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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 12.09.2018

Exclusive: Christopher Steele Was In Contact with British MI6 and Russian SVR During the 2016 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Christopher Steele was an agent of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6, during the time that he was working for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the DNC, according to several current and former US intelligence officials. Christopher Steele first became known to the American public when Buzzfeed published a now largely debunked dossier […]

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Senate Intel Chairman Burr: 19 Months Into Investigation, Still No Evidence of Russian Collusion

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee Richard Burr once again came out and defended President Trump against Russia witch hunt. Burr, no ally of the President said on Wednesday in a FOX News interview that 19 months into the investigation and he has seen no evidence that Donald Trump […]

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#WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka Banned From Facebook – Just Weeks Before Planned March on Washington

The Gateway Pundit 

Brandon Straka, the founder of the #WalkAway movement has been banned from Facebook for linking to Infowars ahead of being interviewed by the outlet. FACEBOOK JUST BANNED ME AS I AM PLANNING THE #WalkAway March on Washington!!! I have been banned from posting leading up to the March. This is devastated for our ability to […]

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Obama Officials Fired Benghazi Heroes Recuperating in Germany, Made Them Find Their Own Way Home… Then Obama Calls It a Conspiracy

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama stepped out of shadows on Friday and reminded Americans of his many economic, domestic and foreign policy failures. President Obama lectured President Trump, accused him of racism, and attempted to take credit for President Trump’s economic miracle. But Barack Obama’s worst lie was his remarks on Benghazi. Barack Obama: “The politics of division […]

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MSNBC Panel Defends Phone Calls Threatening GOP Senator Over Kavanaugh Vote, Calls it ‘Passion of the People’

The Gateway Pundit 

An MSNBC panel has defended the threatening and abusive phone calls to GOP Senator Susan Collins regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh as “the passion of the people.” The panel featured PBS NewsHour White House Correspondent and NBC News political contributor Yamiche Alcindor and Axios reporter Alexi McCammond. The host referred to the threatening calls to Senator Collins […]

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Teen Vogue Glamorizes Teen Abortion, Calls for Colleges to Offer Them on Campus

The Gateway Pundit 

The hyper-political and extremely far-left magazine Teen Vogue has published a lengthy article glorifying abortion and calling for colleges to offer the procedure on campuses. The article is titled “Teens Are Speaking Up About Their Abortions Through Youth Testify” and tells the stories of young women who became abortion advocates after having their own. One […]

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State Dept. Email: Bob Woodward — Who Just Published Anti-Trump Book — Has Been FBI Asset Since 1970s

The Gateway Pundit 

The Washington Post published a preview of Post reporter Bob Woodward’s new book on the Trump presidency last week. Woodward paints a portrayal of the Trump White House as having a “nervous breakdown” and an “administrative coup d’etat”. The book was meant as a hit piece on President Trump and his administration. What comes across is what Trump supporters already […]

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Report: THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Your Deep State at Work… Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) the current chairman of the House Freedom Caucus joined Stuart Varney on Wednesday to discuss the latest Strzok-Page text messages released by the DOJ. The latest text messages from the anti-Trump officials show how they were feeding anti-Trump articles to the press. The newly released documents […]

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Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Flags — HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS

The Gateway Pundit 

Here are their photos. Let’s make them famous! On Monday George Gatteny was driving near the Somerville Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Massachusetts when he noticed a man pulling miniature flags from the ground in the veterans cemetery. Gatteny then saw the man urinate on the US flags that he threw on the ground. George Gatteny […]

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Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Them — HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS

The Gateway Pundit 

Here are their photos. Let’s make them famous! On Monday George Gatteny was driving near the Somerville Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Massachusetts when he noticed a man pulling miniature flags from the ground in the veterans cemetery. Gatteny then saw the man urinate on the US flags that he threw on the ground. George Gatteny […]

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Here we go… Junk Newspaper Blames Trump for Hurricane Florence

The Gateway Pundit 

Junk newspaper The Washington Post blames Trump for Hurricane Florence Opinion: Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit. https://t.co/T8X2D10Hgv — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 12, 2018 So President Trump stirred up the global climate in a year-and-a-half into his administration? These people are insane. This was posted by the Washington Post […]

