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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 09.11.2020

Ohio Attorney General Asks US Supreme Court to Overturn Ruling that Extended Deadline For Mail-in Ballots in Pennsylvania

The Gateway Pundit 

Ohio AG Dave Yost President Trump’s legal team is preparing to ask the US Supreme Court to overturn an unconstitutional ruling from Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court that ordered elections officials to count mail-in ballots that arrived 3 days after Election Day. The Pennsylvania state legislature decided Election Day ends at 8 PM on election night. Rogue…

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Catholic Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger Calls on Faithful to Recite Prayer to Bind the Evil Spirits and Satanic Forces Until Election Oddities are Resolved

The Gateway Pundit 

Father Chad Ripperger Father Chad Ripperger is a respected exorcist in the Catholic Church. The good Father is asking Christians to recite this prayer in our ongoing battle against evil and the evil one. We are truly in a battle between goodness and truth and the horrors of Satan’s lies. There is a concerted effort…

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BUSTED! Fox News Anchor Sandra Smith Caught on Hot Mic Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud After Panelist Says Network Has No Authority to Call Election (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The hacks at Fox News believe they have the power to call elections. They don’t. Fox News last week called Arizona early for Joe Biden while voters were still standing in line. The call was outrageous and even Tucker Carlson questioned his own network. Richard Baris of the People’s Pundit explained Fox News’ decision to…

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Hah-Hah! Trump Admin Refuses to Play Pretend with Coup Plotters — Denies Funding to Biden Transition Team

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump administration refused to play dress-up with the Biden-Kamala campaign. The GSA will not be funding a “Biden Transition Team” in the near future until ALL THE LEGAL BALLOTS are counted. Sorry kids. Via Pro-Trump News — Mediaite reported: The federal government General Services Administration has declined to provide funding to the Biden campaign’s…

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BREAKING: Anti-Trump Pro-Mob Defense Secretary Mark Esper FIRED! #DrainTheSwamp

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday morning. Christopher Miller, who serves as director of the National Counterterrorism Center, will replace Esper. JUST IN: President Donald Trump says he has fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and that Christopher Miller, who serves as director of the National Counterterrorism Center, will become acting secretary…

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Fox News Ratings Crashed on Saturday

The Gateway Pundit 

The Fox News Channel crashed in ratings on Saturday, coming in a distant third place to leader CNN and second place MSNBC. In the week before Tuesday’s election Fox News averaged more than double the viewership of CNN and MSNBC. Fox viewers have been in revolt since election night when the cable network called states…

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Numerous Democrat Led Non-Profits Are Connected to Likely Illegal Absentee Ballot Harvesting in Georgia After the Election

The Gateway Pundit 

A totally under-the-radar and likely illegal Democratic absentee ballot-harvesting type of an operation was quietly executed in Georgia last week after Election Day, which may have secretly added just enough Democratic votes to tip the scales in this swing state against Republican President Donald Trump and for Joe Biden. Guest post from one of our…

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Joe Biden Announces Covid Lockdown Panel – Plans Nationwide Mandatory Mask Mandate, Lockdown and Contact Tracing

The Gateway Pundit 

The media’s pretend president-elect Joe Biden on Monday announced a Covid lockdown panel. The media believes they have the authority to decide who wins presidential elections so here we are. Joe Biden announced his plans to fight the Coronavirus pandemic on Monday. Joe Biden’s plans include a mandatory mask mandate (unconstitutional), nationwide lockdowns (unconstitutional), Covid…

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Crooked Michigan Attorney General Says Accusations of Voter Fraud and the Mass Dump of Biden Votes in Middle of Night Is a “Conspiracy”

The Gateway Pundit 

A very strange thing happened in Michigan on Election night that still cannot be explained. While Americans slept the Democrats were hard at work in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. President Trump had a significant lead in Michigan on election night and into the morning. Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 138,339 votes…

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Report: Pfizer Stopped Testing COVID-19 Vaccine Results in Late October, Placed Samples in Cold Storage to Be Tested the Day After the Election

The Gateway Pundit 

The world reacted with great optimism at the news announced Monday morning that test subjects given a COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer had 90 percent fewer symptomatic infections of the China coronavirus than those given a placebo. For example, the Dow Jones stock market index jumped over three percent in value Monday morning on…

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BREAKING HUGE: Another System ”Glitch” Captured Live on CNN on Election Night – 20,000 Votes Swapped from Trump to Biden (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

  HUGE BREAKING NEWS –  System ‘glitches’ caught real time We already know there were at least two system ‘glitches’ in Michigan during the 2020 election.  First in Antrim County and then in Oakland County votes were switched between the Republican and Democrat candidates always in favor of the Democrats. Over the weekend a video…

