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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 19.09.2018

Third Accused Male – Patrick Smyth – Denies Far Left Activist Christine Ford’s Allegations of Abuse

The Gateway Pundit 

Patrick Smyth is the latest former Georgetown Prep student to deny Christine Ford’s allegations of sexual abuse. That makes three men who vehemently deny the far left activist’s accusations of misconduct. Christine Ford Allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh: — She doesn’t know when it was. — She doesn’t know what year it took place — […]

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Hollywood Hacks and Far Left Activists Release Video In Support of Christine Ford and Her Ever-Changing 36-Year-Old Allegations

The Gateway Pundit 

Christine Ford Allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh: — She doesn’t know when it was. — She doesn’t know what year it took place — She doesn’t know what month it took place — She has no idea where it took place — She doesn’t know if 4 boys were there — It could have been […]

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Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley Lays Down the Law in Letter to Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorney

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Chuck Grassley Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) laid down the law in a letter sent to Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney on Wednesday afternoon. Late Tuesday evening, Ford’s attorney said she wanted the FBI to conduct an investigation of the incident before Senators held a hearing on the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. […]

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Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Encourages Deep State to Defy President Trump’s Declassification Order

The Gateway Pundit 

The Deep State is in an obvious panic mode since President Donald Trump ordered a number of documents relating to the Russia investigation be declassified. Joining the loud choir of those who are pushing for insubordination against the president is former CIA Director John Brennan. Appearing on MSNBC on Tuesday, Brennan urged people in the […]

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Department of Justice Responds to Latest Project Veritas Undercover Video Exposing DOJ Official ‘Resisting From Inside’

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday Project Veritas released the second installment in their undercover video series unmasking the Deep State. This video features a Department of Justice paralegal, Allison Hrabar, who reportedly uses government owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda and punish people she disagrees with. Allison Hrabar talked about the ‘resistance from inside’ and bragged she […]

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GREGG JARRETT: If Rosenstein Defies Trump’s Declassification Order, He Should Be Fired For Rank Insubordination

The Gateway Pundit 

DAG Rod Rosenstein If Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defies President Trump’s declassification order, he should be fired for rank insubordination says FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett. On Monday, President Trump issued an immediate declassification order of the 20 redacted Carter Page FISA docs and other records related to the Russia probe. The Democrats […]

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Elections Matter: Alabama Democrat Senator Doug Jones Calls for Delay in Kavanaugh Vote & FBI Investigation of Non-Crime

The Gateway Pundit 

Elections Matter. The Jeff Sessions curse continues to haunt America. Alabama Senator Doug Jones went one with Neil Cavuto on FOX Business Channel on Wednesday to discuss the 36-year-old developing accusations by Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Jones squeaked out a win against Judge Roy Moore for the seat earlier this year after […]

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MUST-SEE VIDEO=> Illinois Democrat Party Leader Tells Voters: “Vote Early, Vote Often. Whatever You Can Get Away With”

The Gateway Pundit 

The St. Clair County Democrats held a rally recently in Caseyville to promote Democrat politicians. The St. Clair Democrat leader told the rally to “vote early and often. Whatever you can get away with.” Democrat Announcer: J. B. Pritzker, he’s going to win. He’s going to win big. But he won’t win if we don’t […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

By Wayne Allyn Root I told you so. Once the GOP allowed Judge Roy Moore (Alabama U.S. Senate candidate) to be publicly lynched with zero evidence, zero witnesses, based on “he said, she said” charges 40 years old, it would never end. This would become a tool of the left. I was right. By the […]

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Christine Blasey Ford’s Complete List of Lies and Misrepresentations Related to Judge Kavanaugh

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Far-left  Christine Blasey Ford accused Judge Kavanaugh of of sexually abusing her some 36 years ago. However, her story is quickly being debunked. Here is a complete list of her misrepresentations to date. It’s important to understand that the accusations from Ford are more than 36 years old.  Senator Lindsey […]

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Breaking: Debra Katz, Attorney for Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford, Was Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

A document from the Podesta files at Wikileaks shows that Debra Katz, the attorney for Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, was an early fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The campaign memo intended for Clinton stated that as of November 2015 Katz had raised over $29,000 for Clinton. Debra Katz, image via Twitter avatar. […]

