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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 24.11.2020

YouTube Suspends, Demonetizes One America News Network

The Gateway Pundit 

Big tech censorship strikes conservatives again. This time the target is One America News Network which has been suspended for one week and been demonetized by YouTube for allegedly posting a video promoting a cure for the COVID-19 China coronavirus. The action against OAN was first reported by Axios (excerpt): YouTube has barred One America…

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“Will You Be Issuing a Pardon For Yourself?!” – Reporter Shouts at President Trump After He Pardons Turkey Named “Corn” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Tuesday participated in the National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning Ceremony. The President pardoned a turkey named “Corn.” “Corn, I hereby grant you a full pardon. Thank you, Corn,” Trump said. WATCH: President Trump participates in National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning Ceremony https://t.co/o8OzBZPlra pic.twitter.com/242hFzmqCB — CSPAN (@cspan) November 24, 2020 A pool reporter shouted a…

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Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Joe Biden Legitimately Won the Election, 72% Say They Would Leave GOP For a ‘Trump Party’

The Gateway Pundit 

Only 3% of President Donald Trump voters believe that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. Additionally, 72% said they would leave the GOP if Trump started his own party. It’s clear that the fraud, anomalies, and shady practices during the election have irreparably harmed the public’s trust in the U.S. electoral system. It is…

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Major Lawsuit in Georgia Tomorrow!

The Gateway Pundit 

The Kraken will be released tomorrow in Georgia! Lin Wood, just released this tweet moments ago stating: I have worked closely with @SidneyPowell1 & others over recent weeks. The lawsuit Sidney will be filing tomorrow in GA speaks TRUTH. Enemies of America will deny its allegations. Do NOT believe them. Believe Sidney & me. We…

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Attorney Lin Wood Goes on Tweet Storm — Posts Video of Destruction and Shredding of Election Fraud Evidence in Cobb County

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney Lin Wood posted photos and video on Friday of alleged Shredding Company truck leaving elections office in Cobb County Georgia. Two Georgian women filmed the shredding company trucks picking up the “trash” from the Jim R. Miller Park election office in Cobb County. The shredding company was forced to respond and later released a…

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Gov. Rod Blagojevich Defends Trump Legal Team – You Can’t Show Your Cards to this Anti-Trump Media (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was on Newsmax again on Tuesday. And once again Governor Blagojevich defended President Trump and his legal team. Blagojevich, a former Democrat governer, believes the election was stolen from President Trump and he openly admits it. Rod Blagojevich: President Trump has a constitutional duty to make sure their is election…

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SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn’t Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals

The Gateway Pundit 

A whopping 17 percent of Joe Biden’s voters said that they would not have voted for him if they were aware of various scandals that were hidden by the mainstream media. The study, conducted by The Polling Company on behalf of the Media Research Center, polled 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states, Arizona, Georgia,…

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After Lecturing Trump Supporters on Masks, Jon Karl Caught Taking off His Mask in WH Press Briefing Room When He Thinks the Cameras Are Off (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump delivered remarks from the White House on Tuesday. The President reacted to the DOW surpassing 30,000 – a new record high. After a very short presser, Trump exited the briefing room as reporters shouted questions. WATCH: BREAKING: President @realDonaldTrump reacts to the Dow surpassing 30,000 — a new record high. pic.twitter.com/YezPG7LjtL — Benny…

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PA Governor Congratulates Crooked Election Workers That Kicked Out Trump Campaign Poll Observers: “Performed Admirably and Honorably”

The Gateway Pundit 

Corey Lewandowski and Trump attorney kicked out of PA tabulation center Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar on Tuesday morning certified the state’s election results showing a ‘Biden victory.’ The crooked Democrat governor of Pennsylvania congratulated the corrupt election workers that kicked out Trump campaign and GOP poll observers from ballot tabulation centers. “Our election…

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Pittsburgh Area Antifa Leader Tweets Warning To Trump: “We are armed…If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas”

The Gateway Pundit 

During the September 29 debate, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden responded to President Trump’s remarks about Antifa being a violent organization by telling him that Antifa is simply “an idea” and “not an organization.” 100 Percent Fed Up – Conservative Robby Starbuck immediately jumped into action, creating a video to show Joe Biden and…

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Milwaukee Mysteriously Finds Another 386 Unopened Ballots During Recount, Three Weeks After the Election (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Another 386 unopened ballots have mysteriously been found in Milwaukee, three weeks after the election took place. Recount watchers were also issued wrist bands with poop emojis to wear, in a sign of how seriously this is being taken. The City of Milwaukee says 386 ballots in unopened envelopes have been found from a south…

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JUST IN: Pennsylvania Secretary of State Certifies Election Results

The Gateway Pundit 

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar on Tuesday morning certified the state’s election results showing a ‘Biden victory.’ Governor Tom Wolf (D) said he signed the Certificate of Ascertainment for the slate of elector for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Today @PAStateDept certified the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for president and…

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“Time to Make OAN and Newsmax Rich, FOX Is Dead to Me!” – President Trump Retweets Randy Quaid’s FOX News Video Clip and It Is Pure Joy!

