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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 29.01.2020

BREAKING: Democrat Special Guest Lev Parnas Is Escorted from Senate Gallery – Criminal Ankle Bracelets Are Not Allowed

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier today GOP donor Lev Parnas, out on bail on federal charges, got court permission to travel to Washington, D.C. to visit the Senate during the impeachment trial of President Trump. Parnas is making the rounds of Senate offices with a tale that he’s got the goods on Trump and Ukraine, trailed by ever-hopeful media […]

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Biden Says He’d Want Michelle Obama As His Running Mate

The Gateway Pundit 

Who wants to take a 56-year-old woman — who’s never held elected office, not even town dogcatcher — and put her in the White House? Who other than Uncle Joe Biden. The once inevitable 2020 Democrat presidential nominee, who has been flagging in the polls of late, dropped by a campaign stop in Muscatine, Iowa, […]

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WOW! How Embarrassing! Democrat Val Demings Can’t Explain How Harm was Done to Ukraine by Delaying Aid (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The US Senate started the question and answer section with President Trump’s legal team and the House managers on Wednesday. Democrats are having a difficult time with their questions without resorting to lying. House Manager Val Demings had a horrible time answering her question. Demings was asked by a Democrat Senator how Ukraine was harmed […]

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Breaking: White House Moved Last Week to Block Bolton Book, Says Contains “Top Secret” Information

The Gateway Pundit 

A letter dated January 23, 2020 from the White House to the attorney for former Trump national security advisor Ambassador John Bolton informed him that Bolton’s book should not be published because it contains “significant amounts of classified information”, including top secret information. The letter was sent several days before the New York Times anonymously […]

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LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Trump Impeachment Trial – Question and Answers Period via RSBN

The Gateway Pundit 

The US Senate started the question and answer section with President Trump’s legal team and the House managers on Wednesday. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) asked the first question in the Trump Impeachment trial on Wednesday. Collins along with Senator Romney and Senator Murkowski asked a joint question on President Trump’s motive. They want the Defense […]

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BREAKING: John Bolton Called Democrat Rep. Engel AFTER HE WAS FIRED, Told Him to Look Into Yovanovitch

The Gateway Pundit 

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton reportedly called Democrat Rep. Engel after he was fired in September and told him to look into the recall of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. Bolton “strongly implied that something improper had occurred around her removal as our top diplomat in Kyiv.” Trump fired Bolton as NatSec Advisor on September 10 […]

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Fake News CNN, MSNBC Air Stories on Disgruntled Bolton as President Trump Signs Historic USMCA Agreement

The Gateway Pundit 

The fake news loves to drone on about witch hunts against President Trump. The President on Wednesday signed the historic USMCA Trade Agreement in a signing ceremony without Pelosi and the Democrats present. The USMCA replaces the Bill Clinton’s disastrous NAFTA agreement that resulted in the loss of millions of US jobs. MSNBC and CNN […]

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Kavanaugh Circus Redux: Lev Parnas Arrives on Capitol Hill During Trump Impeachment Trial

The Gateway Pundit 

We’ve seen this script before, the well-timed bombshell allegations that blow up the Senate only to turn out to be duds and the parade of ‘witnesses’ before the media, as in the confirmation hearings of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. The Democrats’ playbook smear campaign goes back decades to the battles over the Supreme Court […]

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President Trump Recognizes ONLY GOP Senators — ZERO DEMOCRATS — During USMCA Signing Ceremony– SKUNK PELOSI NOT INVITED

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump signed the historic USMCA Trade Agreement on Wednesday. The USMCA replaces the tragic NAFTA agreement that resulted in the loss of millions of US jobs. During the signing ceremony President Trump thanked several Republican Senators in the crowd. President Trump: I want to thank several members of Congress who were key in getting […]

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Busted: Democrats Caught Sending Out Cookie-Cutter Form Letters to US Senators to Astroturf Impeachment Support

The Gateway Pundit 

  The leftists and their shills are at it as usual, this time using form letters to give an illusion of support for impeaching Trump. The lying left is copy-pasting form letters to send to Senators. An astute Gateway Pundit reader noticed these on the @openletterbot on Twitter, which republishes everything people send to the […]

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*ZING* Jared Kushner on John Bolton: ‘The People Doing the Real Work, They’re Not Writing Books’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner joined FOX and Friends on Wednesday morning to discuss the proposed Mideast Peace Plan that was announced on Tuesday. Jared also weighed in on the impeachment charade and former National Security advisor John Bolton. Jared did not hold back. Brian Kilmeade: How disappointed are you in John […]

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Anti-Trump CIA ‘Whistleblower’ in Ukraine Hoax Was the Leaker in the Russia Hoax!… And Much, Much More!

The Gateway Pundit 

The leaker in the Ukraine Hoax is also a key contributor to the Russia Hoax.  His treasonous actions began after he worked with the Bidens in the Ukraine during the Obama Administration. Last night on The Ingraham Angle on FOX News, Laura Ingraham invited Sara Carter and author Lee Smith on to discuss the individual […]

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BIG CHINA UPDATE: Airlines Cancel More Flights, Borders Closing – Mayor of Wuhan Says Government Was Warned in December But They Kept it Secret

The Gateway Pundit 

Live report from Hong Kong China is devastated by coronavirus.  The government is shutting down most of the country.  Major cities look like ghost towns. Cathay Pacific, the major airline in Hong Kong, announced a few days ago that it would allow its flight attendants to wear protective masks in flight.  Now there are rumors […]

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CNN’s Don Lemon Gives Non-Apology Excuses for Laughing Hysterically During Segment Mocking Trump Voters

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s Don Lemon addressed a viral clip in which he laughed hysterically as his two guests trashed supporters of President Donald Trump during his show on Tuesday evening. Lemon made excuses without apologizing for his behavior. The original segment aired on CNN over the weekend and mocked the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump […]

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

THIS Should Scare the Hell Out of Every American: Democrats Promise to Persecute Trump Supporters if They Take White House… AND THEY MEAN IT!

The Gateway Pundit 

Far left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) unveiled a new campaign plan Tuesday.  She must have come up with this idea while sitting through hours of sham impeachment testimony in the US Senate. Warren’s plan calls for the creation of a Justice Department task force to investigate and prosecute corruption and immigration “violations” committed by the […]

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Ted Malloch and Felipe Cuello: Trump’s World: GEO DEUS

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Prof. Nic Capaldi, Loyola University This is the most significant publication to date on Trump. It is a refreshing explanation of Trump and his thinking. The key to understanding Trump’s View of the World is his opposition to Globalism, an opposition that provides content to Trump’s America First positive agenda. What Trump […]

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Trio of Democrat Senators in Red States Are Considering Acquittal Vote on Impeachment — They Want to Keep Their Job

The Gateway Pundit 

A trio of Democrat Senators in red states are considering a vote to acquit President Trump in the sham impeachment. Democrats know already they have lost this latest battle to remove Donald Trump. Smart Democrats in red states better wise up quick. Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Doug Jones […]

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Trump Rocks Wildwood: Thousands of Cheering Supporters Line Street for Motorcade and Watch Rally Outside of Packed Jersey Shore Arena (Videos)

The Gateway Pundit 

Thousands of supporters lined the streets of Wildwood, New Jersey Tuesday night, loudly cheering President Trump as his motorcade drove to the Wildwood Convention Center for a campaign rally where thousands more watched on a Jumbotron outside of the ‘sold out’ rally at the 7,500 seat venue. Nearly 160,000 ticket requests for the rally were […]

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