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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 16.02.2020

“Gentlemen Start Your Engines” – President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Pace the Daytona 500 in “The Beast” in First Lap! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The White House announced late last week that President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will attend the Daytona 500 this weekend, at the Daytona International Speedway. President Trump will be the Grand Marshal of the Daytona 500 this year! On Sunday President Trump and Air Force One swooped down 800 feet over the […]

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PRESIDENT TRUMP Pulls onto Track – Takes a Lap in “The Beast” at Daytona 500 Racetrack (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The White House announced on Friday that President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will attend the Daytona 500 this weekend, at the Daytona International Speedway. Not only that but— President Trump will be the Grand Marshal of the Daytona 500 this year! And not only that but— President Trump will reportedly take a […]

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AWESOME! President Trump Surprises Daytona Crowd – Swoops down 800 feet Over Track before Landing! … Crowd Erupts!! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The White House announced on Friday that President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will attend the Daytona 500 this weekend, at the Daytona International Speedway. Not only that but— President Trump will be the Grand Marshal of the Daytona 500 this year! And not only that but— President Trump will reportedly take a […]

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Daughter of Former Diplomat and First US Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte Charged With Murder

The Gateway Pundit 

The daughter of John Negroponte, a former US diplomat who held multiple high level positions in the George W. Bush administration, has been charged with first degree murder in Maryland. Sophia Negroponte, 27, was arrested on Thursday after police arrived at her home over reports of a stabbing. They found 24-year-old Yousuf Rasmussen “inside the […]

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Coronavirus “Did Not Start at the Wuhan Animal Market” – China’s Only Level 4 Super Lab “Is Only a Few Miles Away” – Sen. Tom Cotton Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This was written by Joe Hoft live from Hong Kong Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton was on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.  Senator Cotton claimed the coronavirus in Wuhan did not start at the food market as was initially reported. So far the coronavirus has infected nearly 70,000 and killed over 1600, the world […]

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Joe Biden Claims That His Adulterous and Corrupt Son Who Had His First Arrest at 18 is a ‘Brilliant’ and ‘Honorable Guy’

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his corrupt and adulterous son during an interview with NBC on Sunday. Appearing on Meet the Press, Biden claimed that his scandalous son Hunter is a “brilliant, honorable guy” and said that President Donald Trump’s attacks on him are “cruelty.” “My son’s a brilliant, honorable guy who — who […]

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Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures: John Durham is Looking at Papadopoulos Exculpatory Evidence That Was Not Given to FISA Court (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Representative and US Prosecutor Trey Gowdy joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures. Toward the end of their conversation Maria Bartiromo asked about George Papadopoulos’s statements to Joseph Mifsud in early 2016. This is VERY IMPORTANT information to remember. Maria Bartiromo: Very quickly before you go, I got to ask you about this exculpatory evidence you have […]

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“He Certainly Is Someone John Durham Would Want to Talk to” – Trey Gowdy Argues Andrew McCabe Is NOT Out of the Woods Yet (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Representative and US Prosecutor Trey Gowdy joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures. This was a powerful interview with one of the two Republican lawmakers who reviewed the un-redacted classified documents in the Spygate scandal. Gowdy initially explained that Andrew McCabe was exonerated for his conduct leaking classified documents during the election […]

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Mitt Romney Beams with Pride as German Audience Cheers Him as “Probably the Most Courageous Lawmaker” in the United States

The Gateway Pundit 

Mitt Romney is THE ONLY Republican in the US House or US Senate to vote to impeach President Trump based on his deep-seated hatred and jealousy of the US President. Romney voted for the sham impeachment out of pure hatred and envy toward this president. This weekend Senator Romney attended the Munich Security Conference where […]

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Italy’s Radical Leftists Vote to Allow Prosecution of Former Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini for Refusing Migrant “Invaders” from Far Left NGO Ship

The Gateway Pundit 

The Italian Senate voted that former Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini is eligible for prosecution for preventing migrants from a European NGO ship from landing in Italy. An Italian court eventually forced authorities to accept the ship of third world migrants into their country. The Houston Chronical reports: The Italian Senate voted by a […]

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Radical and Ignorant Squad Leader Rashida Tlaib Detained by Police During Detroit Airport Protest

The Gateway Pundit 

Radical socialist Rashida Tlaib made news this weekend after she was detained by police for blocking traffic during a sit-in protest at the Detroit Airport. The protests were organized in Detroit and Minneapolis to complain about low wages and a lack of health insurance benefits for the catering crews working for Delta Air Lines. Democrat-Socialist […]

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MUST SEE: Gun Rights Activists Crash Bloomberg Rally in Virginia, Chant ‘Guns Save Lives’

The Gateway Pundit 

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the man attempting to buy the 2020 Democratic Party nomination, was heckled by pro-Second Amendment activists at his rally in Virginia on Saturday. The protesters were shouting “you’re f**king fascist!” and “you’re a racist!” at the candidate and were quickly removed from the event. The activists were wearing “guns […]

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Crazy Woman Nancy Pelosi Lashes Out at Reporter for Saying President Trump was Acquitted (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This woman is certifiable. Nancy Pelosi traveled to Munich, Germany this weekend to trash Trump while overseas. During her interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Pelosi refused to believe President Trump was overwhelmingly acquitted in the US Senate in the sham impeachment. She’s nuts. Christiane Amanpour: “What about, though, the fact that the president seems liberated, […]

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A Warning to America – Socialist Tyrant Maduro Sends the Military to the Streets with Tanks and Army Vehicles to Intimidate the People into Silence

The Gateway Pundit 

Intimidation is a common practice of Socialist regimes. Intimidation causes fear in people.  It makes them pliable and makes them obedient. On Saturday Caracas woke up to tanks, military vehicles and regime officials on the streets of Caracas.  Socialist Tyrant Maduro ordered the military exercises in his latest attempt to intimidate his citizens. The President […]

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And There It Is… After 52 Years News Icon Sam Donaldson Comes Out as Just Another Typical Leftie Hack Reporter

The Gateway Pundit 

Legendary ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson came out this weekend as just another leftie hack. After a 52 years career as a reporter, Sam Donaldson threw off the veneer of objectivity and went full-throated anti-Trump this weekend. Donaldson cut his first ad for billionaire Mini-Mike Bloomberg. The real question is – how much did they […]

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