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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 22.02.2020

Maxine Waters Says Crips, Bloods ‘In The ‘Hood’ Have More Integrity Than Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Another day, another wacky worldview from Mad Maxine. Rep. Maxine Waters, 81, claims violent street gangs in California have more integrity than President Trump. “I have worked in some of the toughest communities,” The California Democrat said when asked about the president in a recent interview with Showtime’s “Desus & Mero.” “I’ve worked with gangs. […]

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Bernie Blasted MSNBC Execs Before Debate: ‘Your Coverage of My Campaign is Not Fair… Your Questions Tonight Are Not Going To Be Fair’

The Gateway Pundit 

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders reportedly blasted MSNBC executives prior to the Las Vegas debate, asserting that their coverage of his campaign has not been fair. Sanders, according to a report from Page Six, marched right up to a top producer, jabbed his finger in their face, and said that he did not expect them […]

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MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Goes on Most Insane Rant Ever: ‘Trump is a Russian Operative,’ Nomination of Grenell Came at Putin’s Direction (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell went on his most insane Trump-Russia rant ever and declared ‘the president is a Russian operative.’ Paranoid O’Donnell made this hysteric declaration based off of a NY Times article that provided zero evidence to back up the claims. In fact, the NY Times article claiming ‘Putin was helping Trump win in 2020’ […]

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UPDATE: Murdered Whistleblower Philip Haney Spoke Out Against Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration of US Government in October – Spoke Out Against CAIR (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

DHS whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead on Friday. The whistleblower against the Obama administration was shot dead near his vehicle in California. Haney told Sean Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties. The story of his death has […]

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Roger Stone Files Motion for Judge Amy Berman Jackson to Recuse Herself After She Praised ‘Integrity’ of Jurors

The Gateway Pundit 

Roger Stone filed a motion Friday night asking Judge Amy Berman Jackson to recuse herself from his case after she praised the “integrity” of the jury that convicted him when she pronounced his sentence of 40 months in prison on Thursday even though she had Stone’s motion for a new trial based on juror bias […]

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Throuplet Katie Hill’s Campaign Associate Reportedly Hacked Her Opponents’ Websites During Election — Is Arrested By FBI

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats Katie Hill and Ilhan Omar Democrat and former throuplet Katie Hill is back in the news this week. The former lawmaker’s associate was arrested by the FBI after he was caught hacking into her opponents’ websites. Via The Intercept: FEDERAL AGENTS HAVE arrested Arthur Dam in connection with a hacking spree that disrupted the […]

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Justice Sotomayor Accuses Conservative Supreme Court Majority of Favoring Trump Administration

The Gateway Pundit 

Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued a blustering dissent in an ideologically split 5-4 Supreme Court ruling released Friday night in which she accused the five conservative justices who voted in the majority of repeatedly favoring the Trump administration. The case involved an appeal by the Department of Homeland Security for an injunction in a ruling […]

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Coronavirus Spreads in Italy – 40 Confirmed Cases – 50,000 People under Quarantine in Lombardy Region — “Index Person” Shows NO SIGN of Illness

The Gateway Pundit 

In the last 48 hours the number of cases of coronavirus in the Lombardy region in Italy has grown from six to over 40 victims of the virus. The Lombardy region of Italy is now under voluntary quarantine. The Carnival (Mardi Gras) celebrations were cancelled in the area. Five of the victims are doctors and […]

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Dingbat Swalwell: “Can’t Hold it Against Bernie Sanders that this May Be a Preference of Russia, But YOU CAN hold it, and Ask Questions of Trump” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Deep thinking by Rep. Eric Swalwell — and he’s one of the smart Democrats! Swalwell told CNN that Bernie can be excused for Russia preferring his dangerous socialist policies but Trump can never be excused for the same thing. What idiocy. Rep. Eric Swalwell: “You can’t hold it against Bernie Sanders that this may be […]

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LIVE FROM HONG KONG: Local Government Sets Up Huge Tract of Land for Coronavirus Victims Next to Disneyland Hong Kong

The Gateway Pundit 

The Hong Kong government is setting aside a large plot of land next to Hong Kong Disney for future coronavirus victims.  It’s unknown why they believe they need such a large tract of land. The number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus continues to increase: The surprising increase in South Korea over the past few […]

