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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 01.06.2018

AMAZING! Dinesh D’Souza Reveals Moment POTUS Trump Called Him About His Presidential Pardon (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza faced political persecution after he directed and released anti-Obama film, “2016: Obama’s America”. He was indicted over illegal campaign contributions. It was an obvious witch hunt. On Thursday, President Trump announced publicly he would be issuing a full pardon to Dinesh D’Souza. Dinesh D’Souza celebrated on his Twitter account with an […]

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‘Crumbs’ Pelosi Pans Latest Jobs Numbers as “Meaningless” and “Bad for Middle Class”

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats are convinced if they say middle class enough Americans will be fooled into voting for them and their job-killing, open borders policies. The US unemployment rate reported on Friday morning is now down to 3.8%, the lowest unemployment rate since 2000! Black unemployment is at an all-time low. Wages are rising again. The news […]

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FBI Releases Docs Showing Hillary’s State Department Shopped Benghazi Story to Compliant WSJ Reporter One Week After Attack

The Gateway Pundit 

The FBI released new documents Friday showing Hillary’s State Department pitched a Benghazi story to a Wall Street Journal reporter who enthusiastically complied. Hillary Clinton’s State Department gave stand down orders to Special Ops forces ready to go in and help Americans who were surrounded by hundreds of Islamic insurgents in Benghazi, Libya on September […]

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John Solomon Bombshell: Obama Deep State Was Spying on Trump Campaign with Human Sources Before Investigation Launched

The Gateway Pundit 

John Solomon dropped another bombshell Friday on the historic Obama spygate scandal. According to Solomon new documents reveal the Obama deep state figures contacted Trump campaign officials in Great Britain prior to the launch of any FBI investigation. This spying on Trump campaign officials show the Comey FBI broke their own rules governing informants. The […]

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UNHINGED: John Brennan Vows to Continue to Attack POTUS Trump ‘Until Integrity Returns to the White House’

The Gateway Pundit 

Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter-troll, John Brennan vowed to continue attacking President Trump on Friday in a Washington Post op-ed. “This is why I speak out against Mr. Trump and will continue to do so….” said Brennan in a tweet caption linking to his op-ed. Never have we seen the former administration undermine and attack the current […]

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STUNNING! MSNBC Host Joy Reid Agreed with Ahmadinejad that Israel Should Be Ethnically Cleansed of Jews

The Gateway Pundit 

MSBNC host Joy Reid came under attack recently over her bigoted, anti-gay and anti-Semitic posts she put up on her website several years ago. Joy Reid claimed her recently discovered hateful posts were fabricated by internet hackers. The hateful posts were recently discovered on her website “The Reid Report” before she became a host on […]

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Huffington Post Doxes Pro-Trump Writer, Gets Her Husband Fired… And Now They’re Targeting Her Brother! …BECAUSE SHE’S CONSERVATIVE!

The Gateway Pundit 

Do Not Be Fooled — This is a Warning to ALL CONSERVATIVES! If you speak out against the left – You will be destroyed. Your job will be targeted. You will not work. Your family will be targeted. Let this be a warning! Amy Mek is a top pro-Trump conservative voice on Twitter. Amy also […]

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Sorry Not Sorry: Samantha Bee Tells Hollywood Elites the Criticism of Her Calling Ivanka Trump a C*nt “Was Overblown”

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday liberal hack Samantha Bee attacked First Daughter Ivanka Trump after the president’s daughter tweeted out a photo of herself with her little boy. Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.” Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with her father. Samantha Bee has a show on […]

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PRESIDENT TRUMP Calls Out TBS: Why Aren’t They Firing Samantha Bee After Calling Ivanka Trump a C*nt?

