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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 07.09.2018

BREAKING: Trump Campaign Volunteer George Papadopoulos Sentenced to 14 Days in Prison After Being Set Up By Deep State

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, former Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, a $9,500 fine and 200 hours of community service. George Papadopoulos may receive two days credit of time served so he might only serve 12 days in prison, reported OANN’s Jack Posobiec. Papadopoulos was caught up in […]

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Barack Obama’s Friday Attacks on Trump Were Purposeful – He Knows He Will Soon Be Exposed in Spygate

The Gateway Pundit 

For decades there was a tradition in American politics that presidents would not attack their predecessor. But Obama is not one for tradition, especially American tradition, which he despises. (Which is a complete joke.) On Friday morning Barack Obama attacked President Trump and tried to take credit for Trump’s booming economy. But there may be […]

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Boom! Trump on Obama’s Speech: “Sorry I Watched it But Fell Asleep. He’s Very Good for Sleeping… He Was Trying to Take Credit” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday morning former President Obama tried to take credit for the Trump economic miracle. It was a very sad display for the worst economic president since the Great Depression. On Friday afternoon President Trump responded to Barack Obama’s nonsense, “Sorry I watched it but I fell asleep. He’s found he’s very good, very good […]

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Barack Obama Trashes Trump – Tries to Take Credit For Trump’s Booming Economy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama crawled out of his hole Friday and trashed President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy.  Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama couldn’t even run a lemonade stand; he is the only president in […]

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President Trump Says DOJ Should Investigate ‘Resister’ Who Penned Anonymous NYT Op-Ed

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, citing national security concerns, President Trump said the Justice Department should investigate to find the identity of the ‘resister’ who penned the anonymous NYT op-ed, reported the Associated Press. BREAKING: Trump says Justice Department should investigate identity of anonymous New York Times op-ed writer, cites national security concerns. — The Associated Press (@AP) […]

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Roger Stone in Posobiec Interview: Trump Needs to Fire Sessions and DOJ operatives or He Will Be Impeached (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

OANN TV host Jack Posobiec interviewed Roger Stone on Thursday about the ongoing Mueller witch hunt and the future of the Podesta brothers. Roger Stone told Jack that the Podesta brothers, John and Tony, are both going down. This was an excellent interview. Roger Stone: I may be framed. There is no evidence whatsoever of […]

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ICE Raids Dairy Farm Where Illegal Alien Murderer of Molly Tibbetts Was Employed

The Gateway Pundit 

Christhian Rivera is an illegal alien. He murdered Mollie Tibbetts while she was out jogging. Mollie was stabbed several times. Rivera then hid her body in a cornfield. Breitbart.com reported: The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency raided Yarrabee Farms on Thursday – the Brooklyn, Iowa dairy farm where an illegal alien worked before being […]

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A New Low: Mueller Interrogating Comedian and Radio Talk Show Host Randy Credico Today in Connection to Greatest Political Scam in History

The Gateway Pundit 

This is where we are. Dirty cop Robert Mueller and his grand jury is interrogating comedian and radio talk show host Randy Credico today in Washington DC. Jeff Sessions is still hiding under his desk. Mueller wants to tie Roger Stone to Julian Assange in his ongoing witch hunt. Stone exchanged 24 words with Guccifer […]

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Anonymous Embedded #NeverTrumper Conspiring Against Trump Is Losing BIGLY — Here Are the Numbers

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday The New York Times published an anonymous op-ed supposedly written by a senior Trump administration official. The author who insists he is a senior official inside the Trump administration claims he is conspiring against Trump for the claimed good of the country. The liberal mainstream media cheered the courage of the saboteur. President […]

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BEST JUDGE EVER! During Ken Starr Investigation Brett Kavanaugh Slammed Bill Clinton for “Pattern of Revolting Behavior”

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Judge Brett Kavanaugh has great instincts – he will make a great Supreme Court Justice! Judge Kavanaugh who will be the next Supreme Court Justice has great judgement. In the 1990’s Kavanaugh saw right through President Bill Clinton’s lies and perversity – Crooked knows he won’t play favorites Here is […]

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BUILD THE WALL! Arizona Rancher Films Illegal Invaders in Military Garb Streaming Across US Border in 25 Minute Video

The Gateway Pundit 

Arizona rancher John Chilton, 79, recently captured video of illegal invaders streaming across the US border with Mexico in Arizona in a 25 minute long video. The illegals are dressed in military garb and continue in a stream across the US border. This looks like a military invasion. The Daily Mail reported: An Arizona rancher […]

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POCAHONTAS ON WARPATH=> Elizabeth Warren: If Trump is Unfit, Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Him From Office

The Gateway Pundit 

Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren is on a warpath. After a ‘senior Trump admin official’ claimed in an anonymous NYT op-ed that a ‘resistance’ inside the White House often whispers about Trump being unfit to serve, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) took the attack to the next level and publicly stated she believes President Trump should be removed […]

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Hah-Hah! Anderson Cooper Confronts Cory Booker on Changing Timeline Behind his Spartacus “Stunt” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) made a scene at the Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday morning. The aspiring Democrat from New Jersey told the committee he was releasing “committee confidential” Kavanaugh documents whilst admitting he would be “knowingly violating the rules” and could possibly be ousted from the Senate. Cory Booker released 12 pages of Kavanaugh emails […]

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CONFIRMED: Organizer Vinay Krishnan Who Was Caught Paying Off Kavanaugh Protesters — Works for Soros-Linked Organization

The Gateway Pundit 

Nick Monroe On Tuesday several Texas doctors attended the Kavanaugh hearing in Washington DC. After the hearing the doctors told reporter Adam Schindler that they witnessed organized activists with a bag of cash paying the rent-a-mob protesters. Via Liberty Unyielding: The Texas doctors were telling the truth. Adam Schindler later posted a photo of a […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

COLLUSION? Mainstream Media Informed of Twitter’s Infowars Ban Before Alex Jones Was Notified

The Gateway Pundit 

Multiple mainstream media outlets reported on Alex Jones and Infowars being banned from Twitter before those impacted by it were even notified by the platform. Infowars has been the subject of a coordinated effort by CNN, Media Matters and multiple other far-left journalists and outlets for weeks. Many believe that the massive effort is an […]

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SHOCKING VIDEO: ‘Brazilian Trump’ Conservative Candidate Jair Bolsonara STABBED IN CHEST During Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

STUNNING VIDEO– The “Brazilian Trump” Jair Bolsonara was stabbed today during a rally in in the city of Juiz de Fora. Bolsonara is the conservative candidate and front-running candidate in Brazil today. The video is shocking! Reuters reported: Brazil’s front-running far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro is in serious but stable condition in hospital following “successful” […]

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BREAKING=> Giuliani: President Trump Will Not Answer Mueller’s Obstruction Questions, In Writing Or In Person

The Gateway Pundit 

An attorney for Trump, Rudy Giuliani told the Associated Press on Thursday that the President will not answer prosecutors’ questions, in writing or in person about obstruction. NBC reported: “That’s a no-go. That is not going happen,” Giuliani said. “There will be no questions at all on obstruction.” “It would be in written form and […]

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MORE VIOLENCE=> GOP Office Torched in Wyoming Two Days After Its Opening

The Gateway Pundit 

More violence against conservatives. The GOP office in Laramie, Wyoming was set on fire two days after its opening. Authorities say it was intentional. Newsweek reported: The Albany County GOP woke up Thursday morning to news they largely thought was reserved for cities located half a country away—their office in Laramie County, Wyoming, had been […]

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