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REPORT: Secretary of State Pompeo NEVER Told President Trump that Cyber Expert Bill Binney Had Proof DNC Emails Were NOT Hacked by Russia

The Gateway Pundit 

A report on the Internet states that cyber expert and NSA whistleblower, Bill Binney, shared information two and a half years ago with then CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, that he had evidence that the Russians did not hack the DNC in 2016. According to a report out this week, Pompeo, the current Secretary of State, […]

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BEYOND PARODY: CA Governor Gavin Newsom Says Doctors Should Be Able To Write Prescriptions For Housing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

California has a serious homeless problem. The governor, Gavin Newsom, recently proved he has absolutely no idea how to solve it. During his state of the state address this week, he said that doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing, just like insulin and antibiotics. The Washington Examiner reports: California governor: ‘Doctors should […]

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President Trump’s Western Rallies Identify 20,193 New Voters Who Did Not Vote in 2016 and 14,706 Democrats Who Now Support Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump supporters carried a World War II veteran into his rally in Phoenix. President Trump held three massive rallies this week out West. Thousands of Trump supporters turned out in Colorado, Arizona and Nevada to see the historic president. According to the numbers released by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale: 20,193 Voters were identified who […]

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‘He is a Hack and a Shill’ – Susan “Benghazi” Rice Attacks Richard Grenell as a ‘Massively Dishonest’ Person (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Obama’s corrupt National Security Advisor Susan Rice attacked Amb. Richard Grenell as a ‘hack and a shill’ after Trump appointed him as Acting DNI. Susan Rice, who is best known for illegally unmasking American citizens and falsely claiming a YouTube video caused the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans, had the nerve to call […]

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Peter Strzok Email Reveals Hillary Clinton Apologized to FBI For Her Private Server – But Apology Was “Not In” FBI 302 Report Documenting Her Interview

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 191 pages of emails between Peter Strzok and his FBI lover Lisa Page. An August 26, 2016 email sent from Peter Strzok reveals Hillary Clinton apologized to the FBI about her private server, however her apology was ‘not in’ the FBI 302 report which summarized the interview. The new […]

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Участники Молодежного сообщества ВЫЗОВ взяли интервью у выдающихся деятелей России

INCREDIBLE! US “Miracle on Ice” Hockey Team Joins Trump on Stage at Vegas Rally on their 40th Anniversary! — ALL IN KAG HATS! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday President Trump brought the members of the 1980 US Olympic hockey team on the stage today in Las Vegas. Every member of the “Miracle on Ice” team was on stage and (except maybe one) was wearing a “Keep America Great” hat. The Miracle on Ice – 1980 US Hockey Team It’s been 50 […]

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“That’s Pencil Neck… Little Pencil” – PRESIDENT TRUMP UNLOADS on Pencil-Neck Schiff and Fake News Media on Latest Anonymous Russia Hoax (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held another MASSIVE rally on Friday in Las Vegas, Nevada. During the rally President Trump responded to the latest anonymous reports that Russia is wanting to help President Trump in his 2020 election. What nonsense. President Trump UNLOADED on Democrats and the fake news media today: President Trump: These people are sick. That’s […]

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Far Left Defense Official Pleads Guilty to Leaking Classified Information to Journalists – Faces Up to 10 Years in Prison

The Gateway Pundit 

Henry Kyle Frese The Justice Department in October announced the arrest of 31-year-old Henry Kyle Frese, a (now former) Defense Intelligence Agency employee, for leaking to journalists. Frese pleaded guilty to charges related to his disclosure of classified national defense information (NDI) to two journalists in 2018 and 2019, the DOJ announced on Thursday. Frese […]

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HERE WE GO: Nevada Democrat Party Asks Caucus Volunteers to Sign Confidentiality Agreements That Would Prevent Them From Speaking to the Media

The Gateway Pundit 

Here we go! The Nevada Democrat Party asked caucus volunteers to sign confidentiality agreements that would prevent them from talking to the media. The Nevada Democrat caucuses will take place Saturday and officials are worried about another tech meltdown. One Nevada Dem volunteer predicted a “complete disaster.” The Iowa caucuses were a total train wreck […]

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BREAKING: WaPo Says Russia Is Trying To Help Bernie Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

U.S. officials have informed Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to aid his presidential campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, the Washington Post reports. “President Trump and lawmakers on Capitol Hill have also been informed about the Russian assistance to the Vermont senator, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke […]

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