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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 05.11.2020

Breaking: Facebook Bans Pro-Trump ‘Stop the Steal’; Page Gained Over 350,000 Followers Since Announced Wednesday

The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook has banned the pro-Trump Stop the Steal page started by Women for America First on Wednesday to organize support for an honest count of legal votes in the presidential election. Mother Jones’ Ali Breland reported a statement by Facebook, “NEW: Facebook spokesperson on shutdown of “Stop The Steal” group: “In line with the exceptional…

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BREAKING: GOP Observers Barred From Entering Philadelphia Vote Counting Center After Receiving Court Order – Philly Sheriff Not Enforcing Appellate Court Order (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

An appellate judge on Thursday morning handed the Trump campaign a win by allowing it to observe Pennsylvania officials count ballots. “The media and the insiders is in the city, they’ve been trying to count Donald Trump out for years,” Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien told reporters on a call. “Donald Trump is alive and…

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It Begins… Democrat Lawmakers Call on Twitter to Remove US President Trump from Platform

The Gateway Pundit 

US Democrats are pushing Twitter to silence President Trump. Democrats are FURIOUS that President Trump is fighting back after they have stolen the election from him on Tuesday night. Democrats will no longer allow dissenting voices who challenge and shine a spotlight on their their criminal actions. Right now, the President's Twitter account is posting…

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BREAKING: Judge Tosses Out Trump’s Lawsuit Seeking to Stop Ballot Counting in Georgia After State Officials Keep Finding New Ballots

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump campaign on Wednesday filed its third lawsuit of the day, this one in Georgia to stop counting ballots. Trump’s campaign alleged GOP poll watchers witnessed a woman stack 53 absentee ballots that arrived to Chatham County after Election Day on top of other absentee ballots that had arrived on Election Day. The GOP…

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People’s Pundit: On Wednesday Democrat Officials in Pennsylvania Said 92% of Vote was Counted — Today They Say Only 88% of Vote was Counted (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

While you were sleeping Democrats just found another 750,000 ballots in Pennsylvania. On Wednesday morning President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes. It was an insurmountable lead. By Thursday morning President Trump’s lead was down to 110,000 votes. And now election officials found another 750,000 ballots to count. On Wednesday they…

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Allegheny County, PA Still Has 35,413 Uncounted Mail-in Ballots, But Elections Staff is Taking the Day Off For ‘Administrative Work’ – Will Resume Count on Friday

The Gateway Pundit 

The corrupt Democrat machine in Pennsylvania is trying to hand The Keystone State over to Joe Biden by producing fraudulent ballots after Election Day. Election Day was Tuesday but Pennsylvania keeps counting ballots and finding new mail-in ballots for Joe Biden. President Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania on election night by nearly 700,000 votes, but…

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Ric Grenell Announces Lawsuit at Rally in Las Vegas to Stop the Steal – “Illegal” Ballots Are Being Counted in Nevada (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former DNI Ric Grenell, Matt Schlapp and Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt held a rally today in Las Vegas to announce the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against local officials who are denying the right of the people of Nevada to a free and fair election. Grenell told the crowd that the Trump team is fighting…

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EXCLUSIVE: International Audit Executive – Based on Results and a Review of Numerous Activities, the 2020 Presidential Election Was MATERIALLY CORRUPTED In Favor of Democrat Joe Biden

The Gateway Pundit 

There is ample evidence to date that shows the 2020 Presidential Election was materially corrupted to favor Democrat Joe Biden. When reviewing the 2020 Presidential election it is clear the results are materially tainted in favor of Joe Biden. Overall Results: Candidate Biden’s campaign had little, if any, enthusiasm. With such a lackluster performance in…

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Steve Bannon: “The FACT Is Donald Trump Won an Overwhelming Victory — President Trump Has Multiple Paths to be Inaugurated!” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former White House chief strategist and Trump Campaign adviser Steve Bannon went on Mornings with Maria on Thursday to provide insight into the 2020 presidential election results. The Trump administration is taking legal action amid mounting controversy over voting practices and thousands of suspect ballots. Steve Bannon told Maria, “President Trump has multiple paths to…

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Steve Bannon and The War Room: “You Can’t in the Middle of the Night in Wisconsin and Michigan Allow Them to Steal It” — LIVE STREAM This AM

