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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 26.07.2018

Chairman Nunes: House Intel Panel Investigating Whether ‘Informants’ Gathered Info on Trump, Russia Prior to Authorization

The Gateway Pundit 

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said in an interview with The Hill that the House Intel Panel is investigating whether spies informants gathered information on Trump and Russia before they were authorized to do so in July of 2016. “It’s one of the outstanding questions that we have for the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. We’ve […]

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Christian Pastor: Facebook Censors Bible Verse “John 3:16” and “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ”

The Gateway Pundit 

Popular Christian Pastor Steven Andrew says Facebook has shadow-banned and censored his Bible verse posts. Pastor Andrew says his posts with “John 3:16” and “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ” were banned by Facebook. He has lost close to 5 million readers a month since Facebook changed their algorithm. Pastor Andrew says, “Christianity is not fake […]

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Illegal Alien Shoots Florida Police Officer in the Head – ICE Files Detainer (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Haitian immigrant who shot Florida police officer Adam Jobbers-Miller in the head is in the US illegally. ICE officials have filed a detainer against Wisner Desmaret from Haiti. Authorities arrested Wisner Desmaret numerous times but didn't inform immigration officials about him. https://t.co/cApmeOIsct — Shattera Heart (@shatteraheart) July 26, 2018 Police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller was […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook’s dramatic death spiral continued into Thursday after the social media giant took a beating Wednesday. It turns out spying on your users, forcing crappy left-wing propaganda into people’s timelines and eliminating 93% of conservative content isn’t a winning strategy for a ‘social media’ company. The Drudge Report ran a searing headline Thursday scorching Zuckerberg, “HOW […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook’s dramatic death spiraled continued into Thursday after taking a beating Wednesday. It turns out spying on your users, forcing crappy left-wing propaganda into people’s timelines and eliminating 93% of conservative content isn’t a winning strategy for a ‘social media’ company. The Drudge Report ran a searing headline Thursday scorching Zuckerberg, “HOW LOW WILL IT […]

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Chairman Nunes: ‘Redacted Portions of Carter Page FISA Docs Even Worse Than What the American People Can See Today’

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said in an interview with The Hill, which aired on Thursday, that what is redacted in the Carter Page FISA docs is even worse than what the public has already seen. “What’s in the redactions is equally bad, some would probably say worse than what the American people can […]

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SHUT IT DOWN=> Dirty Cop Mueller Now Investigating Trump’s Tweets in Wide-Ranging Obstruction Inquiry

The Gateway Pundit 

SHUT IT DOWN. Dirty cop Robert Mueller is now investigating President Trump’s tweets in a wide-ranging obstruction of justice inquiry. What the hell does this have to do with supposed collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election? Where is AG Sessions?? The New York Times reported: For years, President Trump […]

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Germany to Offer Asylum to Controversial ‘White Helmet’ Group, Outraged MPs Ask Why Not Julian Assange or Tommy Robinson?

The Gateway Pundit 

Germany’s decision to take in members of the controversial group the White Helmets has sparked outrage among lawmakers, some of whom are now demanding to know why the government isn’t offering to take in Julian Assange or Tommy Robinson instead. The ‘White Helmets” are a controversial group of propaganda filmmakers in Syria accused of being […]

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Germany to Offer Asylum to White Helmets, Outraged MPs Ask Why Not Julian Assange or Tommy Robinson?

The Gateway Pundit 

Germany’s decision to take in members of the controversial group the White Helmets has sparked outrage among lawmakers, some of whom are now demanding to know why the government isn’t offering to take in Julian Assange or Tommy Robinson instead. Responding to German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announcing that they will be granting asylum to […]

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National Disgrace=>AWOL AG Jeff Sessions DEFENDS Dirty Cop Rod Rosenstein After Impeachment Move

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday a group of 11 House Republicans introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The articles accuse Rosenstein of intentionally withholding documents and information from Congress, failure to comply with congressional subpoenas and abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. On Thursday AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions, arguably the worst Attorney […]

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*Ugh* Paul Ryan Defends Rod Rosenstein – House Will Not Vote on Rosenstein Impeachment Today (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaker Paul Ryan held a press conference Thursday and said he does not support the impeachment of DAG Rod Rosenstein. Paul Ryan said he supports oversight of the Executive branch but refuses to actually do something about Rosenstein’s continued stonewalling and intimidation tactics. “Do I support impeachment of Rod Rosenstein? No I do not,” Paul […]

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Zero-Tolerance Policy on Illegal Immigration is on Same Spectrum as ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

The Gateway Pundit 

Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has claimed that President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance policy on illegal immigration is on the same spectrum as ethnic cleansing. Appearing on the podcast “In The Thick” on Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez discussed why she decided to run for Congress and what the future will bring for her and the Democratic Party. Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Trump's zero-tolerance […]

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Obama’s Russian Ambassador McFaul (Whom Putin Wants to Interview) Is Pictured with Russian Attorney Veselnitskaya Who Set up Donald Trump Jr.

