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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 13.01.2020

Queen Issues Statement On Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Announcement That They’ll Step Down As Senior Royals

The Gateway Pundit 

The Queen has spoken. Queen Elizabeth II met on Monday with her grandson, Prince Harry and members of the royal family. The Duke, along with the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, recently announced that they would “step back” from their roles as senior members of the royal family and seek to become “financially independent.” “Today […]

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Networks’ Trump Coverage: Three-Fourths On Impeachment And (Shockingly) 93% Was Negative

The Gateway Pundit 

If you think the mainstream seems to endlessly bash President Trump, here’s some good news: You’re not crazy. “In the first 100 days since House Democrats began their impeachment push on September 24, ABC, CBS and NBC have aggressively aided the effort. A Media Research Center analysis finds the Big Three evening newscasts have battered […]

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Germany’s AfD Foreign Policy Speaker Petr Bystron Lashes Out at Angela Merkel for Putting the Brutal Regime Before the Suffering People of Iran

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump tweeted out his support for the Iranian protesters this weekend. It was the most liked tweet in Farsi — EVER! President Trump followed up with this tweet. To the leaders of Iran – DO NOT KILL YOUR PROTESTERS. Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching. More […]

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“I’m Not a Fact Witness” – Nervous Schiff Deflects When Asked if He’s Willing to Testify in Senate Impeachment Trial (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) looked a little nervous Monday morning when he was asked if he’s willing to testify in the Senate impeachment trial. President Trump called on Pelosi and Schiff to testify in the Senate impeachment trial. “He must be a witness, and so should she!” Trump tweeted. Why did Nervous Nancy […]

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MUST SEE VIDEO: Democrat Politicians and Media Praising Soleimani Followed By What Iranians Think of the Dead Thug

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats were in mourning last week following the death of Iranian al-Quds Leader Qassem Soleimani. Prominent Democrats like Liz Warren, Pete Buttigieg and literally any mainstream media outlet blamed Trump for this horrible action that will only unite Iranians. Speaker Pelosi could not decide whose side she was on — the freedom protesters in Iran […]

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Google – The Same Company that Actively Censors and Eliminates Conservative Content – Is Now in Control of Tens of Millions of US Health Care Records

The Gateway Pundit 

It is a well known fact for those who seek to be informed that Google discriminates heavily against conservatives. If you search Google for prominent conservative voices including: Mike Cernovich, Joe diGenova, Jack Posobiec or Gateway Pundit you will see hit pieces and biased attacks. The Gateway Pundit is one of the largest, most accurate […]

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Iranian Regime Begins Blocking Internet Where Students are Protesting — And Shooting into Crowds at Anti-Khamenei Demonstrations

The Gateway Pundit 

Videos coming from Iran Sunday night local time show the Iranian government attacking anti-regime protesters in Tehran. One set of videos shows a massive trail of blood on a sidewalk as protesters tended to a woman apparently gravely wounded by a shot to the head reportedly fired by a Basij gunman seen wielding a rifle. […]

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Darrell Issa: The Senate Impeachment Trial Should Be Two Months, NOT Two Weeks — Crooked CIA, FBI Officials Must be Called in to Testify! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) joined Steve Bannon in the War Room on Monday morning. Former Trump campaign CEO and White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon is joined by Jason Miller (2016 Trump Senior Communications Advisor) and Raheem Kassam (former chief advisor to Nigel Farage) each day to discuss the Democrat Party’s impeachment process. […]

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Obama DOJ Attorney John Carlin Did Not Tell FISA Court that Carter Page Had Previously Worked with FBI When Applying for Fraudulent Page FISA Warrant

The Gateway Pundit 

Obama’s Head of the DOJ’s National Security Division, John Carlin, is in some real trouble.  Not only did he lie to the FISA Court about FISA abuse but we determined that he must have been behind lying about Carter Page’s past enabling the Deep State to obtain the fraudulent Page FISA warrant on Page. In […]

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WATCH: Top Economists Say Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-For-All Plan Will RAISE Middle Class Taxes!

