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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 29.02.2020

“The Hoax Is on Them” – Trump Confirms He Was Talking About Democrats and their Latest “Hoax” on Coronavirus — Media Pushes Lie Anyway (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

As reported by Kristinn Taylor last night — In yet another example of why President Trump calls the media the ‘enemy of the people, the media is falsely accusing Trump of calling the coronavirus a hoax in a speech at a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina Friday night. What Trump actually did was […]

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MORE FAKE NEWS: Media Accuses Trump of Muzzling Dr. Fauci from Speaking to Reporters – Dr. Fauci Then Tells Reporters “I Was Not Muzzled” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a press conference at the White House with Vice President Mike Pence and top medical officials after the US suffered its first death by the coronavirus. During the questioning a liberal reporter asked President Trump about muzzling Dr. Fauci. This was reported widely by the liberal media. After denying the claims President […]

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LIVE VIDEO: President Trump to Hold Press Conference Saturday on Coronavirus After First US Death (1:30 p.m. EST)

The Gateway Pundit 

(Live video embedded at end of article) President Trump announced he will hold a press conference on the coronavirus at 1:30 p.m. EST Saturday. The press conference comes after Washington state announced the first U.S. coronavirus death Saturday morning and after the media and Democrats falsely accused Trump of saying the coronavirus is a hoax […]

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REPORT: Iranian Protesters Torch Towhid Bandar Abbas Clinic Where Coronavirus Patients were Being Quarantined (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

According to Iran International protesters torched the Towhid Bandar Abbas Clinic after news broke that the clinic was holding coronavirus patients. (translated) “An hour ago and a press release about the maintenance of several patients with the #کرونا clinic of Tohid town in Bandar Abbas, a number of people protesting this action with the influx […]

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“He Was Going to Name Names… And Ends Up with a Bullet in Him” – Rep. Louie Gohmert Remembers His Friend Philip Haney on House Floor (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

DHS whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead last Friday in California. The whistleblower against the Obama administration died of a gunshot wound near his vehicle in California. The Amador County Sheriff Martin Ryan released a video this week on Haney’s death. While the death scene made it appear a suicide, Ryan wants it known that […]

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Report: FBI Collected Nearly One Billion Records in Top Secret Program That Likely Was Used for Political Purposes

The Gateway Pundit 

An FBI Agent who ran a warrantless spying program recently revealed that the FBI spent millions on  a program that he believes was used for political purposes. According to JusttheNews.com: The FBI agent who ran the bureau’s warrantless spying program said Wednesday he warned ex-Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe that the program […]

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“It’s Like Rip Van Winkle Over There” – Economist Peter Morici BLASTS Failed Fed Chief Jerome Powell After Worst Market Week Since 2008 (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Economist Peter Morici trashed Fed Chief Jerome Powell, the CDC’s shocking statement from Rod Rosenstein’s sister and the Democrat Party’s efforts to tank the economy, after Worst Week in the US Markets Since 2008. Peter Morici was as insightful as usual in noting the real market challenges from this past week.  Morici said that the […]

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Anything for a Vote: Anti-Trump Democrat Tom Steyer Dances to “Back that Azz Up” with Rapper Juvenile in Excruciating Final Appeal to Voters

The Gateway Pundit 

What won’t they do for a couple votes? Democrat Tom Steyer was caught dancing to “Back that Azz Up” at his final rally in South Carolina on Friday. Steyer danced on stage with Juvenile in a final appeal to voters. It’s just as cringey as you’d expect. That moment when you hear that there's actual […]

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President Trump: “Border Security is Health Security – Democrat Policy of Open Borders Is a Direct Threat to the Heath… of All Americans” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump held a “Keep America Great” rally in North Charleston, South Carolina Friday at the North Charleston Coliseum. Supporters started lining up at least 24 hours early to see the historic president. Huge cheers for @SenatorTimScott & @LindseyGrahamSC as they enter the North Charleston Coliseum ahead of the Trump rally tonight pic.twitter.com/XA7hwpiDab — […]

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LIVE FROM HONG KONG: To Date in 2020, Influenza (the Flu) Accounts for More Than 50 Times the Number of Deaths as the Coronavirus in Hong Kong

The Gateway Pundit 

Live from Hong Kong More than a month after Hong Kong reacted to the coronavirus and closed its border to neighboring China, the overall damage of the virus is not nearly as severe as originally feared, and compared to the common flu, it is minuscule. As reported yesterday: News of the coronavirus reached Hong Kong […]

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BREAKING: Turkey Breaks Its Promise – Announces Free Passage to New Wave of Afghan and Arab Migrants to Europe

