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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 22.01.2020

HE DID IT AGAIN! LIAR Adam Schiff Makes Up ANOTHER Fake Trump Quote in His Opening Argument (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Adam Schiff went off on a deranged Trump-Russia screed during his opening arguments at the Senate Impeachment Trial. Schiff went from lie to conspiracy throughout his more than an hour long opening argument. It was outrageous and insane! Schiff opened up calling President Trump a “king” and “cheat” and then moved on to assert that […]

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Florida Voters Reject Impeachment, Back Trump in New Poll

The Gateway Pundit 

A poll of Florida voters released Tuesday shows a majority of Sunshine State voters are opposed to removing President Trump from office over impeachment charges and that Trump leads all major Democrat rivals. President kicked off his 2020 reelection campaign with a massive rally at the 20,000 seat Amway Center in Orlando, Florida June 18, […]

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CREEPY AND BIZARRE: Biden Has INSANE Meltdown on Reporter When Asked About His Attacks on Sanders (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden had an extremely bizarre and unsettling reaction to a reporter asking him about his latest attacks on fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders. Appearing at a campaign event in Mason City, Iowa, Biden was asked by Ed O’Keefe of CBS why he continued to attack Sanders, despite accepting his apology over […]

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‘GOP Senators Are Getting Unified Against This Partisan Charade’ – Schiff’s Insane Rants From Senate Floor Backfire

The Gateway Pundit 

Adam Schiff House impeachment manager Adam Schiff is a lunatic who has been spewing insane Trump-Russia conspiracy theories from the Senate floor. Schiff, during his opening statement on Wednesday, called Trump a “king” and a “cheat” and claimed, without evidence, that Russia is hacking the 2020 election. Schiff is completely deranged and went from lie […]

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WOW! In His Opening Argument Adam Schiff Plays Joke by Trump at a Rally as Evidence for Impeachment

The Gateway Pundit 

Adam Schiff went off on a deranged Trump-Russia screed during his opening arguments at the Senate Impeachment Trial. Schiff went from lie to conspiracy throughout his more than an hour long opening argument. It was outrageous and insane! Schiff opened up calling President Trump a “king” and “cheat” and then moved on to assert that […]

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Video: Schiff Blocks Reporters From Questioning Nadler About His Meltdown in the Senate Last Night

The Gateway Pundit 

At a press conference held before the start of Wednesday’s impeachment trial session in the Senate, lead House Manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) blocked reporters from asking questions of deputy Manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) about Nadler’s late night tirade where he all but accused Republican senators of treason for voting down Democrat trial rules […]

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INSANE: Adam Schiff Goes off on Deranged Russia-Trump Conspiracy in Opening Arguments at Trump Impeachment (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Adam Schiff went off on a deranged Trump-Russia screed during his opening arguments at the Senate Impeachment Trial. Schiff went from lie to conspiracy throughout his 40 minute opening argument. It was outrageous and insane! Schiff opened up calling President Trump a “king” and “cheat” and then moved on to assert that President Trump is […]

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How Awful! Adam Schiff Calls Trump a “King” and “Cheat” – Accuses President Trump Soliciting Foreign Interference in US Elections (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) delivered opening arguments in the Senate Impeachment Hearing on Wednesday at 1:00 PM. It was another display of horrible lies and smears against this historic president. Schiff called President Trump a would-be “king” who sought foreign interference in the US elections. Schiff then accused President Trump of wishing “to cheat” in […]

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Tulsi Gabbard Files $50 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton For Pushing ‘Conspiracy Theory’ About Her

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has filed a $50 million lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. The lawsuit was filed on Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. It asserts that Clinton “carelessly and recklessly impugned” Gabbard’s reputation when she said that the candidate is “the favorite of the Russians” […]

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SPERRY: ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Was Overheard in 2017 Discussing With Ally Sean Misko How to Remove President Trump From Office

The Gateway Pundit 

‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella with Barack Obama in the Oval Office Shortly after Donald Trump was sworn into office in early 2017, Eric Ciaramella, the CIA plant-turned-whistleblower who prompted the impeachment of Trump, was overheard in the White House discussing with a fellow staffer how to remove the newly-elected president from office, according to investigative reporter […]

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This Is Amazing! Senate Republicans Release Powerful Ad on the Pelosi-Schiff Impeachment Scam (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday the US Senate opened its impeachment hearing of President Trump. House Democrats handed off two Articles of Impeachment, both non-crimes, to the US Senate last week after much fanfare and celebration. On Tuesday House Democrats argued for the senate to bring in more “witnesses” who they refused to call during the House proceedings. […]

