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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 11.09.2018

Twitter Alternative Gab.AI Blocked by Google – for Hate Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

In early August tech giants Facebook, Google-YouTube, Apple and Spotify colluded and removed conservative website Infowars from their platforms on the same day. Google deleted Twitter alternative Gab.AI from their platform this week. Far left Silicon Valley elites decide who gets a voice in America today. NewsBusters reported: Google’s approach to hate speech is heavy-handed […]

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Democratic Socialist Threatens Mass Shooting at Trump Hotel

The Gateway Pundit 

An anonymous Twitter user with an account dedicated to promoting the Democratic Socialists has threatened a mass shooting at Tuesday evening’s MAGA Meetup at Trump Hotel in DC. The threat was directed at this writer and stated that they are “coming with a gun” and that they “expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as […]

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Strzok Attorney Defends Lovebird Strzok-Page “Media Leak Strategy” Discussed in Newly Released Text Messages

The Gateway Pundit 

Newly released text messages and records obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveal Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were discussing a strategy to leak unverified information to the media in an effort to damage the Trump administration. The FBI lovebirds were discussing this media leak strategy in April of 2017–just one month after AG Sessions […]

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Obama’s Corrupt AG Eric Holder Unleashes on President Trump on 9/11 Anniversary

The Gateway Pundit 

Today is the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the left is more unhinged than ever before. Former Attorney General Eric Holder unleashed on President Trump Tuesday morning in a pair of tweets. Early Tuesday morning, President Trump was expressing his frustration with the corrupt DOJ under Jeff Sessions–he grabbed a quote from FOX […]

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MORE…. Far Left Senator Angus King Compares Russian Meddling through Facebook Ads to 9-11 Attacks

The Gateway Pundit 

These loons want their power back. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), who pretends to be independent but votes lockstep with Democrats, compared Russian meddling in the 2016 election to the 9-11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. Via Mike Cernovich: Wow. Democrat Senator @SenAngusKing apparently thinks Russian meddling through ads on Facebook is equivalent to the […]

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On 9/11 Anniversary, Joe Scarborough Says Trump A ‘Far Graver Threat’ to the Idea of America Than Terrorist Attacks on Twin Towers (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that President Trump is a far graver threat to the idea of America than the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. Joe Scarborough penned a hate-filled op-ed in the Washington Post Tuesday morning attacking President Trump and defending Islamic terrorists. “For those of us […]

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Roll Call Cartoon Compares Russian Election Meddling with $100,000 in Facebook Ads to 9-11 Attacks

The Gateway Pundit 

This is your modern day American left– Ignorant, outraged and completely unhinged. On the anniversary of the 9-11 Islamist attacks on America Roll Call published this cartoon. Russian operatives reportedly purchased $100,000 worth of Facebook ads during the 2016 election. Half of the ads were pro-Hillary. Democrats and the dishonest American mainstream media want you […]

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Racist Democrats Cheer Elimination of White Men from Field of Candidates

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats cheered the elimination of white men from their field of candidates in this year’s election. They just didn’t fit their quota system. Today’s Democrat Party is obsessed with color. White guys have too much privilege anyway. The Political Wire reported – via NewsAlert: White Men Are In Minority of Democratic House Candidates September 11, […]

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New Evidence Suggests Glenn Simpson and Chris Steele Were Working Together on Trump-Russia Fake Dossier Long Before Previously Claimed

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS worked on his famous fake Trump – Russia dossier in early 2016 but the timing of his work with British Agent Christopher Steele and for the DNC is now in question! According to Christopher Steele’s testimony in front of the High Court of Justice in […]

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HUGE! Joe DiGenova: Yates, Rice, Biden, Comey and Obama Met in White House to Discuss Targeting Mike Flynn (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova went on WMAL radio on Monday to discuss the latest developments in the Obama Spygate scandal. DiGenova dropped this bomb during the interview During the infamous January 5, 2017 White House meeting Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Joe Biden, James Comey and Barack Obama discussed how they would target General Michael […]

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Malloch: This Isn’t Your Parent’s Republican Party – Trump’s Political Realignment of American Politics

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Ted Malloch, author of The Plot to Destroy Trump This ain’t your grandparents Republican Party, anymore. A realigning election (often called a critical election or political realignment) is a term from political science describing a dramatic change in the political system. Listen up: we are in a political realignment thanks in large […]

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Gateway Eagle Council XLVII Announces Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Awards to Polish MP Dominik Tarczynski and German MP Petr Bystron

