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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 31.01.2020

Schiff Loses it as Impeachment Falls Apart, ‘Our Government No Longer Has Three Co-Equal Branches’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Adam Schiff fell apart as his impeachment sham crumbled on Friday. Schiff was desperately trying to influence Senators Friday afternoon following the devastating announcement from Murkowski that she will be voting against more witnesses. Murkowski didn’t just reject additional impeachment witnesses, she is furious and disgusted with the Democrats and she let the world know […]

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Former CIA Chief John Brennan, Who Spied on Trump, FREAKS After Sen. Lamar Alexander Announces Vote for No Witnesses

The Gateway Pundit 

John Brennan Former CIA chief John Brennan freaked after Senator Lamar Alexander announced he will be voting against calling in additional witnesses in the impeachment trial. In a huge blow to Democrats, Senator Lamar Alexander announced Thursday night he will be voting against new witnesses. Senator Murkowski then put the final nail in the coffin […]

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‘Meeting Never Happened’ – Trump Responds to Last Minute Failed ‘Bombshell’ Bolton NY Times Story Meant to Shake Up Impeachment

The Gateway Pundit 

The New York Times dropped another surprise Bolton story Friday morning ahead of the senate vote on impeachment witnesses. The fake news hacks at the New York Times failed to influence the Friday vote because Senator Lisa Murkowski announced she would be voting against new witnesses. “The House chose to send articles of impeachment that […]

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Elizabeth Warren Dragged by Lisa Murkowski Over Impeachment Trial Question Trashing Chief Justice Roberts and Supreme Court

The Gateway Pundit 

In her statement issued Friday announcing her ‘no’ vote against new witnesses and evidence in the impeachment trial of President Trump, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) cited a question submitted by presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Thursday that attacked the credibility of Chief Justice John Roberts and the Supreme Court as one of her […]

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BREAKING: IT’S OVER! Murkowski to Vote Against New Witnesses

The Gateway Pundit 

Lisa Murkowski Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK) will not support new witnesses in the impeachment trial. Murkowski’s vote against new witnesses ensures Republicans will be able to block all new witnesses in a 51-49 vote and move to acquit President Trump. “The House chose to send articles of impeachment that are rushed and flawed. I carefully […]

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DEVELOPING: Senate Trial Extended to NEXT WEDNESDAY — Senate Pushes Sham Until After Scheduled SOTU Address

The Gateway Pundit 

The Senate impeachment trial is likely now extended to NEXT WEDNESDAY! The State of the Union Address is scheduled for next Tuesday. The US Senate is purposely pushing the President’s acquittal until after the SOTU Address! They want to delay it until Wednesday. BREAKING: Senate impeachment trial extended to WEDNESDAY — Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January […]

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Schumer Scolds Kamala Harris For Messing Around and Laughing at Impeachment Press Conference (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer scolded Kamala Harris on Friday morning because she was messing around and laughing at an impeachment press conference. Remember how many times the Democrats told us impeachment was a serious and somber moment? But California Senator Kamala Harris thinks it’s hilarious. Schumer turned around and told Kamala to shut up […]

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BREAKING: Romney WILL Vote To Call Witnesses

The Gateway Pundit 

Sen. Mitt Romney makes it official: He’ll vote with Democrats to call witnesses in the Senate trial on two articles of impeachment against President Trump. “For those asking: As [Sen. Romney] has said, he wants to hear from Ambassador Bolton, and he will vote in favor of the motion today to consider witnesses,” Liz Johnson, a […]

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Schumer Melts Down as Impeachment Implodes, Demands Every Senator Explain Their Impeachment Vote (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Chuck Schumer Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer melted down on Friday as impeachment against President Trump imploded. McConnell will be holding a vote on additional witnesses Friday after closing arguments wrap up. In a huge blow to Democrats, Senator Lamar Alexander announced Thursday night he will be voting against new witnesses, giving the Republicans a […]

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IS IT BLUE? Woman Who Has Accused Trump Of Sexual Assault Seeks His DNA To Compare To ‘Genetic Material’ On Dress

The Gateway Pundit 

A 75-year-old former advice columnist for a women’s fashion magazine last June claimed President Trump raped her in a department-store dressing room in the mid-1990s. The story then completely disappeared, in part because the accuser, E. Jean Carroll, turned out to be pretty weird. But she’s back now, and she wants Trump to provide a […]

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The Collapse of a Society: Venezuelan State-Owned Oil Company Shuts Down Last Two Operating Refineries for Repairs — Socialism in Action

