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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 04.02.2020

“Answer For the Women and Children You Groped!” – Joe Biden Heckled in New Hampshire (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Creepy Hands Biden was heckled in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Biden and the other Democrat candidates headed to New Hampshire after the Iowa caucuses turned out to be a train wreck. Democrat party officials are supposed to announce ‘half’ of the Iowa results early this evening after a “coding error” caused a delay. A protester […]

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Virginia Senate Blocks Another Gun Bill Pushed By Democrats

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats took control of both legislative chambers in 2019, and also hold the governorship, so they decided to try to push through a slew of gun control bills. So far that hasn’t worked out so well in a mostly rural state that has long supported gun rights. Virginia lawmakers on Monday rejected another gun control […]

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CNN Admits Poor Voter Turnout For Democrats, ‘There’s an Enthusiasm Problem For Democrats in 2020’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

You know it’s bad when CNN admits there’s a lack of enthusiasm for the Democrats in 2020. CNN writer and analyst for Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight website Harry Enten said Tuesday the Democrats have an enthusiasm problem heading into the 2020 presidential election. Monday night’s disastrous Democrat Iowa caucus was just the beginning. The poor voter […]

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Poll Stunner: Super Majority of Mexicans Support AMLO Blocking Migrant Caravans, Using Troops to Guard Border as ‘Trump’s Wall’

The Gateway Pundit 

While liberal activists derisively accused him of building and paying for “Trump’s wall” by putting Mexican troops on the border with Guatemala to interdict migrant caravans, a new poll shows a sharp increase of support so that now a super majority of Mexicans are in favor of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (nicknamed AMLO) in […]

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PRESIDENT TRUMP Hits All-Time High in Gallup Poll After Surviving Sham Impeachment — Economic Numbers 18 Points Higher than Obama!

The Gateway Pundit 

This is stunning! Despite 95% negative coverage by the leftie mainstream media and weeks and weeks of a sham impeachment, President Trump hit an all-time high on Gallup polling this week. President Trump is at 49% approval in the poll and 63% approval on the Trump economy! That is 18 points higher than Obama at […]

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SEEMS LEGIT: Watch How Pete Buttigieg ‘Randomly’ Wins Coin Toss in Iowa to Determine Who Gets Last Delegate in Tied Precinct (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Yes, coin tosses are used in Iowa’s caucuses to determine winners in precincts with tied results. A coin toss determined who got the last delegate out of one of Iowa’s precincts after Buttigieg and Klobuchar were tied. Democrat Pete Buttigieg ‘randomly’ won the coin toss in Iowa Monday night. Maybe this is how Hillary Clinton […]

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IT BEGINS: Biden Camp Has ‘Real Concerns’ About Iowa Caucus Process

The Gateway Pundit 

With the first-in-the-nation caucuses for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination in full implosion, candidates are taking two takes: Claim victory, or cast doubt. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who was the frontrunner going into Monday’s caucuses, said he had “a good feeling we’re going to be doing very, very well here in Iowa” once results were […]

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FIGURES. App Created by Tech Firm Run by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Officials Linked to Iowa Caucus Train Wreck

The Gateway Pundit 

The Democrat Iowa caucus was a total train wreck from the start. Monday night it was reported that the secretive Iowa Democrat Party app stopped working hours before the caucuses. It is now Tuesday afternoon and the Democrats still have no caucus results. The Iowa Democrat Party Chairman blamed the delay on a “coding error.” […]

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RAND PAUL Drops MOAB on Senate Floor — Reads Aloud His Question Naming Anti-Trump CIA Operative Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts played politics and REFUSED TO READ SENATOR RAND PAUL’S QUESTION on the Anti-Trump whistleblower during the Senate impeachment trial! There is NO LAW that prevents this anti-Trump CIA leaker’s name from being revealed in the impeachment investigation! Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was playing politics and siding […]

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Washington Post Colludes with Tech Giants in Effort to Deplatform Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch For Posting Accurate Data on Iowa Voting Rolls

The Gateway Pundit 

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton Washington Post and other left-wing factions have colluded with the tech giants in an effort to deplatform and censor Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch for posting accurate data on Iowa’s voting rolls. Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Monday announced that at least eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations […]

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And There It Is… Democrat Candidate Blames Trump for Iowa Caucus Train Wreck

The Gateway Pundit 

You just can’t make this up! What a COMPLETE DISASTER! The Democrat caucus results were delayed tonight in Iowa. At 10 PM there are STILL NO RESULTS! Eoin Higgins from Common Dreams reported that the secretive Iowa Democrat Party app stopped working hours before the caucuses. -Iowa Democratic Party uses secretive app for caucus reporting-App […]

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Claims Previously Undisclosed Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Emails on Seth Rich Are Redacted to Protect Investigation They Claim Never Happened!

