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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 18.06.2020

Gov. Cuomo Rips ‘Evil Icon Of Our Nation’s Racist Past’ When ‘Noose’ Found In Harlem Park. Then The Truth Comes Out.

The Gateway Pundit 

A park goer took a photo Saturday at Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem of what was called a “noose” hanging from a tree near the historic Fire Watch Tower. A Parks Department employee alerted police to the “noose” after the city’s 311 line was also notified by someone in the park. “We are dismayed by…

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California Issues Statewide Authoritarian Face Mask Order to ‘Help Reduce Spread of COVID-19’

The Gateway Pundit 

CA Governor Gavin Newsom The Democrats are back to installing tyrannical Coronavirus orders now that the George Floyd riots have calmed down. California on Thursday issued a statewide face mask order. California Public Health Officials released guidance requiring Californians to wear face coverings, citing ‘scientific research.’ “Science shows that face coverings and masks work,” said…

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Columbus, Ohio Democrat Mayor Ginther to Remove Columbus Statue Outside Columbus City Hall — It’s Racist

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats are tearing the country apart. It obviously is their plan. On Thursday the Democrat Mayor in Columbus, Ohio announced he would remove the racist statue of Columbus outside the Columbus City Hall. The Christopher Columbus statue was a gift from the people of Genoa, Italy. Democrats are tearing this country apart. 10WBNS reported: Columbus…

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Atlanta Protester: Black Lives Matter ‘Bomb Squad’, ‘Anti-Drone’ Laser Teams from Venezuela, Seattle Involved in Wendy’s Attack

The Gateway Pundit 

A self-described revolutionary protester involved in the attack on an Atlanta Wendy’s last Saturday night that was torched over the police shooting of Rayshard Brooks while violently fleeing arrest is claiming that Black Lives Matter protesters had a bomb squad and anti-drone laser team on scene, with the involvement of people from Venezuela, Seattle and…

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‘KEEP BREATHING FOR ME!’ Body-Cam Footage Contradicts DA, Officers Administered CPR On Rayshard Brooks

The Gateway Pundit 

In a high-profile press conference carried live by all news networks on Wednesday, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard claimed police officer Garrett Rolfe did not administer CPR after shooting Rayshard Brooks, who had wrestled a Taser away from him before trying to flee. Rolfe’s body camera came off his uniform after Brooks wrestled and…

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Fake News CBS Gets Roasted For Posting Race-Baiting, Anti-Police Headline Designed to Stoke Racial Tensions

The Gateway Pundit 

Fake News CBS is at it again. CBS on Thursday got roasted for posting a race-baiting, anti-police headline with the intention of fanning the flames to stoke racial tensions. “Deputies kill half-brother of black man found hanged in park” CBS said in its headline. Deputies kill half-brother of black man found hanged in park https://t.co/8k2grApsVF…

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Facebook Continues to Interfere in US Election — Deletes Team Online Trump Ad

The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook deleted a Team Trump ad on Facebook on Thursday morning. The anti-Trump New York Daily News reported: Facebook removed an ad from President Trump’s reelection campaign on Thursday that featured a symbol used by the Nazis to label political prisoners in Adolf Hitler’s concentration camps, saying the inflammatory post violated the platform’s “policy against…

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Far Left White Girl and Arsonist Tracked Down and Charged After Wearing Custom-made T-Shirt at Philly Riots — Now Faces Up to 80 Years For Torching Cop Cars

The Gateway Pundit 

Lore-Elisabeth Blumenthal lights up a police car in Philadelphia. The FBI tracked down a dangerous leftist after she torched two police car in the Philadelphia “peaceful protests” and riots. Lore Elisabeth Blumenthal was arrested this week for torching the police cars in riots last week. The FBI tracked her down by tracing her custom t-shirt…

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Again Calls Out Democrat Lawmakers on their Support for Radical Anti-Cop Group that Wants to Abolish ICE, Borders and America!

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) went off yesterday during the House hearing on police reform. Gaetz called out Democrats for not accepting any GOP amendments to their legislation – even ones they agreed with. And then Rep. Gaetz got real honest and called out today’s Democrats for their ultimate goal in taking down the entire country.…

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Every Atlanta Police Officer to Receive $500 Bonus Today From Private Group Linked to Mayor and Police Chief – Day After 56% of Police Call Out

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night as many as 56% of Atlanta police officers called off of work after Officer Garrett Rolfe was charged with felony murder in the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks. Several calls went unanswered in Atlanta last night do to the shortage of police officers. On Thursday morning the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF) announced…

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Far Left Anti-Cop Activist Cheers Atlanta Police Calling Out Sick — Hopes They All Get Fired

