORT: Top Hillary Aide Huma Abedin Gave False Statements to FBI Agents in 2017 Interview

The Gateway Pundit 

Huma Abedin gave false statements to FBI agents in 2016 AND 2017, yet she was never charged. The FBI previously declassified Huma’s 302 summary from her 2016 interview with Peter Strzok and David Laufman. Hillary’s ride-or-die aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills both lied to Strzok and Laufman. Abedin lied to Strzok in her 2016 […]

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MAYHEM IN PORTLAND=> Federal Officers Pepper Spray Anti-ICE Protesters WITH NO MERCY (VIDEOS)

The Gateway Pundit 

MAYHEM IN PORTLAND. Federal Officers unleashed on anti-ICE protesters in Portland Wednesday and pepper sprayed the heck outta them. Eight protesters were arrested at the ICE building in Southwest Portland, reported KOIN 6 News. A spokesman for the division responsible for protecting the ICE building in SW Portland said protesters threw objects at federal officers […]

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Jim Jordan Goes Off! Fake News CNN Contacts Over 100 of His Former Staff and Interns Looking For Dirt

The Gateway Pundit 

Representative Jim Jordan was slandered over the past week for allegedly ignoring a now dead doctor’s advances on his wrestlers when he was an assistant coach over 20 years ago. The story appears to be another hit piece from the slanderous left and media elites. The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins […]

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BREAKING: Dead Woman Found In Huma Abedin’s Dumpster at New York Building

The Gateway Pundit 

A dead woman has been found in the dumpster at the the apartment of Hillary Clinton’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin. The body was found by one of the Manhattan apartment building’s maintenance workers inside the trash compactor and reported to police, according to The Daily Mail. YourNewsWire Reports: The unidentified female was discovered inside the trash […]

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Goes Full Commie Dictator: Announces ‘New Rule’ Barring Trump Tax Cut Supporters From Healthcare Debate

The Gateway Pundit 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez channeled her inner Fidel Castro on Twitter Tuesday with a statement announcing a “New Rule” that bars supporters of the Trump tax cuts from speaking out about America’s healthcare system. Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez became a media darling last month after her surprise primary victory over Rep. Joe Crowley, the fourth most powerful Democrat […]

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Speaker Ryan Threatens Lisa Page with Contempt of Congress

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday night Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her legal counsel announced she will not appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday despite a Congressional subpoena. The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Lisa Page to appear in a closed-door interview Wednesday. But just like every other Deep State operative, Lisa Page believes she’s above the law. Page’s lawyer […]

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House Freedom Caucus and 14 Former OSU Wrestlers Stand in Support of Jim Jordan Against Revolting Liberal Smear Machine

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Representative Jim Jordan was slandered over the past week for allegedly ignoring a now dead doctor’s advances on his wrestlers when he was an assistant coach over 20 years ago. The story appears to be another hit piece from the slanderous left and media elites. The Hill reported today that […]

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ARREST HER NOW! Lisa Page Lied — Her Team DID REVIEW Requested Documents at FBI on Tuesday

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday night Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her legal counsel announced she will not appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday despite a Congressional subpoena. The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Lisa Page to appear in a closed-door interview Wednesday. Page’s lawyer argued her client wasn’t given enough time to prepare for the […]

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FOX News #NeverTrumper: Trump will Fly into NATO like a Seagull and “Defecate All Over Everything” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News politics editor Chris Stirewalt was an early and vocal #NeverTrumper. He never missed a chance to crap on Donald Trump — And, like many #NeverTrumpers, he continues to attack the popular and successful American president. On Tuesday Stirewalt said in an appearance on FOX News that it is futile for GOP senators to […]

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US Small Cap Stocks Thrive in Trump Economy – Russell 2000 Set 23 New All-Time Highs in First Half of 2018 Alone

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Just because the MSM won’t report it doesn’t mean it’s not happening! The Russell 2000 comprised of 2000 small cap stocks, has reached 23 new all time highs in 2018 alone! The Russell 2000 is a major index of US small cap stocks recognized throughout the financial industry. The 2000 […]

