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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 16.11.2020

Wow! Michelle Obama Pops Up Her Head to Weigh in on Presidential Transition — Says “This Isn’t a Game”

The Gateway Pundit 

This is rich on so many levels. Following her husband’s appearance last night on “60 Minutes” Michelle Obama popped her head up today and slammed the Trump administration — again. This time Michelle told criticized the Trump Team for “groundless conspiracy theories” about the impossible election results. Then she told President Trump the “transition” process…

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Report: President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White House for Emergency Meeting.

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s legal team was summoned to the White House Monday for a 2 p.m. meeting, according to a report by Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson. Anchor Heather Childers: “Well the President’s legal team, we’re being told right now, breaking news for you, they’ve all been summoned to an emergency meeting at the White…

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Trump Lawyer Tweets Article Alleging Philly Mob Boss May Reveal How They Stole The Election In Exchange For Full Expungement Of His Criminal Record

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump team lawyer, and Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice, Jordan Sekulow tweeted an exclusive article from the Buffalo Chronicle that suggests the alleged boss of the Philly mob, Skinny Joey’ Merlino, may be ready to flip on Democratic Party operatives in exchange for a full expungement of his decades-long criminal record.…

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GOP Congressman Andy Biggs Requests 100% Audit of Maricopa County, Arizona Ballots

The Gateway Pundit 

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) on Monday requested a 100% audit of Maricopa County, Arizona ballots. “Americans and Arizonans must have full confidence in our election processes and systems in order to maintain the bedrock of our constitutional republic. Although Arizona conducts elections with far more transparency and accountability than other states,…

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Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls President Trump’s Campaign Rallies “Klan Rallies” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Radical Muslima Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Monday called President Trump’s campaign rallies “Klan rallies.” Ilhan Omar’s lies and dehumanization of Trump supporters is precisely why there was violence against men and women who attended the million MAGA march for Trump in DC over the weekend. WATCH: According documents and sources previously reported by investigative…

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Trump Lawyer Harassed and Threatened by Attorney Working For Law Firm Representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State

The Gateway Pundit 

Another one of Trump’s lawyers was harassed and threatened for the ‘crime’ of representing the President of the United States. Last week the anti-American hacks at The Lincoln Project doxxed and harassed two of President Trump’s Pennsylvania lawyers prompting them to withdraw from a voter fraud case. Now another one of President Trump’s lawyers had…

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Denver Business Owner: Dominion’s Eric Coomer Is an Unhinged Sociopath — His Internet Profile Is Being Deleted and Erased (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In 2010 Eric Coomer joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering. According to his bio, Coomer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. Eric Coomer was later promoted to Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security at Dominion.  Coomer has since been removed from the Dominion page of…

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Cyber Expert Who Reviewed Voting Machines Used in America Identified Their Many Weaknesses Against Fraud Before the 2020 Election (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump retweeted a video from before the election that laid out the unimaginable – the voting machines used in the US in multiple states had so many weaknesses they never ever should have been used in elections across this great nation. A voter machine expert, Russ Ramsland, was in an interview before the 2020…

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WTH? — CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths

The Gateway Pundit 

The latest coronavirus numbers from the CDC raise more questions on the seriousness of the China virus. According to the CDC there were 26,557 heart attacks listed as Coronavirus deaths. And there were 7,919 accident and poisoning deaths listed as Coronavirus deaths. The CDC also revealed in their latest numbers that hospitals have been counting…

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WATCH: BBC Gets Owned By Trump Supporter — ‘Your Country’s Opinion Stopped Mattering in Our Country in 1776’

The Gateway Pundit 

BBC had no idea what they were in for when they invited XStrategies CEO Alex Bruesewitz on air for an interview following the massive Trump rally in DC on Saturday, where he was a speaker. The interview started with a bang as Bruesewitz declared “your country’s opinion stopped mattering in our country in 1776.” The…

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Dirty Barack Obama — Who Spied on the Trump Campaign and His Transition Team — Compares President Trump to a Dictator (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The propaganda never stops. Dozens of US newspapers pushed the BS that Joe Biden and Kamala will bring healing to America. This is after Democrats stole the 2020 election. But as TGP readers know — We caught these cheaters and — It ain’t over yet! Last night Barack Obama went on “60 Minutes” to lash…

