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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 17.01.2020

FBI Arrests 3 Alleged White Supremacists Over Concerns They Might Engage in Violence at Virginia Gun Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

Chris Wray The FBI arrested 3 alleged white supremacists on federal gun and alien-harboring charges ahead of the Virginia pro-2A rally next week over concerns they may engage in violence. Isn’t it strange how the FBI closely monitors the handful of white supremacists, yet they never seem to crack down on the hundreds of violent, […]

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Bernie’s Iowa State Director Flees the Scene as Project Veritas Confronts Her on Employment Status of “Anarcho-Communist” Field Organizer Kyle Jurek (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Project Veritas on Friday confronted Bernie Sanders’ Iowa State Director Misty Rebik on the employment status of “Anarcho-Communist” field organizer Kyle Jurek. And Misty fled the scene! Project Veritas this week released part 1 and 2 of their “Expose 2020” series showing a Bernie Sanders field organizer praising Joseph Stalin and saying he had a […]

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OMG! Best Comical Take-Down of Pelosi Democrats EVER!! ‘Conservative Momma’ Destroys Unhinged Trump-Hating Lunatics (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Dan Scavino photo We are living through historic times. We have been blessed with Donald Trump, a man who will likely go down in history as the leader who saved Democracy and the West. Every day is a new success, new record or new victory for this president. But not everyone is enjoying this massive […]

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LEAKED: Campaign Rider Shows Bernie Sanders Demands Hotel Rooms Be Freezing And Bathrooms Not Have ‘Slow Flushing Toilets’

The Gateway Pundit 

Sen. Bernie Sanders, 77, really is just as curmudugeonly as you’d expect. According to a leaked campaign rider from his 2020 presidential campaign obtained by The Smoking Gun, the Democratic socialist from Vermont demands that his hotel rooms be cold and his bathrooms not have slow flushing toilets. Called the “Senator Comfort Memo” — marked […]

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Biden’s Delaware Problem: Sharpton and Liberal Group Protest Against “White, Wealthy, Male” Judges Appointed by Democrats to State Courts

The Gateway Pundit 

Does Delaware’s Joe Biden have a diversity problem in his Democrat run home state? Delaware courts are too “white, wealthy and male” according to the liberal group Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware and Rev. Al Sharpton who joined the group at the state capitol in Dover on Wednesday to protest the nomination of attorney Paul […]

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Trump Calls Out Dems’ Plan to Rig Election Against Bernie Sanders….and Pelosi is Involved

The Gateway Pundit 

Bernie Sanders The Democrats are once again rigging the election against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and this time Nancy Pelosi is involved in the scheme. For several weeks, power-hungry Nancy Pelosi refused to deliver the impeachment articles to the Senate. Pelosi is a dirty, calculating politician and she held on to the articles for several […]

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Trump Impeachment Attorney: Democrats Are Going to Have a Hard Time Getting 67 Votes on Articles of Impeachment So Weak They Don’t Even Include a Crime (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Jordan Sekulow, a member of President Trump’s legal team, joined FOX and Friends on Friday morning to discuss the next steps by the Trump team in the impeachment process. Sekulow told Steve Doocy the Trump team will file their “answer” a shorter document, but still very significant, on Saturday. Then the Trump legal team will […]

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GOOD NEWS! Ken Starr, Robert Ray, Pam Bondi and Democrat Alan Dershowitz Selected to Defense Team to Defend Trump at Sham Impeachment Trial

The Gateway Pundit 

Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz BREAKING THIS FRIDAY MORNING– Ken Starr, Robert Ray and Democrat law professor Alan Dershowitz were selected to defend President Trump at the Senate impeachment trial starting next week. Breaking from me and @kaitlancollins Kenneth Starr and his former deputy Robert Ray will be lining potus’ legal team along with Alan […]

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Artist Uses Doctored Photos Of Hillary, AOC, Michelle Obama As Battered Women

The Gateway Pundit 

An Italian street artist used photographs of Hillary Clinton, Rep. Alexndria Ocasio-Cortez, Michelle Obama and other prominent women and made them appear to be victims of abuse, adding black eyes, bloody cuts and bruises. The artist, Alexsandro Palombo, included pictures of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Burmese politician Aung San Suu Kyi, the wife of the […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Crime Does Pay – FBI Hiding Dirty Cop Joe Pientka (Who Set Up General Flynn) and His Wife (Connected to Trump Tower Meeting) — BUT WE FOUND HIM

The Gateway Pundit 

Dirty cop Joe Pientka whose is reportedly still at the FBI, and his wife, who we have uncovered is connected to the Trump Tower meeting, are living high on the hog with houses on both the East and West Coasts. Joe was involved with everything corrupt involving the the Russia Collusion Hoax and his wife […]

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In Rare Appearance, Iran Supreme Leader Lauds Missile Attack, Mocks ‘American Clowns’

The Gateway Pundit 

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei doesn’t get out much, but when he does, he’s bad-mouthing the United States of America. Khamenei on Friday led Muslim prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years, dismissing “American clowns” and leaders of other western nations, who he said are only pretending to back the Iranian […]

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BREAKING: Impeachment Goes from Sham to a Farce — Democrat Party’s Latest Great Hope to Take Down Trump Lev Parnas Wears Ankle Monitor to Interviews

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday Democrats released ‘notes’ by Lev Parnas that he claims show Rudy Giuliani ordered him to to call the President Zelensky of Ukraine and tell him aid would not be forthcoming if he didn’t agree to investigate the Bidens. This Lev Parnas news was already reported in The New York Times back in November! And […]

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Utilized Crack Addict Stefan Halper As ITS KEY SOURCE to Spy Illegally on Trump Team in Its Attempted Coup of the President – Wow!

