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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 18.02.2020

“Justice is Supposed to be Blind. Bill Barr Can’t See That.” – Comey Attacks AG Barr in WaPo Op-Ed…AGAIN!

The Gateway Pundit 

James Comey Fired FBI Director James Comey attacked US Attorney General Bill Barr again on Tuesday in a WaPo op-ed. Comey obviously feels threatened by Bill Barr because this is the second time he has attacked the Attorney General in one week! The Democrat-media complex began attacking Barr after he smacked down Mueller’s prosecutors for […]

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More Good News: Trump Pardons Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump had a busy Tuesday. The 45th president commuted the sentence for former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. And President Trump pardoned Bernard Kerik and Michael Milkin. Trump also announces that he pardoned Bernard Kerik and Michael Milken. Kerik pleaded guilty to tax fraud and other federal charges. Milken was indicted for racketeering and securities […]

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“I Know Who It Is… We Won’t Get Into It” – President Trump Says He Knows the Identity of the Anonymous Leaker and Coward (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump spoke with reporters on Tuesday at Andrews Air Force Base. During the questions and answers the president was asked about the identity of the “Anonymous” anti-Trump leaker. Yesterday it was reported that several NSC officials were asked to leave the White House including Victoria Coates who some suspect of being the “anonymous” author […]

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President Trump Says He Commuted Blago’s ‘Tremendously Ridiculous Sentence’ Prosecuted by ‘the Same People, Comey’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Tuesday commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence. Blago was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to 14 years in prison for trying to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat. President Trump commuted Blago’s sentence after he served more than 7 years in prison. The President on Tuesday told reporters that he felt […]

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Pelosi Admits She Tore Up State of the Union Speech Page With Soldier’s Surprise Homecoming; Had Previously Demanded Video Meme Tweeted by Trump Be Taken Down as False

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) demanded earlier this month that social media companies Twitter and Facebook take down a video commentary meme by TPUSA that was tweeted by President Donald Trump that juxtaposed a video clip of Pelosi standing behind Trump as she made a show of tearing up a copy of his […]

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BREAKING: President Trump Commutes Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s Sentence

The Gateway Pundit 

Rod Blagojevich President Trump commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence, according to the New York Times. President Trump previously floated the idea of commuting Blago’s sentence, claiming the charges against him were “unfair.” “We’re looking at it,” he said. “I feel very badly. I think he was very harshly sentenced, but we’re looking […]

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Feds Arrest Crooked State Democrat David Nangle in Massachusetts — He Was Sitting on House Ethics Committee

The Gateway Pundit 

Federal authorities arrested Massachusetts state Democrat David Nangle Tuesday on several corruption charges. BREAKING: Federal authorities outlining how they say State Rep. David Nangle misused his campaign funds and defrauded the IRS out of tens of thousands of dollars. Coming up at noon we’ll breakdown the allegations and explain how the FBI believes he tried […]

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Far Left Democrat Chris Murphy Admits to Meeting Secretly with Iranian Foreign Minister in Germany — Defies Trump Administration

The Gateway Pundit 

In early January the United States killed General Qassim Soleimani, a top commander of Iran’s al-Quds Force, in an airstrike at Baghdad’s International Airport.  The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Seven people were reportedly killed in the airstrike. Following the death of Commander Soleimani […]

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BREAKING: Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson DECLINES Request for New Roger Stone Trial — Sentencing Scheduled for Thursday

The Gateway Pundit 

Demon Judge Amy Berman Jackson DECLINED the request by Roger Stone lawyers for a new trial despite obvious fraud and possible criminal behavior at his trial. Jackson will proceed with sentencing on Thursday. Breaking on @MSNBC: Judge Amy Berman Jackson is not going to delay the sentencing for Roger Stone, which is scheduled now for […]

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CRAZY TRAIN: Bernie Bros Brawl at Colorado Rally After White Guy Accuses Black Guy of Wearing Racist “Black Guns Matter” T-Shirt (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A brawl broke out on Sunday between two fellow travelers at a Bernie Sanders rally. Here’s the run-up to the brawl. The white guy accuses a black guy of a racist T-shirt. Guess the black guy did not want to be lectured to by his socialist brethren? Here is video of the lead up to […]