The Gateway Pundit 

Far-left socialist presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren often claims that her taxpayer-funded “Medicare-for-All” healthcare plan won’t raise taxes on the middle class. However, new studies from top economists show that she is lying and her plan will significantly raise taxes on the middle class. WATCH the video below for the full story:

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WICKED WOMAN! Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi WILL NOT Support Iranian Freedom Protesters – PURE EVIL (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In November 1,500 democracy protesters were slaughtered in the streets of Iran by the brutal and wicked Khamenei regime. This weekend, after the regime finally admitted to shooting down the Ukrainian passenger plane earlier this week, thousands of brave Iranians took to the streets to protest the regime. These brave protesters take to the streets […]

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Massive President Trump Toledo Rally: TGP Pro-Shot Photos

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a campaign rally at the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio on Thursday and the turnout was massive. The 8,500 capacity arena was packed to the limit with thousands in line for five or six blocks when the doors were closed around 5:30 p.m. The doors opened early at 2 p.m. giving everyone […]

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O’Keefe Taunts 2020 Democrats: ‘Stay Tuned… First Bombshell Tape is Going to Drop This Week’

The Gateway Pundit 

James O’Keefe Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe taunted Democrats on Sunday and revealed he will be releasing the ‘first bombshell tape’ of the 2020 election this week. “You aren’t going to want to miss what we expose in 2020,” O’Keefe said reminding Americans that his undercover videos exposed “bird dogging” and other schemes cooked up […]

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

“You Can’t Make This Up!” – President Trump Blasts Corrupt FISA Court After Far Left anti-Trump Official David Kris Appointed to Oversee the Court’s Reform

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, Judge James Boasberg, the new head of the FISA Court, announced in an order that he has appointed Obama-era national security leader at the DOJ David S. Kris as amicus counsel to review the reforms the FBI will be making to its FISA application process. In December presiding FISA judge Rosemary Collyer announced […]

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Unhinged CEO of Maple Leaf Foods Goes on Twitter Rampage Against PRESIDENT TRUMP After Iran Shoots Down Ukrainian Plane

The Gateway Pundit 

Michael H. McCain is chief executive officer of Maple Leaf Foods, one of Canada’s flagship food companies, with sales of $3.3 billion and employing over 12,500 people in Canada and the United States. Last Wednesday morning the Iranian regime blasted a Ukrainian jetliner from the sky after takeoff killing all 176 passengers and crew on […]

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Figures. Megan and Harry Are Staying at Clinton’s Billionaire Pal’s Home Linked to First Uranium Scandal and Are Being Advised by the Obamas

The Gateway Pundit 

Megan Markle and Prince Harry have been staying for the past six weeks at at the home of Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, whose close ties to the Clintons. Page Six broke the story today. Emily Smith from Page Six joined FOX News this afternoon. Billionaire Frank Giustra was involved with the Clintons’ first uranium scandal […]

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Pelosi Leaves Door Open For New Articles of Impeachment to be Filed Against Trump – ‘Depends on What the Senate Does’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday left open the possibility for NEW articles of impeachment to be filed against President Trump during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos asked Pelosi, “Do you think it’s possible that the House may have to file new articles of impeachment?” “Well let’s just see what the Senate […]

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PURE, UNFILTERED CRAZY: Liz Warren Says She Is Willing to Ban Construction of New Homes and Ban Energy Mining or Drilling

The Gateway Pundit 

Liz Warren told Morning Joe this past week that she is willing to ban construction of new homes if the home is not “carbon neutral.” Does she even know what she’s talking about? Liberal lunatics like Liz Warren, the former Harvard law professor, believe you can build a home in 2020 in that does not […]

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“Completely Unacceptable Choice” – Mark Meadows Demands Answers For Why Trump-Hating Obama-Era DOJ Official Was Chosen to Oversee FISA Reforms

The Gateway Pundit 

Mark Meadows Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) on Sunday joined Rep. Nunes and demanded answers for why Obama-era DOJ official and swamp creature David Kris was appointed to oversee FISA reforms. “There need to be answers for why David Kris was picked to oversee FISA reforms. He’s repeatedly downplayed blatant FISA abuse in the past and […]

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