The Gateway Pundit 

Steve Bannon opened The War Room this morning with a clip from his earlier interview with Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria. Steve told the War Room and FBN audience today that President Trump won in a landslide and needs to start taking actions for his second term like firing corrupt FBI Director Chris Wray…

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WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night

The Gateway Pundit 

A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m. Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload…

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After NBC News Report, Facebook Takes Down Page of Group That Called for Trump Supporters to Show Up at Detroit Vote Counting Center

The Gateway Pundit 

NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny reported late Wednesday night that following her report for NBC News with Ben Collins, Facebook had taken down the page of the group that called for Trump supporters to show up at the Detroit, Michigan vote counting center earlier Wednesday. Trump supporters peacefully demonstrating at Detroit vote counting center, screen…

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Michigan County Clerk Discovers Total Votes Counted by “Election Software” DID NOT MATCH Printed Tabulator Tapes!

The Gateway Pundit 

So this is happening. An election clerk in Michigan discovered that the total votes counted by election software DID NOT MATCH the printed tabulator tapes. Again — the Michigan software used to count votes is putting out incorrect totals! Wow! WILX reported: The Antrim County Clerk Office noticed some inaccuracies with posted unofficial results at…

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ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: President Trump Won the 2020 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Roger Stone President Donald J. Trump staged the greatest political come-back history to win the 2020 election- and now on the basis of a concerted effort to “find” additional ballots in the states where the President won narrowly or where results are unresolved, it is being stolen from him.  The fake news…

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BREAKING: Detroit Precinct Chair Says Ineligible Ballots Are being Counted — Numerous Voting Irregularities

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Benjamin Wetmore Dustin Kingen was the Chairman for Precinct 219 in Detroit and noticed multiple voting irregularities that he reported and he now says he feels helpless that anyone will care. “We were instructed not to accept ballots that were not specifically marked as received, but I saw it happen,” Kingen said.…

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Protect the Vote – Stop the Steal Rallies on Thursday in Key States and D.C., Trump Supporters Urged to Attend

The Gateway Pundit 

Rallies are being held in key states across the country on Thursday by Freedom Works, Tea Party Patriots and others to support the honest counting of legal votes. Trump supporters are being urged to attend the rallies which are dubbed “Protect the Vote” or “Stop the Steal. Stop the Steal protest, Phoenix, AZ, October 4,…

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За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

BREAKING: Michigan County Discovered Omitting Votes for Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Benjamin Wetmore Just an accident or mistake? In the most divisive, contested, Presidential election in American history, the public is being told of voter irregularities happening in Detroit. But even in supposedly safe Republican areas, votes for President Trump are appearing to be suppressed, with an alleged 600 discovered today in just…

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Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are Counted

The Gateway Pundit 

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar has reportedly been denied entry into the Maricopa County Elections Center as ballots are being counted. A large pro-Trump rally to “Protect the Vote” is currently taking place outside. .@RepGosar has been denied entry into the Maricopa County elections center. pic.twitter.com/gg64viCKn0 — Tristan Justice (@JusticeTristan) November 5, 2020 The president had…

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Archbishop Viganò: America is in midst of ‘Colossal Electoral Fraud,’ ‘Do Not Think the Children of Darkness Act with Honesty – We Must Pray NOW to Defeat Enemy

The Gateway Pundit 

Carlo Maria Viganò is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. Archbishop Viganò previously warned Catholics on the historic spiritual importance of this 2020 election on the future of this country and this planet. President Trump is standing up against the…

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National Guard Called Out in Portland As “Widespread Violence” Erupts Over…. Ted Wheeler

The Gateway Pundit 

Despite Portlanders believing that Sniffy Joe is about to be declared the next President, the rioters have taken to the streets because reasons, this time venting their frustration over vichy “mayor” Ted Wheeler’s successful reelection bid. After two separate marches converged downtown, the National Guard was activated due to “widespread violence” breaking out. The terrorists…

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What is Going On? Minnesota and Wisconsin BOTH had 89%-90% Turnout — Something That Is Highly Unlikely

The Gateway Pundit 

What is Going On? Minnesota and Wisconsin Turnout Was Strangely High This Year Fred Sauer Minnesota and Wisconsin, two states controlled by Democrats and which were forecast to be competitive in the 2020 presidential election, had anomalously high turnout relative to nearby states and other competitive states. 2020 Election Results The two states also had…

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