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump went on a bit of a tweet storm on Tuesday morning it it was pure bliss! President Trump retweeted this video of actor Randy Quaid lecturing the former conservative friendly FOX News. Time to make OAN and Newsmax rich! TIME TO MAKE OAN & NEWSMAX RICH. FOX IS DEAD TO ME! pic.twitter.com/IhnDXCJ7a7…

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NEW ERIC COOMER VIDEO UNCOVERED: Admits in 2015 Dominion Machines DO NOT Have Ability to Spit Out Fraudulent Ballots (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems. But if you search the company’s profile Eric Coomer has since been removed from their page of directors. This was after Coomer was found to be a Trump-hating Antifa sociopath. In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that…

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It’s Happening… Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne: The Election Was Rigged Deeply – They Used the “Drop and Roll” Technique (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock.com, went on with Christopher McDonald of “The McFiles” to discuss the “drop and roll” strategy Democrats used to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump. President Trump set all new records for a sitting US president in a presidential election.  President Trump’s coattails were deep and wide,…

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EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Votes in Illinois Makes No Sense – Indicates Election Fraud Occurred Across the Entire Country

The Gateway Pundit 

Late last week we reported on an analysis performed by another brilliant mind on the Internet that revealed how votes were shifted from President Trump to Biden in the 2020 election.  This Internet sleuth shared his results on Twitter. An expert on twitter with the name @redpillx2 shared his results on Twitter on how the…

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Lin Wood Requests Information Related to ‘Water Leak’ In State Farm Center on Election Night Used to ‘Stop Vote Counting’ – Here Is What We Know…

The Gateway Pundit 

Late last night attorney L. Lin Wood announced he had requested information from Georgia’s Secretary of State regarding the supposed water main break on election night in Atlanta.  This water main break was the supposed reason for shutting down ballot counting in Georgia that night.  We believe Wood is on to something. Here is more…

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?”

The Gateway Pundit 

Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have both been promising big things would be happening in Georgia very soon. It looks like Lin Wood has dropped his first bobmshell tonight. 100 Percent Fed Up – In a surprise, late-night tweet, Attorney Lin Wood, who’s been warning Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) and GA Secretary of State…

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FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks — CNN Beats FOX in Daytime Viewers — MSNBC Beats FOX in Every Prime-Time Slot but Tucker!

The Gateway Pundit 

Three weeks ago FOX News was riding high. It’s ratings had never been higher thanks to Donald Trump and his supporters. Then the fraudulent election took place and FOX immediately disowned their audience. Trump supporters were no longer welcome. And if anyone dared to question the fraudulent election they were immediately mocked and sneered at.…

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“The System Was Rigged Against One Candidate” – Tucker Carlson Backtracks on Voting Machines After Slamming Sidney Powell (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Was this his mea culpa? Tucker Carlson opened his show on Monday suggesting possible fraud in voting machines, “It’s a real issue no matter who raises it.” This was after he blasted Attorney Sidney Powell last week for not offering him proof of voting irregularities in this year’s presidential election. We tried to help Tucker…

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This Thanksgiving NEVER FORGET: The So-Called Experts Were Wrong — COVID Is Still Less Lethal than the Last Three Major US Pandemics

The Gateway Pundit 

On March 17, 2020 The Gateway Pundit first reported on the controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and his irresponsible and completely inaccurate fear mongering. Tedros claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was 3.4% — many multiples…

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Update: Newsom Dinner at The French Laundry Cost $15,000 with 22 People in Attendance – Some of Them Now Privately Laughing at Controversy

The Gateway Pundit 

The San Francisco Chronicle recently reported that Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom and his wife attended a birthday party with ‘at least a dozen people’ from several different households for his advisor Jason Kinney. Newsom attended a dinner party at The French Laundry, a restaurant in Napa Valley that charges $800 per person for their…

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