The Gateway Pundit 

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich, emails between fraudsters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered. Now FBI claims these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened.  Christopher Wray’s FBI gets caught again. As we reported last week, Attorney Ty […]

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Adam Schiff Repeatedly Slanders and Smears President Trump on Senate Floor and GOP Senators Say Nothing – Chief Justice Sits on His Hands

The Gateway Pundit 

For the last two weeks Adam Schiff and Democrat House Managers lied, smeared and slandered President Trump on the US Senate floor. They presented no proof of presidential misconduct at the impeachment trial in the US Senate. All they brought were smears, lies and insults. Ted Cruz told FOX News on Tuesday morning that Adam […]

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It Ruins Everything: Socialism Destroys Venezuela’s Lucrative Oil Industry

The Gateway Pundit 

Similar to a tsunami that destroys everything in its path, the Maduro regime has destroyed the lucrative Venezuelan oil industry. Attempting to evade the sanctions imposed by the United States, the socialist dictator Maduro is studying the possibility of privatizing the oil industry. The regime proposed giving majority shares and control of its oil industry […]

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Twitter Censors Gateway Pundit Twitter Page – AGAIN – As 2020 Election Season Kicks Off in Iowa (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter is ramping up for the 2020 election and that means it’s time to censor and shut down conservative influencers. Last week Twitter the shut down Zero Hedge account – one of the largest conservative publishers in America. On Sunday Twitter shut down Comfortable Smug for asking “Where’s Hunter?” in a tweet! Smh the Biden […]

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Clown Show Continues: Top Officials on 2020 DNC Convention in Milwaukee Come Under Investigation Over Allegations of Toxic Work Culture

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday the Democrat Caucus in Iowa crashed and burned. There are still no results reported after their new app crashed hours before the evening caucuses. Liz Gilbert Meanwhile, in neighboring Wisconsin, the top Democrat officials working on the 2020 DNC Convention in Milwaukee were suspended on Monday and put under investigation. The convention managers […]

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Figures. Democrats Sleep In, Iowa Headquarters Dark and Empty on Tuesday Morning Despite Monday Night Crash — STILL NO CAUCUS RESULTS! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

You just can’t make this up! What a COMPLETE DISASTER! The Democrat caucus results were delayed tonight in Iowa. At 10 PM there are STILL NO RESULTS! Eoin Higgins from Common Dreams reported that the secretive Iowa Democrat Party app stopped working hours before the caucuses. -Iowa Democratic Party uses secretive app for caucus reporting-App […]

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Carter Page and Others Tie Adam Schiff’s Ukraine Hoax Suspected Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella to the Deep State Russia Hoax

The Gateway Pundit 

Suspected whistleblower Eric Ciaramella is suspected of being involved in both the Ukraine hoax and the Russia hoax. More and more information supports that claim. Laura Ingraham reported why suspected whistle blower Eric Ciaramella was so concerned about efforts to look into Obama’s activities in the Ukraine.  According to White House visitor logs Eric Ciaramella […]

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China Update: First Death Outside China Occurs in Hong Kong – Macau Casinos Requested to Shut Down

The Gateway Pundit 

Live from Hong Kong The first confirmed coronovirus death outside of China took place in Hong Kong. Reuters reports this morning: Hong Kong reported its first coronavirus death on Tuesday, the second outside mainland China from a fast-spreading outbreak that has killed 427 people and threatened the global economy. China’s markets steadied after losing $400 […]

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Democrat Train Wreck Continues: “They Can’t Even Run a Caucus and They Want to Run the Government”

The Gateway Pundit 

The train wreck continues.   The results of last night’s Democrat caucuses in Iowa are still unknown. After four years of building a case that they know what’s best for America, the Democrats finally had their chance to show their stuff and instead they laid an egg.  President Trump tweeted this morning: The Democrat Caucus is […]

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Is Mayor Pete Claiming Victory In Iowa Caucus? “We Are Going To New Hampshire Victorious”

The Gateway Pundit 

With no official results in from Iowa, it looks like Mayor Pete Buttigieg is claiming victory in the caucuses. He took to twitter to announce a victory. Sort of. Iowa, you have shocked the nation. By all indications, we are going on to New Hampshire victorious. #IowaCaucuses — Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) February 4, 2020 Tonight, […]

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Clown Show: After Waiting On Hold for an Hour to Call in Caucus Results, Iowa Democrat Hung Up On While Live on CNN’s Wolf Blitzer (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Democrat’s train wreck in the Iowa caucuses just keep getting more bizarre and buffoonish. A precinct captain was on hold for an hour trying to report the results of his local caucus, then he got on the phone on another line with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer for a live interview. While speaking with Blitzer, the […]

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INDOCTRINATION: George Soros To Pump A Billion Dollars Into Higher Education To Focus On Climate Change

The Gateway Pundit 

The original Dr. Evil is at it again. Left-wing billionaire George Soros is apparently planning to dump a cool billion dollars into higher education to focus on teaching about climate change. He also wants the money to be used to fight nationalism, because he is an open borders advocate. The Epoch Times reports: New Soros-Funded […]

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OMG! DEMOCRAT CAUCUS DISASTER! Precinct Heads told to Take Pictures of Caucus Results – Text to Manager – Who Will Drive it to HQ! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

You just can’t make this up! What a COMPLETE DISASTER! The Democrat caucus results were delayed tonight in Iowa. At 10 PM there are STILL NO RESULTS! Eoin Higgins from Common Dreams reported that the secretive Iowa Democrat Party app stopped working hours before the caucuses. -Iowa Democratic Party uses secretive app for caucus reporting-App […]

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