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NATO Chief Credits Trump with Increased Member Funding – Trump Points to Media, “They Won’t Report This” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump once again attacked our NATO allies during a Wednesday morning breakfast with the current Secretary General of the NATO Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg. At one point Secretary General Stoltenberg credited Trump for increased spending by alliance members. The president’s response was classic Trump. President Trump: It’s a very small amount of money to what […]

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Watch: Trump Blasts NATO Allies in Tense Exchange, Says: “Germany Is Totally Controlled by Russia” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump targeted Germany on Wednesday during a tense exchange at a breakfast meeting. President Trump said it is not fair to American taxpayers that Germany buys oil and gas from Russia while enjoying the umbrella of defense provided by U.S. dollars. “Germany is a captive of Russia,” he said, pointing out that the […]

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BETTER THAN EXPECTED: Trump Has Slashed Refugee Resettlement To The U.S. By 66 Percent Under Obama

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout: Trump frequently spoke on the campaign trail about slowing down the number of refugees coming into the United States. He promised to cut the number and so far he has delivered more than expected. The Washington Examiner reported: Trump beats promise to cut new refugees, down 66% […]

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House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte Releases Statement on Lisa Page: “We Will Use All Tools at Our Disposal to Obtain Her Testimony”

The Gateway Pundit 

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page Will Not Appear Before House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday Despite Congressional Subpoena– The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Lisa Page to appear in a closed-door interview Wednesday. Page’s lawyer is arguing her client wasn’t given enough time to prepare for the interview, therefore she will not be showing up […]

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TODAY’S LIBERAL MEDIA: CBS-Showtime Mocks Disabled Vets – Netflix Celebrates a “Salute to Abortion”

The Gateway Pundit 

There is something very dark and evil about the American left. CBS-Showtime is set to air a special mocking disabled vets. “Evil” British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen duped Sarah Palin into sitting for an interview with a disguised Cohen. Then Cohen dropped Palin and her daughter off at the wrong DC airport so they would […]

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

GOP Leaders Meadows, Jordan, DeSantis BLAST Deep State Lisa Page For Not Appearing Before Congress

The Gateway Pundit 

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page Will Not Appear Before House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday Despite Congressional Subpoena– The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Lisa Page to appear in a closed-door interview Wednesday. Page’s lawyer is arguing her client wasn’t given enough time to prepare for the interview, therefore she will not be […]

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BREAKING: FBI Attorney Lisa Page Will Not Appear Before Judiciary Committee on Wednesday Despite Subpoena

The Gateway Pundit 

FBI lovebird Lisa Page Will Not Appear Before House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday Despite Congressional Subpoena– Rep. Ron DeSantis tweeted this out minutes ago. Anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page is defying a congressional subpoena because she doesn’t want to answer questions or be held accountable. Pathetic. — Ron DeSantis (@RepDeSantis) July 11, 2018 Lisa Page […]

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Baby Sadiq Khan Balloon Fundraiser BLOWS PAST Baby Trump Balloon Fundraiser Despite ZERO MEDIA COVERAGE

The Gateway Pundit 

The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, approved an ‘angry baby’ Trump blimp to fly near the Parliament for two hours on July 13th during the President’s visit to the United Kingdom. Ironically, the group behind this angry baby Trump blimp refer to themselves as ‘anti-fascists.’ Sadiq Khan’s spokesman said the Mayor approved the blimp […]

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LEFTISTS ERUPT After Elderly Hispanic Man Beaten, Told “Go Back to Your Home Country” …But Wait Until You See the Attacker!

The Gateway Pundit 

Rodolfo Rodriguez A 92-year-old Hispanic man named Rodolfo Rodriguez was severely injured after he was attacked by a black woman and beaten with a brick last week. Fake News WaPo ran a story titled, ‘Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man with a brick, tells him to “go back to your country”‘ Buried four paragraphs down […]

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Activists Sully Second Anniversary of Seth Rich Murder with Batsh*t Crazy Press Conference

The Gateway Pundit 

Tuesday was the second anniversary of the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. On Monday The Gateway Pundit announced that a witness was going to step forward to identify his killers. After reviewing the information from the press conference we cannot support these claims revealed today On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit reporter Alicia Powe went […]

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