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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 23.06.2020

Wendy’s Arsonist Natalie White Arrested in Atlanta – Faces First Degree Arson Charges

The Gateway Pundit 

A week ago on Saturday night protesters torched the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta following the death of Rayshard Brooks. One video that went viral online shows a white girl and ally of Black Lives Matter torching the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta. The white girl is seen pouring lighter fluid inside the restaurant. White girl shown…

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SHAME: Jimmy Kimmel Apologizes If He ‘Hurt Or Offended’ Anyone With Blackface Skits, Repeated Use Of N-Word

The Gateway Pundit 

Late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel announced this week he’ll be taking the summer off. Good timing. Kimmel, host of an ABC show, has been mired in a controversy over dressing in blackface and using the N-word numerous times in skits over the years. Now, the anti-Trumper has been forced to apologize, which he did so…

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Twitter Puts Red-Flag Warning on President Trump’s Tweet Asserting He Would Use Force Against Radical Leftists Trying to Set Up “Autonomous Zone” in DC

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter put a red-flag warning on one of President Trump’s tweet Tuesday afternoon. This is the fourth time Twitter has censored one of President Trump’s tweets. Trump in a Tuesday tweet asserted there will never be an “autonomous zone” in Washington DC as long as he is president. Trump added that if the rioters try…

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EXCLUSIVE: Ethics Complaints Filed Against Controversial Assistant US Attorney Aaron Zelinsky Day Prior to Congressional Testimony Before Rep. Nadler

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney Paul Kamenar filed an ethics complaint on Tuesday with the Department of Justice against Mueller attorney Aaron Zelinsky. Andrew Miller and the National Legal and Policy Center, through their undersigned counsel, filed this complaint against Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Aaron S.J. Zelinsky with the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for misconduct that occurred…

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If You Thought You Had Privacy On The Internet, Think Again: Federal Government Exposes Public Records On Millions Of Americans

The Gateway Pundit 

(Note: As more people spend time online, we appreciate you supporting American businesses through sponsored posts like the below and publishers like Gateway Pundit. Thank you – we appreciate your support!) Online dangers grow by the day. Every week, there’s a new cybersecurity threat, a new credit card hack, and a new way for your…

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Bubba Wallace ‘Offended’ by Hoax Theories as Insider Says ‘Noose’ Found in Black NASCAR Driver’s Garage Stall May Be Serpentine Belt (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Bubba Wallace NASCAR on Sunday released a statement revealing that a noose was reportedly found in top driver Bubba Wallace’s Talladega garage stall. “We have launched an immediate investigation, and will do everything we can to identify the person(s) responsible and eliminate them from the sport.” NASCAR said on Sunday. Bubba Wallace is NASCAR’s only…

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Despite Media Onslaught Trump Approval Bests Barack Obama’s at Same Point in His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s Rasmussen approval rating stood at 45% on Tuesday. This is despite the continued media onslaught over the coronavirus panic-porn and the nasty attacks on the president for holding a campaign rally. Barack Obama had a 44% approval rating at the same point in his presidency. And, as Rasmussen reported earlier, Obama had a…

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That’s Weird? Clinton Pal, Philanthropist and Multi-Millionaire Steve Bing Jumps From High Rise to His Death

The Gateway Pundit 

Steve Bing, Bill Clinton Clinton friend, philanthropist, film financier and multi-millionaire, Steve Bing, 55, jumped from a Century City building on Monday and was found dead at the scene. Steve Bing was a longtime friend of the Clintons. According to reports, Mr. Bing donated up to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.  Both Clinton and…

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CLEAN-UP OPERATION: DC Police Clear Out Vermin from Streets North of White House Where Squatters Set Up “Autonomous Zone”

The Gateway Pundit 

Time to go kids. DC Police on Tuesday swept out the leftist vermin in the street attempting an autonomous zone in the nation’s capitol. The squatters wanted an autonomous zone blocks from the White House. They want a revolution. The DC Police were chanting, “Move forward. Move forward…” as they cleared the street from far…

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Anti-White Activist Follows Terrified White Woman Home, Films Her — Leftists Celebrate Harassment

The Gateway Pundit 

A Seattle-based Black Lives Matter activist with the Twitter handle “wypipo-h8,” slang for “white people hate,” followed a terrified white woman home, harassed her, filmed her address and license plate, and is attempting to ruin her life for some social media clout. Karlos Dillard describes himself as an “author, entrainer, and public speaker.” He is…

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Project Veritas Undercover Video: Facebook Content Moderator: ‘If Someone is Wearing a MAGA Hat, I Am Going to Delete Them For Terrorism’

