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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 03.11.2020

SHOCKER! In 2016 Gateway Pundit was One of the Top 4 Pro-Trump Websites on Facebook — So today Facebook Shut Down Our Traffic to a Trickle on Election Day

The Gateway Pundit 

In the 2016 election a Harvard University research project listed The Gateway Pundit as the 4th most influential pro-Trump website in America. Since that time the left and Big Tech have done everything they can to eliminate our presence on Facebook and Twitter. Harvard Study Identifies The Gateway Pundit As One of the Most Influential…

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North Carolina Extends Voting Hours at Four Sites, Delaying Release of Election Results

The Gateway Pundit 

North Carolina extended voting hours at four different precincts after technical problems with voting machines delayed the opening of the polling sites. State policy prohibits election results from being released until all polls are closed so North Carolina’s vote totals won’t be released until after 8:15 PM EST. WRAL reported: The State Board of Elections…

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MASSIVE Rally for Trump in Nigeria — Hindu Sena hold Fire Rituals for Trump in New Delhi — Jews in Surfside, FL Hold Prayer Vigil for Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Hindu supporters of President Trump in New Delhi held a prayer vigil for President Trump on Tuesday. Nearly two dozen members of a group known as Hindu Sena (Hindu Army) joined a priest wearing saffron robes to conduct fire rituals for Trump. A group known as Hindu Sena joined a priest wearing saffron robes to…

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“I Think We’re Going to Have a Great Night!” – PRESIDENT TRUMP to Staffers: We Are Doing VERY WELL in Florida, Arizona, North Carolina and Texas (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump and his team took a trip to visit campaign staffers this afternoon in Arlington, Virginia. President Trump and his staff were VERY HAPPY and pleased with the results they are seeing on the ground. Trump mentioned the campaign is seeing great results so far in Florida, Arizona, North Carolina and Texas. President Trump…

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LAST MINUTE PANIC: Biden Camp Moves Goal Posts, Says Joe Biden Has Multiple Pathways to 270 without Pennsylvania and Florida

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden’s campaign is moving the goal posts on Election Day. Biden’s campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon is now trying to manage expectations by claiming they can still win without Florida and Pennsylvania. What happened to Joe Biden winning Florida and Pennsylvania in a landslide? “We continue to have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes”…

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Late Night Deep State Document Release Shows Mueller Investigated and Chose Not to Charge Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone For DNC Hacks – Roger Stone Responds

The Gateway Pundit 

The Deep State DOJ last night silently released a report they apparently wanted to hide during the election.  Far left Buzz Feed reported last night: Prosecutors investigated Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone for the hacking of Democratic National Committee servers as well as for possible campaign finance violations, but ultimately chose not to charge…

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BREAKING UPDATE: Early Voter Turnout in Florida Indicates a Very Big Day for President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Early voting in the very important state of Florida is showing a very strong turnout for President Trump. President Trump visited Democrat stronghold two nights ago and held a huge rally after midnight: OMG What a MAGA Crowd at Midnight in Miami! https://t.co/BFhLLlQ3Ul — Joe Hoft (@joehoft) November 2, 2020 Today early voting out of…

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Fired FBI Director Comey Posts Pro-Biden Photo on Election Day — Trump Voters Weigh In

The Gateway Pundit 

Fired FBI Director James Comey posted a photo today wearing a Biden T-shirt and holding a Biden cup. Jim is still butt-hurt after he got fired. He’s pretty happy he’s not in prison right now. The responses are gold! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😂deep breath 😂😂😭😭😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂 https://t.co/GIc1g9ECHv — Catturd ™ (@catturd2) November 3, 2020 You were the “non biased,…

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THE STEAL IS ON IN PHILLY: Man Caught Handing Out Democrat Literature to Voters IN LINE TO VOTE

