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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 01.06.2020

OANN Reporter Chanel Rion to Kayleigh McEnany: Will Trump Administration Investigate Members of Congress for Support or Ties to Antifa? (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

White House Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany held a presser on Monday afternoon following the violence and looting by leftist groups in cities across the country this past weekend. One America News reporter Chanel Rion asked McEnany if the Trump White House will investigate members of Congress who are funding or tied to the Antifa terrorist movement.…

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Are You A “Prepared Protector” For Dangerous Times?

The Gateway Pundit 

Note: As we all adjust to the new reality, we’re bringing you some options for protection created by the US Concealed Carry Association.  USCCA was founded 20 years ago to protect gun owners from a system that doesn’t always protect the Second Amendment. They provide a hotline to a lawyer, education, and many more benefits…

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Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Urges Protesters to Self-Quarantine for 14 Days Over Coronavirus Fears

The Gateway Pundit 

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady are urging protesters and others who were out in large gatherings over the weekend to self-quarantine for fourteen days due to concerns of coronavirus infections spreading. Chicago was the scene of widespread looting over the weekend by liberals, Antifa and Black Lives…

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Biden Campaign Spox Blames “White Supremacists” For Violent Riots, Calls President Trump a “Klansman” For Telling Governors to Step Up Enforcement

The Gateway Pundit 

Jamal Brown Biden’s campaign is all in with the violent left-wing terrorists. President Trump on Monday unloaded on the nation’s governors during a call and told them to step up enforcement to quell the violent left-wing terrorists looting businesses and burning down buildings. Instead of encouraging law and order, Biden’s national press secretary Jamal Brown…

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Kayleigh McEnany Leaves White House Press Hacks Speechless After Ending Presser with a Video of Police Kindness and Quote from Martin Luther King Jr. (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Kayleigh McEnany ended her Monday press conference by playing a video of police joining Black Lives Matter protesters this weekend at protests in Flint, Michigan and elsewhere. After playing the touching video Kayleigh ended with this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish…

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Jacka$$ from South Africa Defends Looters “Black Americans are being Looted Every Day” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah defended the looters across America this weekend. Noah, who is from South Africa, lectured Americans on the looting across the country. Trevor Noah: “If you felt unease watching that Target being looted, try to imagine how it must feel for black Americans when they watch themselves being looted every single…

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Armed Patriot in Cowboy Hat Kicks Looters Out of His Cigar Store in Bellevue Like It’s the Wild Wild West (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This is how it’s done. Rioters and looters hit Bellevue, Washington on Sunday, just east of Seattle. Bellevue is home to Microsoft and Amazon. Far left-terrorists are clearing out Target stores, Apple stores and destroying businesses. Armed patriots peacefully kicked looters out of their cigar store in Bellevue Washington on Sunday. A man wearing a…

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Audio of President Trump Call With Governors on Riots; Media Says ‘Unhinged’, Listen and Decide

The Gateway Pundit 

Audio clips are being posted from President Trump’s conference call with governors that took place Monday morning. The media said Trump was “unhinged.” Listen and decide. Update: Link to complete audio at end. Listen for yourself: Unhinged- the audio where Trump lashes out at governors and says they need to crack down on protesters. Says…

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LOOTERS GET LOOTED: Video Compilation of Looters Stealing from Looters at Peaceful Protests Across America

The Gateway Pundit 

Looting can be hard work. Peaceful protesters were out looting dozens of stores and businesses this past weekend across America. A group of looters were seen rolling their booty out of a Philly store in a grocery cart. Then the looters got looted. The looters attacking each other to steal looted goods in Philly screams…

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Victor Davis Hanson: “The Progressive Movement is Based on Hypocrisy…The Left Has Learned Nothing” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Victor Davis Hanson was interviewed on Steel on Steel, with John Loeffler, and he brilliantly discussed the reasons President Trump won the last election, and why he may win again, in 2020.  The Democrats are totally oblivious to what is going on; and, this is before the riots their supporters launched around the country. The…

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Trump Calls Out “Weak” Governors on Riots: Says You Have to Dominate Rioters, Arrest People, Put Them In Jail for Ten Years