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WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 4: We Were Able to Replicate SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Found in Michigan’s Kent County As Reported by Dr. Shiva – 20,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden

The Gateway Pundit 

A deep dive into the results in one Michigan County shows a similar pattern as was identified by Dr. Shiva in his Michigan analysis.  Dr. Shiva’s numbers can be replicated. Votes were transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden based on consistent rate of transfer. This is VERY IMPORTANT that this analysis can be replicated…

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Unraveling the Latest Deep State Coup

The Gateway Pundit 

The courageous, brilliant duo of Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert stirred up a bit of a storm in the last few days with this tweet When I saw this it did not make sense. Let me explain. I spent four years working at State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (now it is the Bureau…

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If You Haven’t Quit Watching FOX News Yet… Watch this Clip of Leland Vittert laughing at a Trump Spokeswoman and You Will — VIDEO

The Gateway Pundit 

For months now it has been obvious that FOX News hates their audience. They want a new one. The Fox News Channel crashed in ratings on Saturday, coming in a distant third place to leader CNN and second place MSNBC. In the week before Tuesday’s election Fox News averaged more than double the viewership of CNN and…

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

The Gateway Pundit 

There’s something going on…. The Virginia results in the 2020 Election for President gave Joe Biden a 2.4 million vote lead over President Trump’s 2.0 million votes.  What’s odd and needs investigating is how the election ended up this way. No one seems to be questioning the votes in Virginia but they should be.  There…

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BREAKING: Michigan House Member Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer

The Gateway Pundit 

State Rep. Matt Maddock (R), who is well-known in Michigan as a pro-Trump solid conservative, announced tonight that he is filing the paperwork in the Michigan House to start impeachment proceedings against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer! Whitmer has been repeatedly defying court orders limiting her COVID shutdown powers. And rumors swirl that another Whitmer Michigan…

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“It’s Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! – It’s Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!” – Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump Attorney Sidney Powell joined Eric Bolling on Sunday to discuss the massive voter fraud the campaign is investigating via the Dominion voting machines. During their discussion Sidney Powell explained what the Trump campaign has found in their investigation of Dominion machines. The Gateway Pundit was first to report on the statistically impossible patterns found…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

‘LOCK HER UP’: Trump Supporters Rally Outside Hillary Clinton’s Home After News That Biden is Considering Her for Ambassador to the UN (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Supporters of President Donald Trump are currently rallying outside Hillary Clinton’s New York home chanting “lock her up,” following reports that she is being considered by Joe Biden for a role in the admin. Over the weekend it was reported that Biden is considering Hillary Clinton for his administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, should…

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It Begins: Conservative Treehouse “Deplatformed” from WordPress

The Gateway Pundit 

For the past four years the liberal tech giants have “deplatformed,” censored, shadow-banned and eliminated conservative voices online. This has been the greatest assault on free speech in this country’s history. The assault on conservative voices has only gotten worse during the Trump years. Republican leaders refuse to act on this assault on our basic…

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Sidney Powell: Smartmatic Voting Machine’s Chairman of the Board Peter Neffenger Named to Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Team’

The Gateway Pundit 

Peter Neffenger is a former Coast Guard Commander who served as Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration from July 2015 to January 20, 2017. Peter Neffenger is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smartmatic, a multinational company that specializes in building and implementing electronic voting systems. Last week Neffenger was named a member…

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CNN’s Jake Tapper to Fauci: “Christmas is Probably Not Going to be Possible” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning told Dr. Fauci that “Christmas is probably not going to be possible.” Dr. Anthony Fauci is an unelected bureaucrat who based his Covid predictions on the garbage IHME models that were off by millions and then later told reporters, “you can’t really rely on models.” Fauci is the immunologist and…

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Wikileaks: Soros-Linked Voting Machines Now Used in Most Battleground States Were Used to Rig the 2004 Venezuela Elections

The Gateway Pundit 

Joseph Stalin famously said: “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” Stalin was right. And today we are seeing this play out in the United States of America. Smartmatic, a UK based company, is a George Soros linked company that has provided voting technology in 16 states including…

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