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BOOM! President Trump Threatens to Sue Deep State Operatives Behind Fraudulent and Criminal Mueller Witch Hunt

The Gateway Pundit 

All Posts After years of criminal activity attacks and attempted coups President Trump on Tuesday warned that he may sue the deep state operatives behind the criminal Mueller witch hunt. The Obama administration illegally spied on the Trump campaign and later the deep state continued to spy on President Trump in the White House. These […]

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REVEALED: All But Two of the Radical Far-Left DOJ Attorneys Who Signed Petition for Fraudulent Mueller Investigation Also Signed Petition for AG Barr to Resign

The Gateway Pundit 

Former New York City Mayor and President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani was on Lou Dobbs Tonight on FOX Business channel to discuss recent events involving the Democrats actions to destroy the US Constitution.  The first topic surrounded the list of former DOJ attorneys that asked AG Barr to resign over the weekend. This planned […]

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Obama Lies Again – Ignores that the Year after Signing the Stimulus More than (4) Million Jobs Were Lost

The Gateway Pundit 

Former President Obama, the only President in US history who had his FBI and other Intel agencies spy on the opposition party candidate, claims that he created the great economy that Americans are enjoying today.  The only thing Obama created was debt and massive job losses with his horrible economic recovery. Yesterday the former President […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Confirmed First Photos of Deep State Joseph Mifsud Since He Went Missing – And He Just Happens to Be with Prostitutes

The Gateway Pundit 

Italian prosecutors last year reported the notorious deep state spy Joseph Mifsud was dead after he had gone missing for two years. Joseph Mifsud is connected to the Obama Spygate Scandal after presumably setting up George Papadopoulos and General Flynn in London. He also was close to Hillary Clinton and even dined with her in […]

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DEEP STATE REVOLT: Federal Judges to Hold Emergency Meeting Over Barr and Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Just weeks after President Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate of bogus partisan impeachment charges by the House of Representatives, a group of federal judges will hold an ’emergency meeting’ on Tuesday regarding the intervention by Attorney General William Barr against the abusive proposed sentence for Roger Stone and the criticism by President Trump […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

Hannity: “I Feel There’s Something So Big in Play – The Deep State Knows It… It’s Going to Shock the Conscience of the Nation” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) joined Sean Hannity Monday night to discuss the latest developments in the Spygate scandal. Once again Sean Hannity teased a huge development is coming in the DOJ investigations into the spying on the Trump campaign and administration. Sean Hannity: Let me ask you this. I think there’s something. I think all […]

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Joe Biden Channels Hillary Clinton, Musters Fake Accent When Speaking at Nevada Black Legislative Caucus (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

5th place Joe Biden is in Nevada fighting for his political life after taking a punch to the gut in Iowa and receiving zero delegates in New Hampshire. Biden abruptly left New Hampshire last week and headed to South Carolina to pander to the black community. Now he’s in Nevada pandering to the black legislative […]

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Amazing! 17,000 See Socialist Bernie Sanders and Rock Band “Portugal. The Man” at Tacoma Dome

The Gateway Pundit 

Approximately 17,000 people turned out to see Bernie Sanders Monday night in Tacoma, Washington. 17,000 is the current estimate for #BernieInWA event at the #TacomaDome #Bernie2020 pic.twitter.com/cGPGXij0uU — Archer 2.0???? (@Map4latte) February 18, 2020 The band “Portugal. The Man” are the latest band to join Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders at a huge rally […]

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“The WEAKEST Economy Since the Great Depression” – President Trump RIPS “Con Job” Barack Obama After he Takes Credit for Economy — HERE’S THE TRUTH

The Gateway Pundit 

On President’s Day former President Obama took a cheap shot at President Trump by taking credit for the Trump economy. Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job […]

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‘Greatest Abuse of Power I Have Ever Seen’ – Quid Pro Joe Calls on AG Bill Barr to Resign (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

5th-place-quid-pro-Joe on Monday called on US Attorney General Bill Barr to resign during an interview with MSNBC. The Deep State-Democrat-media complex has been attacking AG Bill Barr since he smacked down Mueller’s prosecutors for abusing Roger Stone by recommending a 7 to 9 year prison sentence for process crimes. The shampeachment hoax blew up in […]

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