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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 05.06.2020

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Supports Minneapolis City Council Disbanding Police Department

The Gateway Pundit 

The Minneapolis city council is seriously floating a proposal to abolish their police department in the wake of the George Floyd killing and the subsequent protests and riots. Many city councilors have openly supported the idea. Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is voicing her support as well. The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform.…

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U.S. Doctors Say Coronavirus Appears To Be Declining In Potency

The Gateway Pundit 

Doctors at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) say SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, appears to be becoming less potent, bolstering White House assertions that heat and humidity could slow the spread of the virus. Dr. Donald Yealy, chairman of emergency medicine at UPMC, said people appear to be contracting the virus at a lower…

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Project Veritas Releases Part 2 of #ExposeAntifa: NYC Antifa Members Train For Violence: “If You Get a Good Liver or Kidney Shot, It’s Pretty Much Crippling Them” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Project Veritas has infiltrated Antifa. Project Veritas released part 2 of its “Expose Antifa” series on Friday. On Thursday, PV’s undercover report revealed how the leftist terror group Antifa practice eye gouging, beating their opponents and create an environment of fear and terror. On Friday, Project Veritas journalists infiltrated New York City Antifa and caught…

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Twitter Removes Trump Campaign’s George Floyd Tribute

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Thursday posted a campaign tweet on Twitter with a four-minute tribute video to George Floyd, narrated by the president. Floyd died on Memorial Day after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes. In the video, Trump said of the protesters, “we hear their pleas.” The video…

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New York Looters and Hoodlums Attack Guardian Angels Founder Curtis Sliwa – Break His Jaw with a Hammer During Riots

The Gateway Pundit 

Looters and hoodlums attacked the founder of the Guardian Angels, Curtis Sliva, during the riots this week in New York City. The looters broke Sliva’s jaw with a hammer and another Guardian Angel lost his eye during the attack. The Guardian Angels stated goal is to keep order and protect the community. No law enforcement…

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82-Year-Old Man Tears Up as He Recalls Being Body Slammed, Beaten by Violent Left-Wing Thug For Being a Trump Supporter (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This is heartbreaking. An 82-year-old man became very emotional as he recalled being body slammed and beaten by a left-wing thug for the ‘crime’ of being a Trump supporter. Charlie Chase, 82, of Fall River, Massachusetts teared up during his interview with the local media about the alarming attack from a violent leftist. The attacker,…

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EXCLUSIVE: Navy Seal And Former Missouri Governor Reveals How He Saved Ferguson From Antifa’s Wrath

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Navy Seal and Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, the only governor in the country who has successfully faced down Antifa and won, detailed the steps he took to maintain law and order and deter violent leftwing insurrectionist from pillaging and burning down Ferguson in 2017, in an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit. Ferguson became…

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WATCH: New York Politician Livestreams Call For Rioters to Loot in Communities That Aren’t Their Own

The Gateway Pundit 

Buffalo City Councilman Rasheed N.C. Wyatt livestreamed a call for rioters to loot and destroy communities that aren’t their own. The politician also said that the only reason Dr. Martin Luther King was anti-violence is because black people didn’t have enough guns. Wyatt appears to be not-so-subtly implying that the violent mobs should go to…

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Biden Has Another ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Moment, Claims ’10 to 15 percent’ of Americans are ‘Just Not Very Good People’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Biden had another ‘basket of deplorables’ moment Thursday night. Joe Biden just can’t help himself. He judges everybody and thinks he knows who the good people are just like he knows blacks ‘ain’t black’ if they vote for Trump. “There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there that are…

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Stuart Varney Goes Off After Corrupt Media Peppers President Trump with Outrageous Questions During Presser on Record Economic Numbers (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump economy hit new records on Friday adding 2.5 million jobs to the economy.  The unemployment rate dropped to 13.3% Job numbers through the end of May were way better than expected. The Trump White House was ecstatic with the news. It’s a stupendous number. It’s joyous, let’s call it like it is. The…

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Pelosi Suffers Worse Mental Lapse Yet, Malfunctions For 10 Seconds Straight! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This may be one of Speaker Pelosi’s worst mental lapses yet! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stuttered and malfunctioned for 10 seconds straight during a presser on Thursday. Pelosi read from a letter she sent to President Trump complaining about military on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial after violent left-wing terrorists started fires, defaced…

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We Must Dedicate Ourselves to “Freedom’s Victory over the Socialist Monster” – General Flynn Releases Important Message, Signals He Is Ready to Get Back into the Fight

The Gateway Pundit 

Retired General Michael Flynn on Friday released an important message for our challenging times. General Flynn has not spoken out on the issues since he was silenced by the deep state and crooked operatives in 2017. General Flynn sent the letter to Scott Kesterson who later published the message on Twitter at BardsFM. A letter…