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Obama-Hillary Fired Benghazi Heroes When they Got to Germany – Made Them Find Their Own Way Back to US (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama knew about the Benghazi Consulate terror attacks 90 minutes after they began on 9-11. The attack in Benghazi took place in two waves at the consulate and lasted several hours. Libyan “looters” (terrorists) found the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens hours after the attack began. FOX News Special Report said the president knew […]

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Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department to Retrieve Emails Found on Weiner Laptop

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department Tuesday after the FBI ignored two previous FOIA requests for all emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Via Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch announced today that it has sued the U.S. Department of Justice under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for all emails […]

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Brit Hume Proves Once Again that GOP Elites Can Never Be Trusted to Lead Ever Again (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Today is the 17th anniversary of the 9-11 Islamist attacks on America. On his Tuesday night show Tucker Carlson played an offensive clip of Senator Angus King (I-Maine) comparing the 9-11 Islamist attacks to Russian meddling with Facebook ads in the 2016 election. Tucker then explained how leaders and tech giants in America today hate […]

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Breaking: More Strzok-Page Text Messages Show Coordination of FBI-DOJ to Destroy Trump with Planted Media Leaks

The Gateway Pundit 

Sara Carter joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss the latest Peter Strzok – Lisa Page text messages that show a coordination between the FBI and DOJ in their efforts in 2017 to detroy the sitting US President Trump. The lovebirds Strzok and Page discuss news reports they leaked to the press and the […]

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Stabbing Suspect Farzad Fazeli Facebook Rant About GOP, Trump: ‘Street Gangs Have a Code to Clean House’

The Gateway Pundit 

Farzad Fazeli, Facebook photo On Sunday, a 35-year-old Castro Valley man named Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican candidate Rudy Peters at his campaign booth at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Thank God the switchblade malfunctioned preventing Farzad Fazeli from stabbing Peters. CBS Bay Area reported that according to witnesses, Farzad Fazeli made disparaging, profanity-laced remarks about […]

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GOP Candidate Nearly Stabbed to Death Two Months After Maxine Waters Calls for Violence and Abuse of Republicans

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Maxine Waters declared war on Republicans during a speech to a fired up Democrat mob in June. Waters told her supporters to verbally assault and harass Republicans where ever you find them. Maxine Waters: “If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are […]

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Suspect Farzad Fazeli Screams Profanities About Trump and Attempts Stabbing GOP Candidate With Switchblade

The Gateway Pundit 

Stabbing suspect Farzad Fazeli On Sunday, a 35-year-old Castro Valley man named Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican candidate Rudy Peters at his campaign booth at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Thank God the switchblade malfunctioned preventing Farzad Fazeli from stabbing Peters. NBC Bay Area reported: Farzad Fazeli, 35, approached Rudy Peters at his campaign […]

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George Papadopoulos Hammers Clinton-Tied Aussie Diplomat in Tweetstorm: ‘I Hope Alexander Downer is Exposed’

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos was sentenced on Friday to 14 days in prison after being set up by the Obama Deep State in the 2016 election. George Papadopoulos went on CNN and ABC this weekend to discuss his role in the Spygate scandal. Papadopoulos told the liberal anchors about how he was set up by Obama […]

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Students Told to Stop Chanting “USA! USA!” At High School Football Game Honoring 9/11 Because It’s ‘Racist’

The Gateway Pundit 

Students at a southern California high school were told to stop chanting “USA! USA!” at a special patriotic football game honoring 9/11 because it’s offensive and racist. Students at Aliso Niguel High School in Orange County, California were told to stop chanting “USA! USA!” in Friday night’s football home game wherein students wore red, white, […]

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Парламентарий Папуашвили: Грузия не намерена мириться с Россией

В ТвГТУ провели Всероссийскую молодежную научную школу, посвященную технологиям переработки отходов

В Российско-Кыргызский консорциум технических университетов (РККТУ) вступил Иркутский политех

В Королеве построят многофункциональный комплекс с паркингом