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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 23.09.2018

Senate Judiciary Committee Responds to Ford’s Demands ‘We Determine Which Witnesses to Call – This is Non-Negotiable’

The Gateway Pundit 

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has rescheduled the planned Monday hearing to Thursday to hear testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Christine Ford has made an uncorroborated accusation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago at a drunken high school pool party […]

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James Woods: Letter From a Twitterham Jail

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative actor James Woods was put in Twitter jail last week over his posting of a meme back in July that mocked beta male Democrats. Twitter is demanding he delete the tweet to get reinstated, which Woods refuses, on the grounds of Free Speech, to do. Twitter claims the meme “includes text and imagery that […]

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Grassley Sets Thursday Hearing for Kavanaugh as Blasey Ford Continues to Make Demands

The Gateway Pundit 

In this episode of, “As the Senate Turns on the Finger of Christine Blasey Ford”, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has rescheduled the planned Monday hearing to Thursday to hear testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Ford has made an uncorroborated accusation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her […]

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Supreme Court Opens Its Next Term on October 1st – That Explains Ford’s Delays and Unrealistic Demands

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats know if they delay the Kavanaugh vote for another week he will not be confirmed before the next Supreme Court session. Tucker Carlson explained the senate procedure on his Friday show. Make no mistake about it. Democrats are using Christine Ford to prevent Trump from placing a justice on the Supreme Court. Tucker Carlson: […]

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Crackpot Democrat Hirono: Kavanaugh Cannot Be Trusted – Because of His Views on Abortion (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last Tuesday Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono told American men to shut up and do the right thing for a change after Christine Blasey Ford accused Brett Kavanaugh of unsubstantiated claims of abuse 36 years ago. Senator Hirono: “Guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. I just want […]

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Dershowitz GOES OFF on Christine Ford’s Outrageous Demands: “Every Civil Libertarian Should Be Outraged!… IT IS INSANE!” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney, law professor and Democrat, Alan Dershowitz, went on FOX Business Network to discuss the Christine Blasey Ford demands from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Blasey Ford went public with her allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh last week. THERE ARE NO WITNESSES WHO HAVE CONFIRMED CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S ACCUSATIONS! NOT ONE! ** Judge Brett Kavanaugh vehemently […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

A fourth alleged witness in Christine Blasey Ford’s alleged sexual assault accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh has denied the allegations. Leland Ingham Keyser says she has no recollection of EVER BEING AT A PARTY with Brett Kavanaugh and does not know him. Ms. Keyser is a lifelong friend of Christine Blasey Ford. THERE ARE NO WITNESSES WHO […]

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Far Left Protest Plans for Kavanaugh Hearing Leaked Out: Block Hart Senate Building – Intimidate Senators – Wear White Shorts “Stained with Blood”

The Gateway Pundit 

Far-left Protestors are gathering for this week’s senate hearings. Many are being bussed in to disrupt the event by Soros sponsored organizations. Paul Sperry reported that protestors from several radical left-wing groups are being bussed in for the Senate Hearings tomorrow: BREAKING: Protesters from several radical leftwing activist groups, including Cntr for Popular Democracy,Women’s March,Indivisible,https://t.co/OnFKsAGH6P […]

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Radical Leftwing Groups Linked to Soros are Bussing in Protest Mobs for This Week’s Kavanaugh Hearings

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Far-left Protestors are gathering for tomorrow’s Senate Hearings and many are being bussed in to disrupt the event by Soros sponsored entities! Paul Sperry is reporting that protestors from several radical left-wing groups are being bussed in for the Senate Hearings tomorrow: BREAKING: Protesters from several radical leftwing activist groups, […]

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911 Calls Released From I.C.E. Employee Who Tried To Report Attacks By Antifa In Portland

The Gateway Pundit 

During the 6 week long siege of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, there were several times when unhinged protesters began threatening the employees who work in the building. You may recall one instance where the tolerant, far left lunatics spouted racial epithets at a black ICE employee. Since the bulk of the […]

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Lawyer for Blasey Ford Releases Statement Saying It Doesn’t Matter That Friend Named as Attending Kavanaugh Party Doesn’t Remember

The Gateway Pundit 

In the latest chapter of, “As the Senate Spins on Christine Blasey Ford’s Finger”, Debra Katz, lead attorney for Blasey Ford dismissed a statement from her lifelong friend claiming not only to not remember the alleged high school party where Blasey Ford claims she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh, but stating she has never been […]

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Only 25% of Women Believe Christine Ford’s Accusations Against Judge Kavanaugh

The Gateway Pundit 

This past week anti-Trump activist Christine Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of groping her over her swimsuit sometime around 36 years ago at an unknown time and place. The three men she accused of being present during the incident have all vehemently denied her accusations. And Ford’s friend also denies the allegations. Ford picked at […]

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4th ALLEGED WITNESS And Female Friend of Christine Ford — DENIES Assault Allegations against Judge Kavanaugh

The Gateway Pundit 

A fourth alleged witness in Christine Blasey Ford’s alleged sexual assault accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh has denied the allegations. Leland Ingham Keyser says she has no recollection of EVER BEING AT A PARTY with Brett Kavanaugh and does not know him. Ms. Keyser is a lifelong friend of Christine Blasey Ford. THERE ARE NO […]

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Breaking: Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Testimony ‘Tentatively Scheduled’ for Thursday as Negotiations Carry Over to Sunday

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s attorneys have reached a tentative agreement during a conference call with bi-partisan committee staffers for her to testify on Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committeewho regarding her uncorroborated accusations that Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago at a drunken high school pool party. Kavanaugh adamantly denies […]

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Christine Blasey Ford Hires Andrew McCabe Lawyer Who Was Iran Contra Assoc. Counsel

The Gateway Pundit 

The Deep State  push to block the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh just got reinforcements with the hiring by accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford of  Michael Bromwich, a lawyer representing fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and whose work in Washington goes back to the Iran Contra investigation where he served as Associate […]

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Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand Who Leads Charge Against Judge Kavanaugh Was Involved in AT LEAST TWO Other Sex Assault Hoaxes

The Gateway Pundit 

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is leading the charge against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh had 36-year-old sexual abuse charges hurled at him in the last week. Gillibrand believes Kavanaugh is guilty because he is not asking the FBI to investigate the evolving charges from 36 years ago. Kavanaugh vehemently denies the charges […]

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