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Washington DC Mayor Paints Giant ‘Black Lives Matter’ Message on Road to White House with Taxpayer Money — But Can’t Stop Rioting

The Gateway Pundit 

Washington DC Mayor Bowser painted a giant ‘Black Lives Matter’ message on the street to the White House on Friday. The painting was commissioned by the far left mayor. She can’t control her streets from rioters but she can use taxpayer money to paint a slogan on the street to the White House. This message…

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“Stop it! It’s Sick! It’s Demonic!” – Black Women Urge Guilty White Liberals to Stop Kneeling Before Black People (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Lovely Melissa posted a tweet on Friday with a video of two women begging guilty white liberals to “stop apologizing for being white and bowing down to black people.” The two women tell guilty liberals, “Stop it! It’s sick, it’s DEMONIC!” Two black women make a plea to white people to stop apologizing for being…

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ONE MILLION Unhinged Leftists Expected to Attend Protests in DC This Weekend — And Crackpot Mayor Just Evicted ALL National Guard Units

The Gateway Pundit 

There are reports that One Million leftists will converge on Washington DC this weekend to resume their protests over the death of George Floyd. ONE MILLION PEOPLE EXPECTED TO BE IN WASH DC OVER THE WEEKEND TO PROTEST – FOX NEWS — FXHedge (@Fxhedgers) June 5, 2020 Tomorrow in Washington DC is gonna be awesome!…

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STUNNING! More Than 10,000 Leftists, Looters, Thugs and Vandals Arrested at “Peaceful” George Floyd Protests

The Gateway Pundit 

After a week of violence, looting, arson, vandalism and mob violence over 10,000 leftist thugs have been arrested in violent protests and rioting across America. The Intelligencer reported: At least 10,000 protesters have been arrested nationwide since the start of the unrest The Associated Press went through the records of arrests at protests around the…

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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Takes Swipe at Trump – Says the Process to Change Has Begun and “There’s Going to Be Blood”

The Gateway Pundit 

His first mistake is listening to the mainstream media and all of their lies. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson posted a moving lecture on Instagram this week where he attacked President Trump, cheered Black Lives Matter and encouraged “change” in America. Johnson then added that, “There’s going to be blood.” A revolution feeds off the blood…

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

JOBS, JOBS, JOBS – Trump Shocks Analysts – Adds 2.5 Million New Jobs in May – Analysts and Elites Off by Millions!

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump economy continues to sizzle with arguably the best monthly economic numbers in US history. Job numbers released today through the end of May were shocking in that they were way better than expected.  There was an increase of 2.5 Million jobs! And the unemployment rate remains dropped to 13.3%! The Trump White House…

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Washington DC Mayor Bowser Kicks Out Utah National Guard from ALL Washington DC Hotels – More Than 1,200 US Troops from 10 States Evicted

The Gateway Pundit 

Washington DC Mayor Bowser announced on Thursday she was examining every legal question about the Presidents’ authority to send troops, even National Guard from other states, to the District of Columbia. Mayor Bowser said, “I have the authority and have not requested guard from any state.” The DC Mayor then later evicted ALL NATIONAL GUARD…

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After Interviewing Creepy Rod Rosenstein Wednesday Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee Is Exhausted Won’t Vote On Future Testimonies Until Next Thursday

The Gateway Pundit 

Lindey Graham’s Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing with Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday.  After a totally unprepared and uncoordinated session with former DAG Rod Rosenstein, Graham’s committee is exhausted.  They decided yesterday to postpone their vote for further testimonies to next Thursday.  It was announced on May 14th that the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by…

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President Trump Tweets Rod Rosenstein Regretting Signing the Fraudulent FISA Warrant Application Used to Spy on President Trump and His Administration

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump retweeted videos of former DAG Rod Rosenstein in front of the Senate this week and previously in front of the House where Rosenstein discusses not reading but signing the FISA report that enabled the FBI to spy on President Trump 6 months into his term.  President Trump retweeted the following tweet from Congressman…

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VIDEO: Joey Salads Goes Undercover In LA Protest, Exposes The Violent Troublemakers, Praises The Peaceful Protesters

The Gateway Pundit 

YouTube personality and former congressional candidate Joey Salads bloc’ed up and joined one of the George Floyd protests in Los Angeles this past week. After prefacing the video with his sympathy for George Floyd, he says “I went undercover because I wanted to understand, what makes these protesters turn into riots. Who is the instigator…

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EXCLUSIVE: Amazon Is Censoring The Gateway Pundit Writer Joe Hoft’s Latest Book “In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics”

The Gateway Pundit 

For more than a month now Amazon will not approve the publishing of my new book “In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics” on its soft copy platform – Amazon-Kindle.  Yesterday, former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson got a brief lesson in what conservative authors and publishers face on a regular basis…

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