The Gateway Pundit 

Venezuelan oil refineries were shut down this week. PDVSA, the Venezuelan state-owned oil and natural gas company, shut down its last two operating refineries in Venezuela. The Amuay and the Cardon facilities at the Paraguana Refining Center the largest refining complex in Venezuela, were shut down earlier this week. The news was first reported in […]

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“A Deranged Human Being… Pathological Liar… Lied for Two-and-a-Half Years” – Newt Gingrich Says What Everyone Is Thinking About Adam Schiff

The Gateway Pundit 

Former US Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was on the Ingraham Angle on FOX News on Thursday night.  Newt said what we all have been thinking for some time about Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich talked about the Democrats unconstitutional impeachment this past week and in particular about Adam Schiff.  He […]

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“Y’all Know the Moment when Donald Trump Met Kanye – Very Historical Moment in Our History” – NFL Star Wears MAGA Gear to Super Bowl Media Day

The Gateway Pundit 

Thursday was Super Bowl Media Day. Kansas City Chiefs Defensive End Frank Clark wore a Trump sweatshirt to the media event. Clark was asked about his choice of attire. He responded, “Ah man, I got it from my girlfriend… I’ll never forget man, y’all know the moment when Donald Trump met Kanye. A historical moment […]

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CHINA UPDATE: People Create Unique Ways to Cope with Coronavirus as Surgical Mask and Food Shortages Increase — AMAZING PHOTOS

The Gateway Pundit 

Live from Hong Kong Surgical masks and food are in short supply in some cases in China and Hong Kong due to the coronavirus. Surgical masks are in high demand, so much so that citizens have to resort to other methods to prevent themselves from the coronavirus.  This man uses an orange: This man uses […]

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Don’t Fool Yourself: Ciaramella Will Not Be the Last Anti-Trump Deep State Hack To File Third-Hand Flawed Complaint to Launch Impeachment Against Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

In order to destroy President Trump Democrat operatives changed whistleblower forms to allow for third-hand “witnesses” to file complaints against the Commander in Chief based on rumor and hearsay. This was a new tactic by the left. Then to top it off — Democrats and tech giants threatened anyone who released the third-hand “witness’s” name. […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

What Were the Odds? Extremely Good Chance Brexit and Acquitmas Will Take Place Within Hours of Each Other

The Gateway Pundit 

It looks like the reports were right. With Lamar Alexander’s announcement on Thursday night it is likely that the Trump impeachment charade will end in the next 24 hours. And the official British exit from the EU will also take place today. Democracy has won. pic.twitter.com/2zWfjZHHeB — Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) January 31, 2020 That means […]

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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Bernie Sanders Wants All Your Money

The Gateway Pundit 

By Wayne Allyn Root Bernie Sanders has a serious shot at being the Democrat presidential nominee. Many polls have him leading in both Iowa and New Hampshire. That’s disturbing. That’s like handing America over to Fidel Castro. How radical is Bernie? To simplify things, I’ll just let the numbers do the talking. The Wall Street […]

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Lamar Alexander Announces He Will Vote Against Impeachment Trial Witnesses – Makes It Likely Sham Impeachment Will End This Weekend

The Gateway Pundit 

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) announced his decision to vote against witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump Thursday night after the end of the question and answer session. reported CNN. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), file screen image. Lamar Alexander’s full statement: “I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the […]

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BREAKING: RINO Senator Susan Collins Says She Will Vote in Support of Motion to Allow Witnesses and Documents to be Subpoenaed

The Gateway Pundit 

Susan Collins RINO Senator Susan Collins (ME) said Thursday night that she will vote in support of the motion to allow witnesses and documents to be subpoenaed. An earlier report by ABC News said McConnell has the votes to block witnesses. The vote on Friday is expected to be very close. “In keeping with the […]

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A NEW LOW for #FakeNews — Media Spins 100% Negative on Trump Defense Team — 95% Positive Spin on Schiff and his Dopes

The Gateway Pundit 

The latest impeachment sham is over. Democrats lost. They got shellacked on the Senate Floor ALL WEEK LONG. They had no case and no talent. Despite this the liberal media was out in force to lift up their Democrat team. Via NewsBusters. In fact the liberal mainstream media reported 100% negative against the brilliant Trump […]

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WATCH: Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Says President Trump Is “Greatest Friend That Israel Has Ever Had”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump announced a historic peace plan for Israel and Palestine. The peace plan has two parts; it creates an independent Palestinian state while permanently acknowledging that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised President Trump’s peace plan emphasizing that it was both practical and realistic because it balances Israel’s national security […]

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