The Gateway Pundit 

The Steal Is On– Democrats are up to their same-old tricks in Philadelphia. Earlier this morning a poll watcher was denied entry to a Philly polling station. A poll watcher in Philly was just wrongfully prevented from entering the polling place#StopTheSteal pic.twitter.com/iJTFtRk0Id — Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) November 3, 2020 More shenanigans in Philly. SPOTTED: Ward…

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FINAL 2020 RALLY TALLY: President Trump Had Largest Crowds at His Rallies in US History – Biden Had Some of the Smallest

The Gateway Pundit 

Election Day has arrived and the results of our tally of attendance at Presidential events since Labor Day are final.  These results show the Trump Train is on nuclear power rolling down hill while the Biden Bus is broken down and never left the basement. Since Labor day President Trump has entertained massive crowds at…

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FREAK SHOW: Joe Biden’s Final “Rally” in Scranton, PA on Tuesday Morning Is as Awkward and Empty as His Entire Campaign (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a MASSIVE rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania on Monday. THOUSANDS of supporters turned out to see President Trump in the cold. Via Renee Lynn On TUESDAY — Election Day morning — Joe Biden held a “rally” in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It was as awkward and empty as his entire campaign this year. Biden is…

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CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Philadelphia Poll Watcher Prevented from Entering Polling Place (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A Philadelphia poll watcher was prevented from entering a polling place in Philly this morning. The poll watcher who presented an ID was not allowed in the building. The entire incident was caught on video. Via Will Chamberlain: A poll watcher in Philly was just wrongfully prevented from entering the polling place#StopTheSteal pic.twitter.com/iJTFtRk0Id — Will…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

In 2016 Candidate Trump Completed His Campaign With “I Am With You, I Will Fight For You and I Will Win For You. I Promise.” – Early This Morning President Trump Finished His 2020 Campaign With A Proven Record and More Promises

The Gateway Pundit 

On Election day November 8th, 2016 President Trump completed his 2016 Presidential campaign at 1am in the morning in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his final campaign speech. We reported the following: At the end of his final speech in 2016 candidate Trump said this – Just imagine what our country could accomplish if we started…

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Portland Rioters Give Trump One Last Free Campaign Ad Before Election Day By Trying To Burn Down An Apartment Building, Smash Up University

The Gateway Pundit 

The *PEACEFUL* protesters of Portland couldn’t resist another night of reckoning in their own city. This time they targeted the college that many of them went to: Portland State University. The antifa and BLM terrorists smashed up a Starbucks and attempted to douse the place in kerosene, with 300 apartments above the establishment. …Individuals smashed…

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WONDERFUL! President Trump Turns Microphone Over to Beautiful First Daughter Ivanka and Don Jr. and Jared Kushner at Kenosha Rally (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This is a REALLY GOOD SIGN! President Trump’s children Ivanka and Jared Kushner were VERY HAPPY tonight at the Kenosha, Wisconsin rally! Ivanka was excited and happy tonight. She told the Wisconsin crowd, “Washington has not changed Donald Trump. Donald Trump has changed Washington!” Pres. Trump turned the microphone over to Ivanka Trump at his…

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WATCH LIVE ON RSBN: President Trump’s Final Election Eve MAGA Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan – Trump Takes the Stage at Midnight!

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump is unstoppable going into Election Day 2020. The President held a total of five rallies today in four different states – Fayetteville, North Carolina – Scranton, Pennsylvania – Traverse City, Michigan – Kenosha, Wisconsin – Grand Rapids, Michigan. Trump wrapped up his fourth rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin and headed over to Grand Rapids,…

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Judge Rules CA Gov Overstepped His Authority with Covid Order, Issues Permanent Injunction Restraining Newsom From Further Issuing Unconstitutional Orders

The Gateway Pundit 

Gavin Newsom California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) for the past 8 months has imposed some of the most abusive and authoritarian Covid restrictions via executive orders. Newsom is a tyrant who has completely bypassed the state legislature and unilaterally locked down California with 57 executive orders! California residents have been suffering under Newsom’s iron fist…

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