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday liberal hack Samantha Bee attacked First Daughter Ivanka Trump after the president’s daughter tweeted out a photo of herself with her little boy. Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.” Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with her father. Samantha Bee has a show on […]

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House Intel Report: Jeff Sessions Supervised Five Foreign Policy Experts During Campaign – Including Carter Page and Papadopoulos

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The Recent House Intel Committee Report on Russia included a large amount of information.  The report notes numerous issues but hidden in Issue #27 is an obscure piece of information.  Former Senator and current Attorney General Jeff Sessions oversaw the small team of five foreign policy experts for the Trump […]

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TGP EXCLUSIVE: Former Intelligence Officers Find ‘Indisputable Evidence’ U.S. Intel Leaders Were Linked to British in Spygate Scandal

The Gateway Pundit 

The Gateway Pundit investigative journalist Cassandra Fairbanks interviewed three former intelligence officers with knowledge of the corrupt – criminal activity of the Obama CIA. The former officers told The Gateway Pundit: The U.K.’s Joint Intelligence Committee was the venue used by the CIA and the DNI to share and receive “intelligence” allegedly linking Trump to […]

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Television Academy Awards Samantha Bee for “Advancing Social Change” the Day After Calling Ivanka Trump a C*nt

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday liberal hack Samantha Bee attacked First Daughter Ivanka Trump after the president’s daughter tweeted out a photo of herself with her little boy. Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.” Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with her father. Samantha Bee has a show on […]

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Breaking: Documents Reveal Obama White House Attempted to Take Over Spygate Investigation (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

“The White House is running this.” THIS IS HUGE— John Solomon from The Hill told Sean Hannity on Thursday night the Obama White House attempted to take over the Russian-collusion investigation. John Solomon: I’m putting finishing touches on a column that I think will come out tomorrow. And it will reveal two really important things. […]

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Liberal Heads Explode! Kim Kardashian Praises Trump: He ‘Really Understood’ My Clemency Plea

The Gateway Pundit 

Reality super star Kim Kardashian West praised Donald Trump after meeting with the president on Wednesday afternoon at the White House to discuss prison reform. Accompanied by her attorney attorney Shawn Chapman Holley, Kardashian asked Trump to grant clemency for Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother whohas been imprisoned for over 21 years and is […]

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HERE WE GO=> Prosecutors Interview James Comey as They Consider Whether McCabe Should be Criminally Charged

The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING NEWS. Prosecutors recently interviewed fired FBI Director James Comey as they investigate whether McCabe should be charged. Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a scathing report on former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe in mid-April. Horowitz accused McCabe of lying several times, including under oath; a criminal referral was subsequently sent to the […]

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HERE WE GO=> Prosecutors Interview James Comey as They Consider Whether McCabe Should be Charged

The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING NEWS. Prosecutors recently interviewed fired FBI Director James Comey as they investigate whether McCabe should be charged. Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a scathing report on former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe in mid-April. Horowitz accused McCabe of lying several times, including under oath; a criminal referral was subsequently sent to the […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

HORROR! Trump Supporter’s Family Stalked By Huffington Post Writer Luke O’Brien – Her Husband Loses Job–Family Put in Danger!

The Gateway Pundit 

Amy Mek is a top pro-Trump conservative voice on Twitter. Amy also is an outspoken critic of radical Islam. Because of this she remains anonymous on Twitter. Because of her powerful voice and amazing success Amy Mek is constantly under attack. Far left critics threaten to expose her and her family. They know this puts […]

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HERE WE GO=> Samantha Bee Loses Advertisers Autotrader and State Farm After Calling Ivanka Trump a C*nt

The Gateway Pundit 

Liberal hack Samantha Bee attacked Ivanka Trump after the First Daughter tweeted out a photo of herself with her little boy. Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.” Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with her father. Samantha Bee has a show on TBS – Turner Broadcasting […]

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Mueller’s Office Releases Statement of Expenditures Revealing MILLIONS of Dollars Wasted on Russia Witch Hunt

The Gateway Pundit 

The Office of Special Counsel released a statement of expenditures on Thursday revealing over $4.5 million has been flushed down the toilet in just a 6 month period hunting Russian ghosts. This $4.5 million is in addition to the $6.7 million the Special Counsel cost the first five months which means taxpayers are on the […]

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