The Gateway Pundit 

Breaking: Investigative reports show that Stefan Halper was the spy working for the FBI in the Trump campaign.  This big man and indicted cocaine addict was who the FBI relied on in its attempted coup of the President of the United States. We know that Stefan Halper had an addiction to crack cocaine and records […]

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American Patriot General Michael Flynn Is Under Attack – Twitter Thread Reveals the Frame Job Against this Honorable Man – Where are the 302s and Hidden Corrections?

The Gateway Pundit 

General Michael Flynn has been under Deep State attack since 2015 when he was spied on at an event with Deep State spy Stefan Halper.  He has been under a gag order for at least two years.  He has spent his life savings trying to protect himself from the Deep State and after assisting Deep […]

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Another Nothing-Burger: OMB Director Blasts GAO Following Outrageous Opinion on President Trump’s Aid to Ukraine

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier today Speaker Pelosi announced that NEW EVIDENCE by the GAO found that President Trump broke the law by not handing over tax-payer dollars to the corrupt Ukrainian government fast enough. Pelosi made the announcement on Thursday morning during her impeachment briefing. The Government Accountability Office issued their opinion on Thursday which just happened to […]

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Updates: Political Crisis Continues in Venezuela – Armed Groups Beat Opposition with Stones and Sticks

The Gateway Pundit 

Venezuela Opposition and Legitimate Leader Juan Guaidó There was a surge of aggression and violence in Venezuela, this week before a new attempt by Juan Guaido and the opposition majority to meet at the headquarters of the Parliament in Caracas. In a brutal ambush, armed civil groups attacked opposition members and press representatives with stones, […]

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Sen. Rand Paul Joins Hannity to Sound the Alarm! GOP Snakes in Senate May Block Trump’s Witnesses in Impeachment Trial (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Rand Paul is continuing to sound the alarm about the possibility of some of his Republican colleagues voting to allow only the witnesses called by Democrats during the impeachment trial. Appearing on Hannity on Thursday evening, Sen. Paul reiterated much of what he told The Gateway Pundit on Wednesday about his fear that Democrats […]

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“I Never Spoke with This Individual – And Frankly I Don’t Trust Any Word He’s Now Saying” – HUGE! – Ukrainian FM Prystaiko Responds to Democrats’ Lev Parnas Stunt (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko On Monday Democrats released ‘notes’ by Lev Parnas that he claims show Rudy Giuliani ordered him to to call the President Zelensky of Ukraine and tell him aid would not be forthcoming if he didn’t agree to investigate the Bidens. This Lev Parnas news was already reported in The New […]

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Matt Gaetz on Bogus Allegations by Bitter Florida Republican: “I Have Not Engaged in Any Improper Conduct Alleged Against Me” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) went on with Lou Dobbs on Thursday night to discuss the enormous success of the Trump economy and the USMCA and US-China trade deals. As Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said earlier in the show told Lou the two deals USMCA and the China deal is over two TRILLION dollars in bilateral […]

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“USMCA and US-China Trade Deal is Over $2 Trillion in Bi-Lateral Trade – 10 Percent of Our Economy!” – Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Cheers Trump’s Historic Trade Deals (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross joined Lou Dobbs to discuss the historic and unprecedented trade agreements signed into law and passed through the US Senate — The US-China Trade Deal and the USMCA to replace NAFTA. Ross told Lou Dobbs on the massive value of these two trade agreements for the American people. Commerce Secretary […]

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HAH! Not a Single Jeopardy Contestant Knows Who Adam Schiff Is… Even with a Picture! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Adam Schiff was recently an answer on Jeopardy and not one contestant knew who he was. Jeopardy host Alex Trebek showed a picture of Adam Schiff and said, “1/53rd of California’s House delegation is this Intelligence Committee Chairman.” No one knew who Schiff was… even with a picture! “His name is Adam Schiff” Alex Trebek […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Самсонова выиграла турнир WTA в Хертогенбосхе

Сотрудники Королевского ОВО задержали гражданина в федеральном розыске

В Москве рассказали о развитии фармкластера в ОЭЗ «Технополис «Москва»

В Подмосковье стартовала регистрация на турнир «Ovi Cyber Cup» по киберхоккею

В Москве солнечная погода сменится грозами и осадками в четверг