The Gateway Pundit 

James O’Keefe strikes again! Project Veritas on Tuesday released undercover videos documenting rampant anti-Trump bias at Facebook. Facebook insider Zach McElroy told Project Veritas that he’s willing to testify before Congress about the Facebook bias he witnessed against Trump supporters and conservative causes. ’75-to-80 percent of Posts Selected by Facebook’s Algorithm for Moderator Review Support…

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Governor Huckabee on Radical Left’s Calls to Eliminate Christian Statues and Artwork: “These Crazy People on the Left Are Becoming Like Islamic Terrorists”

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Governor Mike Huckabee joined Varney and Co. on Tuesday to discuss the latest call on the left to destroy Christian statues, stained glass windows and artwork with a Caucasian Holy Family. Race activist Shaun King on Monday called for the taking down of all statues, murals and stained glass windows of “white Jesus and…

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LOCK THEM UP: Veterans ‘ Memorial Preservation Act Cited By Trump Makes Destruction of National Memorials and Statues Punishable by Up to 10 Years in Prison

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier today President Trump spoke to reporters at the White House before he left for his rally in Arizona later today. President Trump told reporters he will use the Veterans’ Memorial Preservation Act to go after the jailed hoodlums who attempted to tear down the Andrew Jackson statue last night in Lafayette Square. President Trump…

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“We Are Looking at Long Term Jail Sentences” – President Trump Says He Will Seek Long Term Sentences for Rioters who Attempted to Demolish Andrew Jackson Statue (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump spoke to reporters at the White House on Tuesday before he left for his rally in Arizona later today. The Trump campaign will celebrate 200 completed miles of border wall with Mexico at the rally tonight. President Trump told reporters he will use the Veterans’ Memorial Preservation Act to go after the jailed…

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Twice as Many Americans Support Inclusive “All Lives Matter” Over “Black Lives Matter” Slogan

The Gateway Pundit 

Despite the massive support from the far left mainstream media, more Americans support the more inclusive slogan “All lives Matter” over the “Black Lives Matter” slogans. After weeks of violence, looting, destruction and mass chaos more Americans are likely to support the country over the Marxist BLM movement. Breitbart.com reported: Twice as may Americans back…

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‘If Brooklyn Can’t Sleep, Bill de Blasio Can’t Sleep,’ New Yorkers Hold Noise Demo Near Mayor’s Mansion Over Fireworks and Lawlessness

The Gateway Pundit 

New Yorkers are fed up with Mayor Bill de Blasio allowing the lawlessness continue on their streets, which includes shooting off fireworks at all hours of the night. To enact their revenge, protesters lined up their cars and held down their horns for a noise demonstration near the Gracie Mansion late Monday night. “If Brooklyn…

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Old Recording Comes Back To Haunt Liberal Anti-Trump Late Night Host Jimmy Kimmel

The Gateway Pundit 

Jimmy Kimmel has become incredibly annoying in recent years. He spends more time working out his Trump Derangement Syndrome than trying to be entertaining. Now he has a serious problem on his hands. FOX News explains why: Jimmy Kimmel used ‘N-word’ in imitation Snoop song in 1996, impersonated comic George Wallace in 2013: audio EXCLUSIVE:…

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

It Begins… White Allies Paint Whip Marks on their Backs and Carry “Cracker for Sale” Signs to Win Favor from Black Lives Matter Mob (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

White Allies dressed as slaves complete with whip marks on their backs at a protest Monday in Charleston, South Carolina. The white allies carried “Cracker for sale” signs hoping to impress the BLM mob. This is the insanity of the left. There are no words for this insanity. Via Thomas Novelly. This group, which self-identified…

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Blasts John Bolton: The Information He Released Puts Criminal Liability Squarely on Him (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went on with Sean Hannity on Monday night. During their segment Secretary of State Pompeo weighed in on John Bolton’s book release. Secretary of State Pompeo: It’s both sad and dangerous. I haven’t read the book in its entirety but the excerpts I’ve seen, lots of falsehoods, lots of lies.…

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“Lock ‘Em Up!” Senator Tom Cotton Puts Mob Rioters Destroying Andrew Jackson Statue on Notice, ‘A Crime That Carries a 10-Year Sentence’

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) put mob rioters destroying the Andrew Jackson statue in DC on notice. Criminal vandals on Monday night prepared to tear down the iconic statue of Andrew Jackson outside the White House. The DC police stepped in and fought back against the criminal vandals. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the…

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Patriot Groups Announce They Stand Ready to To Retake CHOP Zone In Seattle if Mayor Does Not Act

The Gateway Pundit 

On  Monday night the Seattle Police Department announced on Twitter that they will retake control of the police precinct overrun by Antifa domestic terrorists and their allies in the violent BLM mob. This was after the shootings this weekend in the lawless CHOP zone. Tonight The Gateway Pundit learned that a host ofconservative groups and…

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