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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 17.02.2020

Pro-Iranian Regime US Senator Held Secret Meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif in Munich, Germany

The Gateway Pundit 

In early January the United States killed General Qassim Soleimani, a top commander of Iran’s al-Quds Force, in an airstrike at Baghdad’s International Airport.  The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Seven people were reportedly killed in the airstrike. Following the death of Commander Soleimani […]

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WikiLeaks Locked Out of Twitter Account One Week Before Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing Begins

The Gateway Pundit 

WikiLeaks has been locked out of their Twitter account just one week before Julian Assange’s extradition hearing is scheduled to begin in the UK. WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson tweeted on Monday that “all attempts to get it reopened via regular channels have been unsuccessful. It has been impossible to reach a human at twitter to […]

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Lawmakers Introduce Bill That Would Stop Grants to Sanctuary States That Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

The Gateway Pundit 

House and Senate Republicans have introduced legislation that would block certain federal funds from sanctuary states that allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses. The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would stop Justice Department (DOJ) grants that are a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states. The legislation would target […]

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London Billboard Uses Image of President Trump and Melania to Encourage Women to Cheat on Their Husbands

The Gateway Pundit 

A billboard near the Westminster Bridge in central London advertising a website for women to find “discreet affairs” features President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The website, encouraging women to cheat on their spouses, shows Melania glancing at Trudeau while standing between him and her husband. “Married to […]

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Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Schedules Tuesday Conference Call – Is Likely Another Attempt by Dirty DC Judge to Trash Trump Admin …MUST READ

The Gateway Pundit 

The writing is on the wall. The corrupt Democrats, their corrupt mainstream media and corrupt attorneys from the criminal and fraudulent Mueller investigation are launching Round 3 of their corrupt and criminal destruction of the constitution and their next coup of the Trump Administration and the US government. This too has been planned for some […]

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DISCOVERED: Roger Stone Lead Juror, Tomeka Hart, Posted a Second Article Bashing Roger Stone in January 2019 — Lied to the Court

The Gateway Pundit 

Juror Tomeka Hart, on the Roger Stone case, is a radical Democrat with a long list of Democrat connections.  She now may be the reason that Roger Stone’s attorneys may be calling for a new trial. Tomeka posted several attacks on President Trump and conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia. Mike Cernovich tweeted many conflicts […]

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Virginia Governor Northam’s Assault Weapons Ban Fails After Several Democrats Vote with Senate Republicans

The Gateway Pundit 

Tens of thousands of Second Amendment supporters attended a pro-gun rally in Richmond, Virginia in January The Democrats in Virginia are pushing for gun control legislation and KKK-Blackface Governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency to ban guns at Monday’s rally. Northam banned all weapons from inside the Capitol Square on Monday citing “credible […]

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East Coast Elitist Mike Bloomberg: “Anyone in This Room Can Be a Farmer” – You Need “Gray Matter” to be in Information Economy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

New York elitist Mike Bloomberg is in hot water again. The Democrat hopeful had a rough weekend after several of his offensive comments surfaced online. On Sunday night The Gateway Pundit reported on Bloomberg’s explanation on how it will be necessary to deny elderly health care in order to save money. And then another clip […]

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EXCLUSIVE: ’60 Minutes’ Pushes Complete BS on the American Public Again in a Shoddy Crowdstrike Segment While Smearing President Trump and The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit 

Last night 60 Minutes attacked President Donald Trump and The Gateway Pundit in another shoddy hit piece. The news magazine claimed Crowdstrike was correct in assessing that the DNC was hacked by Russians in 2016.  But all they offer as proof is hearsay and weak arguments. 60 Minutes and Crowdstrike are dead wrong AND WE […]

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UPDATE FROM HONG KONG: Over 71,000 Now Infected with Coronavirus – Hubei Province on Lock Down Til April 15 – China Economy Devastated

The Gateway Pundit 

  Live from Hong Kong China’s Wuhan coronavirus has reached over 71,000 confirmed cases and over 1,700 confirmed deaths.  China’s Hubei is now reporting that citizens will be allowed to travel starting on April 15  – only two more months of isolation. The local communities are being shut off from any sort of travel in […]

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Virginia Dems Pass Several RADICAL Bills You Have To See To Believe (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Virginia is quickly becoming the new California. Both chambers of the Virginia legislature passed radical anti-American bills to allow illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license without proof of citizenship. If Democrat Governor Ralph Northam, aka Governor Blackface, signs the bill, Virginia will become the 15th state to allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses. WATCH: […]

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FL Bernie Coordinator: Trump Supporters “Not Welcome” On Major College Campus

The Gateway Pundit 

Grayson Lanza, who was appointed as the Diversity Coordinator for the Student Government Association at the University of Central Florida in 2017, is now leading the grassroots efforts for Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign. Lanza has a past of controversial behavior, including his infamous Facebook post in October of 2016, right before the 2016 elections. […]

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Police Officer Working Security Shot at Ferguson, Missouri Walmart by Suspected Shoplifter …Updated

The Gateway Pundit 

A St. Louis County police officer was shot at the Ferguson Walmart on Sunday night by a suspected shoplifter. The off-duty officer was working security at the store. BREAKING: A police officer has been shot at the #Ferguson Wal-Mart. Ferguson Assistant Chief says officer is being rushed to the hospital, we just saw an ambulance […]

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“If You Show Up with Cancer and You’re 95 – We Should Say We Can’t Do Anything” – Bloomberg Explains How Healthcare will Bankrupt Us Unless We Deny Care to Elderly

The Gateway Pundit 

A new video posted on Sunday shows former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg explaining how healthcare will “bankrupt us,” unless we deny care to the elderly. Mike Bloomberg: All of these costs keep going up. Nobody wants to pay anymore money. And at the rate we’re going healthcare is going to bankrupt us. So […]

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Andrew Weissmann: AG Barr Is Starting New Investigation into Fired FBI Officials Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok

The Gateway Pundit 

Little crooked man Andrew Weissmann told Chuck Todd today the new investigation initiated this week by Attorney General Bill Barr involving US Attorney in St. Louis Jeff Jensen is a ruse to investigate Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. On Friday Attorney General Bill Barr assigned an outside prosecutor to review the abusive case […]

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Government Officials Seize Veteran’s Guns in Mistaken Identification In Red Flag Law Execution

The Gateway Pundit 

Since the crazed Constitutional rights prohibitionists can’t get the federal government to pass any of their absurd gun control laws, they have turned to a state-by-state effort to methodically do away with the 2nd Amendment. One of the many laws they are pushing are so-called “red flag” laws where someone can petition the courts to […]

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More Than 1,100 Ex-DOJ Officials Demand Barr Resign, Call For Current DOJ Officials to Rise Up, Report Abuses, Withdraw From Cases That Involve ‘Misconduct’

The Gateway Pundit 

US Attorney General William Barr The Deep State-Democrat-media complex has been attacking AG Bill Barr since he smacked down Mueller’s prosecutors for abusing Roger Stone by recommending a 7 to 9 year prison sentence for process crimes. The shampeachment hoax blew up in the Democrats’ faces so they had to cook up a new scandal. […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Рублёв и еще два российских теннисиста не сыграют на Олимпиаде в Париже

В Москве рассказали о развитии фармкластера в ОЭЗ «Технополис «Москва»

В Москве солнечная погода сменится грозами и осадками в четверг

Иркутская и Московская области поделились опытом мониторинга атмосферного воздуха

Сотрудники Королевского ОВО задержали гражданина в федеральном розыске