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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 27.11.2020

“On to SCOTUS!” Trump Legal Team Responds to Third Circuit’s Opinion in Pennsylvania Election Case

The Gateway Pundit 

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday granted an expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal in Pennsylvania after an Obama judge dismissed their lawsuit seeking to block the state from certifying its election results. Trump’s campaign on Friday lost its appeal in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. A three-panel judge (all appointed by…

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HUGE! Sidney Powell Witness Whom NY Times Described as “Always the Smartest Person in the Room” Concludes Hundreds of Thousands of Votes Transferred from Trump to Biden IN ALL BATTLEGROUND STATES

The Gateway Pundit 

A cyber-crimes expert Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia may be the one to save the election for President Donald Trump. Dr. Keshavarz-Nia is not a stranger to the mainstream media. In fact The New York Times published a glowing report on Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia way back in September writing, “Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said,…

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Edison Cuts Off Power to 8,000 Homes in Southern California on Thanksgiving – 100,000 More at Risk For Shutoffs

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday Edison International threatened to cut off power to homes in Southern California as a preventative measure against dry conditions and high winds. Edison said they would cut off power to Southern California homes and businesses on Thanksgiving to ‘prevent fires.’ The utility company followed through and cut off power to more than 8,000…

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Legislature to Seek to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors: Pennsylvania State Sen. Mastriano

The Gateway Pundit 

Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano (R-33) said Friday the Republican controlled legislature will seek to reclaim its power to appoint the state’s electors to the Electoral College. Mastriano made his comments in an interview with former Trump administration official Steve Bannon on the War Room podcast, stating the move could take place as early as…

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WOW! Shifty Dominion Uses a “FactCheck” Statement by CISA Group that INCLUDES DOMINION to “Prove” Its Innocence on Its Own “FactCheck” Page

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier this month CISA director Chris Krebs rebuked President Trump’s claims that votes were deleted and changed by voting machines and tabulation software. “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a statement released…

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Current Actual Election Result Update: President Trump Has 13 Paths to Win 2020 Election — Biden Has Only 10 Paths to Win

The Gateway Pundit 

Based on actual results and accounting for states currently not called, still counting, recounting, under investigation or audit, or states with election issues now in the courts, President Trump is winning the 2020 Presidential Election. Here is what we currently know in reference to the 2020 Presidential election. A number of states have been called…

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FLASHBACK: “Internet Connection” Glitches Shuts Down Dominion Machines in Ontario for at Least 90 Minutes

The Gateway Pundit 

The Dominion Voting Systems have a record of “glitches” and lawsuits. In 2018 an internet connection “glitch” shut down Dominion systems in Ontario for 90 minutes. Dominion has a history of controversies and its elections voting systems should be outlawed in the United States. Toronto City News reported: Many voters in Ontario will continue to…

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FLASHBACK: Obama Says Mail-in Ballots Can Only Be Trusted if the Signatures are Verified (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Back in 2008, before the Democrat Party completed their transition into a unashamed Marxist organization Barack Obama argued that mail-in ballots can only be trusted if the signatures are verified.\ Barack Obama: Well, I think we have to figure out whether this is fraud proof. I mean, Oregon has a terrific mail-in system but they’ve…

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ANOTHER FUN FRAUD FACT: All 900 Military Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Went to Sleepy Joe Biden — NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump won Georgia by 5 points in 2016. In 2020 President Trump smashed the record for most votes ever for a sitting US president. President Trump SMASHED the record for most votes ever for a Republican running for president. Yet in several swing states the Democrats dropped massive numbers of Biden only votes in…

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President Trump Goes After Big Tech: “For Purposes of National Security, Section 230 Must be Immediately Terminated!!!”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Thursday evening went after big tech and said it is time to terminate Section 230 for “purposes of national security.” Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides protections for online intermediaries that host or republish third-party content. Online intermediaries such as Twitter or Facebook must act as a neutral platform in…

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Not Only Was Dominion Prone to Attack from China and Iran – It Was Also Connected to Pro-Obama Entity Known as ACORN

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year.  Then it was discovered that she simitaneously filed a complaint in Michigan as well. General Flynn Attorney Abigail Frye broke the news late Wednesday night– The Kraken came down to Georgia on this…

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Detroit Lions and Houston Texans Quarterbacks Kneel During Anthem to Show Their Disgust for America on Thanksgiving Day

The Gateway Pundit 

Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday to celebrate the blessings of the past year. But not everyone is grateful to be from the United States of America. Professional athletes in the US are now cheerleaders in anti-American hate. They kneel down for the US Anthem out of pure hatred for the country of their birth.…

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National Math and Reading Tests Postponed to 2022 – They Want to Hide How Much Students Have Fallen Due To Draconian COVID Rules

The Gateway Pundit 

Far left nuts who shutdown the economy and schools due to the China coronavirus (COVID) are not going to test students next year.  They claim it is because it is too dangerous due to COVID but it is more likely that they don’t want America to see how far their students have fallen since shutting…

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Trump Admin Removes Globalists and Warhawks from Defense Policy Board and Dopey Madeleine Albright

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump administration removed globalists and warhawks from the Defense Policy Board on Wednesday including Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger, Jane Harman and Eric Cantor. That was long overdue. Madeleine Albright is famous for bribing the North Korean dictators with US cash in a failed peace agreement. She also famously argued that killing 500,000 Iraqi children…

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“Don’t Talk to Me That Way – DON’T EVER Talk to the President That Way!” – President Trump SLAPS DOWN Media Hack – Sets the Record Straight on Sham Election (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump met with establishment media hacks for the first time since the sham election was called by the liberal media earlier this month. The media hacks were as rude, nasty and disrespectful as ever. One “reporter” asked if he will leave the building if he loses the election!  These people are not reporters. They…

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WE CAUGHT THEM: Lin Wood Outed Mysterious Georgia Operative Gabe Sterling – Now Video Shows Him Admitting He Helped Set Up Drop Boxes and Promoted Far Left Activists as Absentee Ballot Counters

The Gateway Pundit 

Yesterday we reported on Lin Wood’s bombshell tweet about an almost $11 million grant award to the Georgia Secretary of State, Republican Brad Raffensperger and his accomplice Gabe Sterling.  We wondered who Sterling even was.  Now we have more. In a recent tweet Lin Wood zeroed in on an anomaly, or something much, much worse,…

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Dominion Employees Are Hiding at Home and Working Remotely — Not a Peep from Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer

The Gateway Pundit 

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Spent on Dominion Voting Machines in Numerous Swing States Before 2020 Election The purchase and implementation of Dominion voting machines in swing states around the country was likely planned over a period of years.  These same machines are at the center of the fraud filings in Michigan and Georgia last…

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