The Gateway Pundit 

Massive numbers of Afghan and Arab migrants are gathered at the border of Turkey and Greece after the Erdogan government announced on Friday to give third world migrants free passage to Europe. Via Based Poland. Massive crowds of Afghan and Arab migrants are starting to gather at the border with Greece and Bulgaria near the […]

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Liars Brian Williams and Michael Moore Smear President Trump on MSNBC as Falsely Saying Coronavirus Is a Hoax

The Gateway Pundit 

Following online reporting by major media outlets and reporters that lied and falsely said Trump called the coronavirus a hoax at a campaign rally Friday night, Democrat presidential candidates picked up the false charge and attacked Trump on Twitter. Next MSNBC aired a segment late Friday night in which 11th Hour host and veteran prevaricator […]

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New DOJ Prosecutors Say the Roger Stone Legal Team’s Accusations on Jurors’ Liberal Bias and Lies is a “Baseless Conspiracy Theory”

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week the four corrupt far left government prosecutors prosecutors in the Roger Stone case resigned in protest after Attorney General Bill Barr pushed back on their requests to jail Roger Stone for nine years or until death over his process crimes in the Russia collusion hoax investigation. As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this […]

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Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg and Other Democrats Falsely Accuse Trump of Calling the Coronavirus a Hoax

The Gateway Pundit 

Leading Democrats including presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg used bogus media reports to falsely accuse President Trump of calling the coronavirus a hoax, thereby proving Trump’s point that the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus against him. Bloomberg accused Trump of “cowardice” and used a shortened clip of Trump’s remarks. Other Democrats keyed off […]

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SHOCKING: Mother of US Hostage Austin Tice Says Her Son is Alive in Syria and Trump Wants to Bring Him Home But US Officials Are Blocking Negotiations

The Gateway Pundit 

American journalist Austin Tice disappeared in Syria on August 13, 2012. The former Marine reported for The Washington Post, McClatchy Newspapers, the AP, CBS and others. ** The Gateway Pundit reported on Austin’s disappearance in 2012. US Journalist AUSTIN TICE Still Held in Syria – Parents Beg Obama White House for Assistance (VIDEO) Update: US […]

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Top Democrat Pushes Open Borders, Leaves Townhall After Being Challenged By Legal Immigrant Group

The Gateway Pundit 

Leading Democrat rising star, Central Florida Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, who chairs the allegedly “moderate” Blue Dogs Caucus, was visibly upset when the founder of Legal Immigrants for America raised concerns over the rise in Communism and Socialism within the United States. Amapola Hansberger, who legally immigrated from the violent far-left and Communist Sandinista regime in […]

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Jerry Nadler Announces He Will Call in the 4 Corrupt Roger Stone Prosecutors, US Attorney John Durham and US Attorney Jeff Jensen

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and House Democrats announced on Friday they will call in the four corrupt far left Roger Stone prosecutors who resigned in protest last week after they requested Roger Stone die in prison over his lies to Congress. Nadler also called in US Attorney John Durham who is investigating criminal conduct in […]

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LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Rally in Charleston, South Carolina on Eve of Primary Election — 13,000 Fill Venue

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump is holding a “Keep America Great” rally in North Charleston, South Carolina Friday at the North Charleston Coliseum. Supporters started lining up at least 24 hours early to see the historic president. Huge cheers for @SenatorTimScott & @LindseyGrahamSC as they enter the North Charleston Coliseum ahead of the Trump rally tonight pic.twitter.com/XA7hwpiDab […]

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BREAKING: Appeals Court Rules Former White House Attorney Dan McGahn Does Not Have to Testify in front of Democrat Kangaroo Court

The Gateway Pundit 

A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by angry Democrats that would have forced former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before one of their toxic and unruly committees. The court ruled 2-1 in favor of the Trump White House. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi hurt the most– Adam Schiff addresses the […]

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BREAKING: *GREAT NEWS* – President Trump Again Announces Nomination of Brilliant GOP Lawmaker John Ratcliffe as Director of National Intelligence

The Gateway Pundit 

In July 2019 President Trump announced he nominated GOP Congressman John Ratcliffe to replace outgoing DNI Dan Coats. The Democrat-media complex, along with RINOs, attacked Ratcliffe, an honorable former US Attorney who has served in the House for many years. Because of the nonstop attacks, Ratcliffe has decided to stay in Congress. The President announced […]

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Air Force Alters Service Anthem To Gender-Neutral Lyrics

The Gateway Pundit 

For more than 80 years, members of the Air Force have sung the U.S. Air Force Song at ceremonies and graduations. You know the song, which opens with:”Off we go, into the wild blue yonder.” But now the PC police have won in their battle to alter the song into gender-neutral lyrics. “The song’s third […]

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