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STUNNING ADMISSION: Democrat Leaders Reveal Top Trump Intel Officials Agreed to Keep Information from President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

In a shocking letter intended to undermine President Trump, and his authority over the Executive Branch, multiple high ranking Democrats sent a letter ordering intelligence agencies to ignore Trump’s order to declassify numerous documents involving the Russia investigation until consulting with Congress. The intelligence agencies serve at the pleasure of the president — and this […]

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O’Keefe Strikes Again: Project Veritas Exposes DOJ Official Using Govt. Databases to Stalk Business Owners (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday Project Veritas released the second installment in their undercover video series unmasking the Deep State. The first report in this series featured Stuart Karaffa, an avowed socialist who admits to engaging in political activism while working at the Department of State. This video features a Department of Justice paralegal, Allison Hrabar, who reportedly uses […]

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Far Left Activist and Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Spotted at Anti-Trump March in LA (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In April 2017 far left activist Christine Ford was interviewed at the anti-Trump Science March in Los Angeles. Ford was spotted in a pink “brain hat” influenced by the pink pussy hats at the Women’s March after the Trump inauguration. The Daily Caller News Foundation reported: “It’s a science party!” Ford told The Mercury News […]

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CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS? Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner DEMAND DOJ-FBI Defy Trump Declassification Order

The Gateway Pundit 

In a shocking letter intended to undermine the President, and his authority over the Executive Branch, multiple high ranking Democrats sent a letter ordering intelligence agencies to ignore Trump’s order to declassify numerous documents involving the Russia investigation until consulting with Congress. Showdown? In letter, Pelosi/Schumer/Schiff/Warner order intel agencies to ignore presidential order on declassification until consulting […]

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Republican Wins Texas Special Election… In District Hillary Won by 12 Percentage Points!

The Gateway Pundit 

Defeated Dem Gallego (Left); Republican winner Flores (Right) Republican Pete Flores won the Senate District 19 seat in Texas on Tuesday–a crushing defeat for former state and U.S. Rep. Democrat Pete Gallego. Flores and Gallego went head-to-head in the special election to replace former State Senator Carlos Uresti who lost his seat after he was convicted […]

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Новости России


Joe DiGenova: Christine Ford Won’t Testify Because “She’s Going to Look Like the Loon That She Is” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday Christine Blasey Ford’s far left lawyer told reporters she wants the FBI to conduct an investigation of the incident before Senators hold a hearing on the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Ford’s lawyer does not appear to understand this non-crime is beyond the FBI’s jurisdiction and her client’s ever-changing story makes […]

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James Woods Wins the Internet With Epic Response to Dem Senator Who Told American Men to ‘Shut Up and Do the Right Thing’

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats hate men-especially white men. On Tuesday, Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono told American men to shut up and do the right thing for a change when it comes to Kavanaugh’s sexual assault allegations. Senator Hirono: “Guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. I just want to say […]

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BREAKING: FBI WILL NOT Investigate Christine Ford’s 36-Year-Old Ever-Changing Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are working overtime to delay Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. On Thursday, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) referred a mysterious letter about Kavanaugh to the FBI. Feinstein had been holding on to the letter since July. The woman who wrote the letter, […]

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BREAKING: Christine Blasey Ford Wants FBI to Investigate Allegations Before Testifying

The Gateway Pundit 

Christine Blasey Ford now says she wants the FBI to conduct an investigation of the incident before Senators hold a hearing on the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Ford’s lawyer finally responded to Republican Senators late Monday after requests about Monday’s hearing went unanswered. This 11th hour “me too” ambush of Kavanaugh is […]

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BREAKING REPORT: Christine Blasey Ford Goes Into Hiding – Still Ignoring Senate Requests to Testify

The Gateway Pundit 

Far-left activist Christine Blasey Ford has gone into hiding, according to a report from the New York Times. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said as of 6:40 PM ET that he still had not heard back from Ford’s lawyer regarding Monday’s hearing. It is now believed Christine Blasey Ford has moved out of her residence, […]

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