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night several Atlanta police officers called off after two police officers were charged in the death of Rayshard Brooks at a Wendy’s last weekend. The Atlanta Journal Constitution confirmed the reports that several police called out. Atlanta PD #blueflue I’ve heard conflicting reports on this, rumors on both sides, but the Atlanta Journal…

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Far-Left Bartender Spies on Customer and Outs Him on Facebook for Criticizing Black Lives Matter — Owner Sides with Bartender

The Gateway Pundit 

(Picture from Turtleboysports.com) No conservatives allowed! A man in Massachusetts was doxed by a far left Black Lives Matter loving bartender on Facebook.  The bartender was initially let go but then hired back with an apology by the owner of the bar. Turtleboysports.com reported: Earlier in the day I published a blog about a Swampscott…

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Trump Blasts Supreme Court Decision on DACA After Turncoat John Roberts Sides with Liberal Justices

The Gateway Pundit 

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President Trump cannot end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, once again sided with the liberal justices to ban President Trump from ending the DACA program. Trump took to Twitter and blasted the Supreme Court in a pair of tweets. “These…

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Top Trump Supporter and Founder of Walk Away Movement Removed from Flight for Refusing to Wear a Mask (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Brandon Straka is the founder of the WalkAway movement in America. Brandon, a former Democrat, walked away from the Democrat Party after he realized following the 2016 election that he was being lied to on a daily bases by Democrats and their mainstream media. Brandon led this campaign that has over 257,000 followers on its…

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AWFUL. Wife of Police Officer Posts Video of Threats She and Her Husband Receive Because He Is a Police Officer (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Kimberly Bauer is married to a police officer. She has a TikTok account called “MarriedtotheBadge”. Because she is open about her marriage to a police officer Kimberly and her family receive death wishes and abuse. Kimberly spoke about a few of those vile threats in a recent TikTok video. This is outrageous and heartbreaking. The…

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EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Mortality Study Continues to Confirm Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Seasonal Flu

The Gateway Pundit 

On March 17, 2020, we were the first to identify that the WHO and the WHO’s Director General Tedros were pushing fraudulent numbers regarding the expected mortality of the coronavirus.  The WHO over-stated the mortality rate of the virus by at least 20 times the actual number. We then followed up with multiple posts on…

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Новости России

В Дубне сотрудники Росгвардии помогли утиному семейству перейти оживленную трассу

Supreme Court Rules Against President Trump on Ending DACA – John Roberts Again Sides with Liberal Judges

The Gateway Pundit 

The Supreme Court ruled today that President Trump cannot end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, once again sided with the liberal bloc to ban President Trump from ending the DACA program. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan…

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Cuomo’s Legacy: At Least 4,500 COVID-19 Patients were Sent to Seed New York Nursing Homes Killing at Least 6,000 Residents

The Gateway Pundit 

Man-made disaster: The actions of New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo led to thousands of coronavirus deaths in his state. A memo dated March 25, 2020, ordered state officials to move coronavirus patients to nursing homes. It was New York state policy to put the sick patients back in the nursing home. In early May the…

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Teen Vogue is Now Pushing Karl Marx on your Teen Daughters

The Gateway Pundit 

Karl Marx’s legacy is death.  Over 100 million human beings dead in 100 years of Marxism. This does not include the the suffering, pain and abject poverty Marxism brought to this world. But that won’t stop today’s left from pushing this godless doctrine on the masses once again.  In fact real energy behind the Democrat…

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Ex-Trump Adviser Walid Phares Speaks Out – Agrees that Obamagate Began with Obama’s Secret Deals with Iran and His Domestic Spying on Trump Officials

The Gateway Pundit 

Journalist and author Lee Smith uncovered the beginnings of Obamagate in an article at Tabletmag.com in May. We reported on Lee Smith’s report a month ago. Lee Smith began his article with the strange discussion former President Obama had with the incoming President-elect Trump: Barack Obama warned his successor against hiring Michael Flynn. It was…

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Tucker’s Ratings Go Through The Roof – Most Watched Cable News Host Last Week

The Gateway Pundit 

Just a few days ago, leftists once again tried targeting Tucker Carlson’s advertisers in an effort to silence him. Not only did that not work, but Tucker’s ratings are exploding. Last week he was the most watched host on cable news. The Washington Examiner reports: Tucker Carlson most-watched cable news host despite advertisers dropping his…

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UPDATE: Atlanta Dispatcher Spends 14 Minutes Giving Long List of Calls “Code 12” Where No Report Taken Because They Had No One to Send

The Gateway Pundit 

  There are reports tonight that police officers in Atlanta, Georgia called off work tonight after murder charges were filed against Officer Garrett Rolfe in the death of Rayshard Brooks last weekend. There are now audio clips of Atlanta police dispatchers giving a long list of “Code 12” which means there was no one to…

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