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Captured in Real Time: That Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM Where they Took 169,000 Votes Off the State Totals

The Gateway Pundit 

Data scientist Sarah Eaglesfield was tracking the vote counts in Virginia in real-time on Election night and into the following morning. Eaglesfield noticed a glitch in the Virgina vote counting. At 5:12 AM the state lost 169,000 votes from 5:07 AM to 5:12 AM in the morning. President Trump was smashing expectations and liberal media…

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“They Took a Victory from Donald Trump and They Called it a Lie…This Country is Under Attack.” – Attorney Lin Wood On Why He Joined Trump’s Legal Team

The Gateway Pundit 

Top attorney Lin Wood spoke at a rally in Georgia on Saturday about why he joined the Trump team in its fight against Democrats, Big Media and Big Tech lies and attempts to steal the election for Joe Biden. He was outstanding. Wood began his speech on why he was joining the Trump team with…

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Associated Press Agrees with Democrats that GOP Observers Should Not Be Allowed Inside Convention Center to Watch Vote Counters

The Gateway Pundit 

Following the landslide turnout for President Donald Trump Democrats knew they would have to get to work to flip the election for their candidate Joe Biden. President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by 700,000 votes on Election day! So Democrat officials in Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta went to work. For the rest of…

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With all the Recounts, Investigations, Audits and Court Cases This Election Is Far From Over

The Gateway Pundit 

When taking an honest look at the current status of the 2020 Electoral College map, President Trump is leading Joe Biden with many states still being counted, or already in recounts.  When taking this into consideration, President Trump is winning. Ian on Twitter made this point yesterday: Current state of the 2020 Presidential Election: Trump…

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LOL! Antifa Terrorists Smash Up Portland Democrat Party Office

The Gateway Pundit 

Fresh from today’s irony file, the *mostly peaceful* rioters in Portland have taken their rage out on their enablers by targeting and attacking the Multnomah County Democrats headquarters. Apparently not content with what they believe to be Trump’s defeat, they also want to defeat the party that has stood back and allowed them to destroy…

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“Pallets of Ballots” – Austin Forman’s Song on Democrats Stealing the 2020 Election Goes Viral (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Austin Forman released an amazing song this week after the election. Austin’s song is called “Pallets Full Of Ballots” and it already has over 250,000 views on Youtube. Austin rips Democrooks for stealing the 2020 election from Donald Trump at 3 in the morning with pallets full of ballots. Here are the lyrics via Infowars:…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun

The Gateway Pundit 

  If Joe Biden had run a real campaign and generated genuine enthusiasm, Trump voters would be unhappy with his victory but would acknowledge he had won. But Biden did not win. This election was stolen. And the fury and bitterness among Trump’s base is real and pervasive. So far, Trump supporters are keeping their…

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A Calm and Happy President Trump Finishes Golf Round During Which Biden Was Declared Winner By MSM By Taking Picture With Bride at His Golf Club

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump golfed yesterday when the media announced that they declared Joe Biden the winner in the 2020 Presidential Election. The President looked like he enjoyed his round of golf and then took the time to take a picture with a bride on her wedding day. Yesterday morning the President went to play golf and…

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UPDATE: Facebook and Twitter Suspend Accounts That Posted on Benford’s Law Showing Biden’s Implausible Vote Totals — LABELING IT “SEXUAL EXPLOITATION”

The Gateway Pundit 

We have heard from many readers who told us once they retweeted this tweet or tried to post it on Facebook their account was suspended! The social media giants are preventing Americans from posting this mathematical evidence that proves Joe Biden’s numbers violate the Benford Law of normal distributions! * * * * * *…

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HUGE BREAKING NEWS IN GEORGIA – 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible

The Gateway Pundit 

Huge news tonight.  There are reportedly 132,000 change of address flags in Fulton County, Georgia ballots. These ballots are likely ineligible. Kyle Becker and People’s Pundit on Twitter announced moments ago that 132,000 ballots in Fulton Country Georgia are likely ineligible. GEORGIA. 132,000 “Change of Address” RED FLAGS in Fulton County, GA. These votes are…

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Trump Campaign Witness Saw Biden-Harris Van Stop at Las Vegas, Nevada Center and Unload and Fill In Boxes of Ballots (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump campaign team held a presser in Las Vegas on Sunday night. During the press briefing Trump campaign member Matt Schlapp told the crowd the Trump team has a witness who saw Biden-Harris van unload and repackage ballots. Matt Schlapp: A second whistleblower, we have not mentioned before, describes leaving on his lunch hour…

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