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump lit into governors in a conference call Monday morning about the riots. A tape of the call was leaked to CBS News while other news outlets are reporting from other leakers on the call. Minnesota, May 29, screen image. CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe reported on the leaked recording: “JUST IN: President Trump unloads…

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“Community Organizer” Barack Obama Cheers “Protests” – Insists “Small Minority” Was Behind Looting, Torchings, Destruction of HUNDREDS of Businesses and Govt. Offices

The Gateway Pundit 

Former community organizer and failed president Barack Obama published a message on Monday morning to the mass protest movement that shook America to its core this weekend. Some things never change. Barack Obama taught the principles of Saul Alinsky while in Chicago. There is even this photo of Obama the community organizer teaching Alinsky to…

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Cowardly Tech Giants Release Statements Supporting Racial Equality — Refuse to Condemn Mass Violence, Destruction, Lootings, Beatings (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Hulu, Disney released statements supporting racial equality following a weekend of mass violence by leftist protesters from coast to coast. Hundreds of businesses and government offices were destroyed, looted and torched. Americans were attacked and traumatized. But the cowardly tech giants want you to know they value racial equality —…

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Mayors, Governors Ask Rioters To Wear Face Masks, Practice Social Distancing

The Gateway Pundit 

Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey wants protesters destroying the city to wear masks and practice social distancing. “The City encourages everyone to exercise caution to stay safe while participating in demonstrations, including wearing masks and physical distancing as much as possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The City has made hundreds of masks available to…

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You’re On Your Own: Raleigh Police Chief Says She Will Not Put Officers in Harm’s Way to Protect Property

The Gateway Pundit 

Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown held a press conference on Sunday morning after the mass violence and looting by leftist protesters overnight. Deck-Brown called the mass destruction “disgusting and unacceptable.” Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown then lectured on white supremacy in front of the looting buildings and said she would not put officers in harms way to protect property.…

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Chinese State Media Calls Violent U.S. Protests A ‘Beautiful Sight’

The Gateway Pundit 

A state newspaper in China is calling violent riots in U.S. cities “retribution” for Washington’s support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, adding that they are a “beautiful sight.” The Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party outlet, suggested in a column that Beijing “would be justified if it openly backed the protests and riots in…

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

University of Alabama Professor and Guggenheim Fellow Posts Instructions on Twitter on How to Topple Government Monuments

The Gateway Pundit 

University of Alabama at Birmingham professor and Guggenheim Fellow Sarah Parcak was so moved by the rioters and looters this past weekend that she posted instructions on how to topple government monuments. Sarah Parcak was a guest on the Colbert Late Show. Parcak posted instructions this past weekend on how to rip down and destroy…

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Asshat Chris Cuomo Compares Mass Riots, Lootings, Torchings Across America to Boston Tea Party (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

After several nights of looting, rioting and vandalism across the United States CNN contributor Van Jones defended the carnage by comparing the “protests” to the Boston Tea Party which was a targeted attack on the British East India Company. Hundreds of businesses and government offices were destroyed.  Hundreds of businesses were plundered.  And numerous detractors…

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EXCLUSIVE: As We Suspected Groups Behind the Riots Include Domestic Terrorists, Black Lives Matter, US Islamists and Others Linked to the Democrat Party

The Gateway Pundit 

We reported a couple days ago that recent riots in the US in many Democrat-led cities around the country are hardly spontaneous. They appear coordinated. We suspected these riots were related to the same individuals involved in similar activities over the past year or years. These people were related to US based Islamist Organizations, domestic…

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Local Philly Residents – Black and White – Stand Guard Over Target Store – Chant “Four More Years” and “USA! USA!” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Americans around the country are standing up for justice and cleaning up the messes left behind by far-left rioters and anarchists this past weekend. In Minneapolis a group of American loving patriots came out and cleaned up the areas destroyed by the violent anti-American protesters the night before. Found the white demonstrators https://t.co/HouWw45jJb — Scott…

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Federal And County Courthouses Attacked In Portland, Rioters Smash More Windows, Start More Fires

The Gateway Pundit 

After the Portland police successfully broke up crowds downtown earlier in the evening, thousands who had gathered in southeast Portland marched through the city and into downtown. They converged, one again, at the “Justice Center” where they engaged in a stand-off with riot cops. Clashes outside Justice Center Video from around 11:30 pm on Sunday…

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