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft What was President Obama’s former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul up to? As a result of the meeting in Helsinki between President Trump and Russian President Putin the following was reported – Russian prosecutors have named the former US ambassador in Moscow as a person of interest in an investigation […]

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Obama’s Russian Ambassador McFaul (Who Putin Wants to Interview) Is Pictured with Russian Attorney Veselnitskaya Who Set up Donald Trump Jr.

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft What was President Obama’s former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul up to? As a result of the meeting in Helsinki between President Trump and Russian President Putin the following was reported – Russian prosecutors have named the former US ambassador in Moscow as a person of interest in an investigation […]

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SHOCK VIDEO: HUNDREDS of African Migrants Storm Border with Spain – Attack Guards with Sticks and Flame Throwers

The Gateway Pundit 

Hundreds of African migrants armed with sticks and homemade flamethrowers broke through the border fence in the Spanish town of Ceuta, in northern Africa. According to local media more than 100 migrants and 22 border agents were injured in the brawls. Russia Today reported: Hundreds of migrants armed with sticks and homemade flamethrowers broke through […]

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VIDEO PROOF: President Trump’s Twitter Page Is Being Censored

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter has long been accused of censoring conservatives. A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter is censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers. Twitter is targeting pro-Trump Republican lawmakers Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunes, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and John Ratcliffe with the same shadowbanning technique. Twitter is also censoring prominent pro-Trump accounts including: […]

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President Trump Warns Twitter: “Shadow Banning” Prominent Republicans Not Good – We Will Look Into Discriminatory and Illegal Practice

The Gateway Pundit 

A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter is censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers. Twitter is targeting pro-Trump Republican lawmakers Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunes, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and John Ratcliffe with the same shadowbanning technique. Twitter is also censoring prominent pro-Trump accounts including: Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Paul Joseph Watson, TGP’s […]

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Latest Poll Finds Today’s Democrat Party Scares the Hell Out of Voters

The Gateway Pundit 

The latest NBC-Wall Street Journal poll finds that today’s Democrat party scares the hell out of voters. With party leaders like Maxine Waters pushing violence and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing Socialism, Americans are turning away from the radical far left party. More than 56 percent of voters find the Democrat Party out of step with American […]

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GOP Lawmaker Gaetz May File Complaint with FEC Over Twitter’s Censoring of Prominent Conservatives

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told the Daily Caller he is considering filing a FEC complaint over Twitter’s preferential treatment of liberals versus its censoring of prominent conservatives. Via Mike Cernovich: “I am contemplating a complaint with the FEC, because if my political opponents have better access to the Twitter platform than I do, that’s no […]

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Judicial Watch: House Republican Leadership Is HORRIFIED of Holding Maxine Waters to Account

The Gateway Pundit 

In June Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) declared war on Republicans and called on Democrats to verbally assault and harass Republicans where ever you find them. Leftist violence, threats, harassment, menace getting out of control. @JudicialWatch takes stand, filing ethics complaint against Maxine Waters for incitement against @RealDonaldTrump cabinet. https://t.co/Ewh9X9yjbH pic.twitter.com/K2WdPuem1p — Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) July […]

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Maxine Waters Jumps Shark – Says Trump Is Employing Racist Tactics He’s Gotten from Putin and the Kremlin

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump was right. President Trump traveled to Great Falls, Montana this month for a rally for GOP candidates Matt Rosendale and Rep. Greg Gianforte. During his speech Trump acused Democrat leader Maxine Waters has an IQ “somewhere in the mid-60s.” Trump was right! On Wednesday crazy Maxine Waters told CNBC President Trump was employing racist […]

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Facebook Eliminates 93% of Traffic to Top Conservative Sites — Stocks Plunge 24%

The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook stock slid 24% Wednesday after disappointing quarterly results. The controversial social media giant is losing new users. CNBC reported: The tech-heavy Nasdaq was set for a big down day Thursday after disappointing quarterly results from Facebook sent the social media giant hurtling toward its biggest share price decline ever and on track to lose […]

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