The Gateway Pundit 

MP Petr Bystron (left) and MP Dominik Tarczynski St. Louis, Missouri – On Saturday, September 15th, 2018, The Gateway Pundit and Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council will present Polish Parliamentarian MP Dominik Tarczynski and German Parliamentarian MP Petr Bystron with 2018 Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Awards. The awards celebrate and acknowledge their work on behalf of freedom […]

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Flashback: Donald Trump Visits Ground Zero the Day after the 9-11 Attacks and Asks How He Can Help (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked New York City. The Muslim killers flew planes into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center killing 2,606 innocent Americans. Donald Trump visited Ground Zero the day after the attacks. Donald Trump asked, “How can I help?” New York remembers Donald Trump’s support for the city.

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Two Years Ago Today: Hillary Dropped Like Bag of Rocks, Was Chucked into Scooby Van and Media Lied to Protect Her – NEVER FORGET

The Gateway Pundit 

Two years ago today– Hillary Clinton attended the 9-11 memorial presentation at Ground Zero. Mrs. Clinton, who often looked physically weak on the campaign and needed assistance to climb stairs, felt ill that day and left the memorial early. The liberal media ignored her health issues throughout the campaign. Fortunately a citizen journalist captured what […]

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Boom! Watch Trump CEA Kevin Hassett Absolutely DESTROY Barack Obama’s Lies on the Economy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama broke precedent as a former president and trashed his successor President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy. Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama had the worst economic recovery in US history; Obama is […]

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Report: Anti-Gun Paul McCartney Protected By Soldiers With Machine Guns at Grand Central Station Concert

The Gateway Pundit 

Beatles legend Paul McCartney, 76, was protected by armed soldiers, with one reported to be carrying “a big machine gun”, at his surprise concert at New York’s City’s Grand Central Station last Friday night. A photo posted to Twitter by a commuter that day shows armed soldiers protecting McCartney’s concert hall. Grand Central prepping for […]

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Code Pink Grifter Medea Benjamin Crashes John Bolton Speech and Defends Killer Iranian Regime – Gets Shouted Down (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Code Pink — They’re not antiwar. They’re just anti US. Code Pink is a group of antiwar communists who promote and protect any violent anti-American group in the world as long as they stand against the United States. During the Bush years Code Pink radicals regularly ambushed Bush administration officials with dangerous and offensive outbursts. […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

Gregg Jarrett: Rosenstein, Comey, Yates and McCabe Deceived the FISA Court and Can be Prosecuted (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Newly released text messages and records obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveal Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were discussing a strategy to leak unverified information to the media in an effort to damage the Trump administration. As Cristina Laila reported earlier the FBI lovebirds were discussing media leak strategy in April of 2017–just one […]

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BOOM! President Trump DESTROYS Obama in Latest Video — Troll Level: Commander in Chief!

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama crawled out of his hole Friday and trashed President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy.  Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama couldn’t even run a lemonade stand; he is the only president in history […]

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Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Looks at St. Louis to Base His 2020 Campaign for President

The Gateway Pundit 

Creepy porn lawyer and liberal media favorite Michael Avenatti told St. Louis Channel 5 he will likely base his 2020 presidential campaign in St. Louis. Avenatti grew up in St. Louis and attended Parkway Central High School. KSDK reported: Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti hasn’t decided whether he’s going to run for president, but one […]

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James Woods DESTROYS Hillary Clinton in Viral Tweet on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary

The Gateway Pundit 

James Woods absolutely destroyed Crooked Hillary Clinton on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks against the US. Tuesday, September 11th, 2018 will mark the 17 year anniversary of the day the United States changed forever. On Tuesday September 11th, 2001, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes. Two of the airplanes […]

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STUNNING: Tucker Carlson Reveals Explosive Email from Google Exec on How Company Actively Assisted Hillary in 2016 (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

FOX News host Tucker Carlson revealed evidence on Monday on Google was actively working to get Hillary Clinton elected and now there is evidence. Tucker Carlson has an email from Google executive who admitted in her correspondence to top Google officials on how disappointed she was that Hillary Clinton lost after all of the work […]

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PLOT TWIST: Joseph Mifsud Alive and Operating Under New Identity, Advisor Says

The Gateway Pundit 

Joseph Mifsud Joseph Mifsud is a Maltese academic, with high level connections to the Russian state and UK politicians. Mifsud is a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta, a former principal in the London Centre of International Law Practice, a professorial teaching fellow at the University of Stirling in Scotland, and director […]

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