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UN Human Rights Ruling Says “Climate Refugees” Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country — US Must Open Its Borders to All Central Americans

The Gateway Pundit 

The United Nations ruled that “climate refugees” cannot be returned back to their home countries. This ruling forces the United States to allow all Central Americans into our country. Literally, anyone can claim the new refugee status. This will essentially open US borders for good. Now the left has combined open borders with junk science […]

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“I’d Like to Sit in the Front Row and Stare at Their Corrupt Faces” – President Trump Warns Democrat “Sleazebags” He May Attend Sham Impeachment Hearing

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump was in Davos, Switzerland this week to attend the annual economic forum. Trump was delivered a speech on Tuesday highlighting the record and historic economic gains under his watch. He attended the forum one week after signing the USMCA and the China Trade Deal. During questions and answers President Trump called the Democrats […]

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Want Hope that Schiff and Soros Might Go Down? Look to Missouri where a Soros-Funded Prosecutor Is Set to Plead Fifth for Secret Work with Lawyer-Politician

The Gateway Pundit 

Hoping for justice?  This week Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney, whose campaign was funded by George Soros will be deposed by Special Prosecutor Gerard Carmody.   This comes after the news on Tuesday that St. Louis Police officers caught Gardner in a major lie about her traffic stop in December. Gardner said she was […]

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Rep. Elise Stefanik: Adam Schiff is Being Completely Hypocritical – The Process is Unfair and Unconstitutional (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) joined FOX and Friends on Wednesday morning following Tuesday’s marathon impeachment session in the US Senate. Democrat lawmakers led by Adam Schiff pushed for several hours for access to more witnesses for their slap-dash impeachment. This was after they denied Republicans their witnesses during the corrupt process in the US House […]

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Venezuela’s Maduro Regime Attacks Opposition Meeting Following Juan Guaidó’s Meeting with Secretary of State Pompeo

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday US  Secretary of State of the United States Mike Pompeo met with the president in charge of Venezuela Juan Guaidó, in Colombia.  The meeting was organized by Colombian President Iván Duque, and included to the representatives of countries such as Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, […]

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“Democrats Have “Adopted the Nazi Version of – the ‘BIG LIE’ As a Way to Impeach the President!” – Former US Attorney Joe diGenova

The Gateway Pundit 

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova was on WMAL radio show on Monday and he knocked it out of the park.  Joe explained the farce impeachment going on in the Capital and why this next election is so important. At the 7:30 mark: The Democrats didn’t win the 2016 election and so they’ve decided that they […]

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За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Chief Justice Roberts Admonishes Both Legal Teams After Nadler Accuses GOP Senators of Treachery and Voting Against US in Trump Impeachment Trial

The Gateway Pundit 

Chief Justice John Roberts admonished the Democrat House Managers and counsel for President Trump in a late night rebuke after Manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) accused Republican senators of casting “treacherous votes” “against the United States” by rejecting by tabling motions by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Nadler said, “…I see a lot of […]

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Video: Nadler Goes Nuts, Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Treacherous Votes’, ‘Cover-Up’ and ‘Voting Against the US’ for Rejecting Schumer Subpoenas for Trump Impeachment Trial

The Gateway Pundit 

House Manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) went off on the Senate in a late night harangue, accusing Republican senators of casting “treacherous votes”, participating in a “cover-up” and voting “against the United States” for rejecting by tabling every proposal by Democrats for witnesses and new evidence at the outset of the impeachment trial of President […]

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WOW! Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Claims Police Harassed Her and Held Her for 15 Minutes During Traffic Stop — VIDEO SHOWS SHE LIED!

The Gateway Pundit 

Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States for several years now. Several of his candidates are already in office creating havoc. His goal is to create choas in American cities for some reason. In St. Louis City far left lunatic Kim Gardner took money from Soros […]

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STUNNING! YouTube Takes Down Judicial Watch and Right Side Broadcasting’s Impeachment Feed — Want to Drive Viewers to Liberal Media Feeds!

The Gateway Pundit 

The Democrats sent their elite brain trust to the Senate Floor on Tuesday to push their sham impeachment against President Donald Trump. Tuesday’s hearing lasted for hours as Democrats continued to push amendment after amendment begging Republicans to call witnesses they did not have the nerve to subpoena during their investigation in the US House. […]

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