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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 03.06.2020

Trump ‘Secured’ Washington From Rioters While New York Devolved Into Chaos, White House Says

The Gateway Pundit 

The White House on Wednesday said that President Trump’s decision to “surge” law enforcement and the National Guard into the nation’s capital saved the city from destruction from rioters. “Weak-kneed” officials in New York City failed to protect their own city, said White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. “New York was arresting people on burglary…

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Breaking: Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi Joins DC Protesters After They Torched Historic Church and Desecrated National War Memorials!

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi joined the DC Protest mob on Wednesday in Washington DC. This is two days after the torched historic St. John’s Church and desecrated the Lincoln Memorial and Korean War Memorial. And US Park Police even found stashes of weapons planted for the protesters near the White House. This is your Democrat…

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Rosenstein Admits There Was No Evidence of ‘Russian Collusion’ in August 2017 When He Penned Second Scope Memo Expanding Mueller Investigation (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. Rosenstein wrote a total of three scope memos giving Mueller permission to rove around unchecked in a fishing expedition to not only target Trump officials, but to play defense and cover up the Obama administration’s crimes. On Wednesday, Rosenstein admitted…

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Obama to Criticize President Trump’s ‘Handling of the Policing Crisis’ in George Floyd Riots Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

Former President Barack Obama will criticize President Donald Trump’s ‘handling of the policing crisis’ in remarks set for a 5 p.m. virtual town hall lives stream that will also be carried by cable news. NBC News reporter Geoff Bennett on Twitter, “Aides to former President Obama tell @JoshNBCNews that in his virtual town hall tonight,…

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Flashback: James Baker Testified Under Oath Rosenstein Plotted to Wear a Wire to Oust Trump From Office with 25th Amendment

The Gateway Pundit 

James Baker Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the man who authorized Robert Mueller to rove around unchecked for a two year ‘Trump-Russia investigation’ testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. Rosenstein told Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) that he NEVER discussed a plot to wear a wire to remove President Trump using the…

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Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Releases All Rioters and Looters from Jail Without Charges Following Monday’s Mass Rioting

The Gateway Pundit 

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner released ALL of the rioters and looters captured this week in the criminal Black Lives Matter – Antifa protests in St. Louis. This was after 4 police officers were shot and one retired police captain was killed in the street on Facebook live. Missouri state Attorney General Eric Schmitt…

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Somebody’s Lying: Former Deputy AG Rosenstein Denies He Ever Discussed Removing President Trump Using 25th Amendment (VIDE)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the man who launched the fraudulent Mueller Special Investigation, is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. It took loopy Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono to ask Rosenstein about the reports that he discussed wearing a wire to spy on President Trump and that he discussed using the…

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“So You Didn’t Rubber Stamp It But You Didn’t Read It?” – Hawley Brings the FIRE – Rosenstein CRUMBLES, STUTTERS After Called Out by MO Senator (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the man who launched the fraudulent Mueller Special Investigation, is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. The Democrats were only there to spread lies and the uninformed GOP Senators were mostly useless. But Senator Josh Hawley brought the heat! Senator Hawley (R-MO) pushed Rosenstein into a…

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Brennan Accuses Members of Trump’s Cabinet of ‘Betraying Their Oath of Office’ by Supporting a “Desperate Despot”

The Gateway Pundit 

John Brennan Former CIA Director and architect of Spygate John Brennan lashed out at President Trump and his administration again this week. Brennan accused members of Trump’s cabinet of betraying their oath of office and referred to President Trump as a “desperate despot.” BRENNAN: There should be no place in American society, much less in…

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Rosenstein Claims When He Emailed Mueller That the “Boss and His Staff Do Not Know About Our Discussions” He Was Referring to Jeff Sessions not President Trump – Anyone Believe That?

The Gateway Pundit 

Former DOJ DAG Rod Rosenstein was in front of the Senate this morning.  During his testimony he was asked about his email to Robert Mueller where he wrote – “The Boss doesn’t know” We reported in October of 2019: Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 145 pages of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s communications…

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Dirty Cop Rosenstein Tosses Fired FBI and Comey Under the Bus – Says He Recommended his Firing Due to His Attempts to Influence 2016 Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the man who launched the fraudulent Mueller Special Investigation, is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. Early in his testimony he tossed fired Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe under the bus saying McCabe was “not candid” with him regarding the garbage investigation of the…

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Rod Rosenstein Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee – Tosses Andrew McCabe Under the Bus (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the man who launched the fraudulent Mueller Special Investigation, is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. After his opening statement Judiciary Chairman Senator Lindsey Graham asked Rosenstein about his decision appointing the Mueller Special Counsel. Within the first few minutes Rosenstein tossed Andrew McCabe under the…

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“I’m Here to Tell Your Story” – Black Lives Matter Mob Beats the Hell Out of Reuters Photographer in DC Street (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Nice riot you got going there. A mob of Black Lives Matter rioters were caught on camera beating the hell out of an unsuspecting Reuters reporter. Jonathan Landay is a staunch leftist but that didn’t save him from a public beating. The entire incident took place in broad daylight. According to Landay he told them,…

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Two George Floyd Rioters Arrested for Torching MN Courthouse with Molotov Cocktails

The Gateway Pundit 

Garrett Patrick Ziegler, 24, and Fornandous Cortez Henderson, 32, Two men were arrested for torching the Dakota Cunty Government building south of Minneapolis on Friday. The men were George Floyd rioters. The two men Garrett Patrick Ziegler, 24, and Fornandous Cortez Henderson, 32, were charged with arson and possession of Molotov cocktails. Two individuals were…

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

From Impeachment, To Pandemic, To Riots, Wildfires And Killer Hornets, 2020 Is Wild — And About To Get Even Crazier

The Gateway Pundit 

Can 2020 get crazier? You bet. We’re just getting started. If you wrote a screenplay of what’s happened so far in 2020 and gave it to Hollywood producers, they’d laugh you right out of the room. “So, your movie,” they’d say, “has the president of the United States being impeached, a pandemic killing more than…

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SORRY AMERICA – Those Catastrophic Mortality Rates Sold to Us by the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Were a Huge Scam

The Gateway Pundit 

Sorry America.  We hate to break it to you but you’ve been had.  Those horrible projections made about the coronavirus, were wrong – way wrong.  We’re not saying that the elderly were not at risk.  We never did.  If New York, New Jersey, Michigan and other Democrat led states would have protected their elderly in…

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VIDEO: Shop Owner Holds Looter At Gun Point With AR15

The Gateway Pundit 

A would-be looter was greeted by an AR15 barrel in his face after a shop owner caught the thug busting in and robbing his business. According to a thread on Reddit, this took place in Sacramento during the protests/riots this week. The incident was caught on camera from from the shop owner’s first-person perspective. In…

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13-Year-Old Girl With Autism Says She Was Attacked TWICE for Being White and Having a Pro-Trump Family

The Gateway Pundit 

A 13-year-old Kentucky girl with autism says that she was brutally attacked by older teenagers twice in recent weeks for being white and having a family that supports President Donald Trump. The teenagers also attacked her mother and younger siblings. The young girl’s father had post-traumatic stress disorder and took his own life in 2017,…

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