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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 22.06.2018

Mueller Seeks to Block Manafort’s Defense That He Is Being Targeted Because of His Connection to Trump …Huh?

The Gateway Pundit 

Dirty cop Robert Mueller sought to block Paul Manafort’s defense he is being targeted by the Special Counsel simply because of his connection to President Trump in a new court filing Friday. The truth is, but not for Manafort’s association with President Trump, Mueller would never have hunted him down for alleged crimes committed over […]

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In Emotional Plea Angel Mother Sabine Durden tells Americans: “This Could Happen to Each of You At Every Given Second” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sabine Durden is a legal immigrant from Germany. Her son Dominic Durden was murdered by an illegal alien who had two prior DUI charges. Durden’s son, Dominic, was killed four years ago in a fatal motorcycle crash. On July 12, 2012, Dominic, 30, was on his way to work when an illegal immigrant driving an unlicensed […]

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NANCY PELOSI’S ANGELS=> Eleven MS-13 Killers, Including Illegal Aliens, Charged in Deaths of Underage Virginia Teens

The Gateway Pundit 

Eleven MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal aliens were charged in the deaths of two underage Virginia teens. This must be the ‘spark of divinity’ Nancy Pelosi was talking about when she defended the MS-13 killers Fox News reported: Eleven MS-13 gang members – all of whom are illegal immigrants except one – are facing […]

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Despite Whining by Liberal Media and DC Elites=> 64% of Americans Want Illegal Families Detained

The Gateway Pundit 

It’s clear. The Democrat-media complex want open borders and free-roaming illegals of all ages. And they will lie, cheat and abuse others to get their way. But despite the constant media campaign the American public rejects this insanity. In fact, 64% of Americans want illegal immigrant families detained at the border. According to Tom Fitton: […]

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Rasmussen Poll Finds Majority of Americans Blame Illegal Immigrant Parents for the Child Border Crisis

The Gateway Pundit 

As the mainstream media continues to breathlessly attempt to smear President Donald Trump by tugging at American’s heartstrings over the child border crisis, the majority of citizens blame illegal alien parents — not the administration. There was a time when people would have believed the narrative being pushed down their throats, but that is clearly […]

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Rep. Mark Meadows: There’s Growing Evidence FBI Altered 302 Reports in Both Clinton and Russia Probes (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) says there is growing evidence the FBI altered their 302 summaries of witness interviews in both the Clinton investigation and early on in the Russia investigation [General Flynn ambush]. FBI brass under Obama was totally corrupt. The agency was weaponized to go after political opponents. As TGP previously reported in February, […]

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MSNBC Personality Calls for People to Stop Targeting Trump – Start Going After His ‘Nazi’ Supporters (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sirius Radio personality Donny Deutsch appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday to call for unhinged Democrats to stop going after President Donald Trump — and start going after his supporters instead. The former host of the CNBC talk show The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch appeared to draw no serious criticism from his liberal peers […]

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Liberals Target Microsoft For Working With ICE on Software to Keep Americans Safe

The Gateway Pundit 

Liberals are taking aim at Microsoft for working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement as Silicon Valley tech workers continue their revolt against conservatives and the Trump Administration. Over 100 Microsoft employees have also joined the protest calling for their employer to cancel their contract with ICE, where they are helping to build better facial recognition […]

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Unhinged Democrat Mob SWARMS HOME of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen – Days After Chasing Her from Restaurant (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Days after chasing her from a restaurant, unhinged liberals have shown up at the home of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to continue terrorizing her. Approximately two dozen unhinged leftists arrived at Nielsens townhouse in Alexandria, Virginia, on Friday morning. The group brought a loud speaker blaring the audio of detained immigrant children […]

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Obama Lapdog Susan Rice Told White House Cyber Team to “Stand Down” on Russian Meddling …Why?

The Gateway Pundit 

Left-leaning Mother Jones reported in March that President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, ordered officials to ‘stand down’ as Russia allegedly attempted to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. On Wednesday whistle-blower Michael Daniel testified before Congress that Susan Rice ordered him and his staff in the White House cybersecurity team to “stand […]

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JUDICIAL WATCH: John McCain’s Staff Director Urged Lois Lerner and IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting of Tea Party Groups

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch obtained IRS documents Thursday revealing backstabber Senator John McCain’s former staff director urged the IRS, including the corrupt Lois Lerner to engage in “financially ruinous” targeting of conservative Tea Party groups. And they did. The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved: Hundreds of conservative groups were targeted At least 5 pro-Israel groups Constitutional groups Groups […]

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Chris Farrell Says What We All Now Know: “FBI Is No Longer Capable of Investigating Itself, Nor Is Justice Department, Nor Is Mueller!”

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell was on Lou Dobbs Tonight on FOX Business and he discussed the current status of the FBI, DOJ and Mueller Investigative team. He said what all of America now knows. Dobbs – …This is an FBI that does- not-function. It doesn’t produce intelligent reports. It doesn’t […]

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

It Begins… NY Democrat Candidate for Governor Calls ICE a ‘Terrorist Organization’ and Wants to Abolish It

The Gateway Pundit 

New York State ubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon called ICE a terrorist organization and wants to abolish it. Democrats want their open borders. Why is it that Democrats believe that the people defending the United States are the terrorists? FOX News reported: New York gubernatorial candidate and former “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon on […]

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ITALY to Seize Two Illegal German NGO Migrant Ships Linked to Soros

The Gateway Pundit 

Last weekend the Italian government barred two more migration ships from Africa on Saturday. Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini demanded that the Netherlands recall their two Dutch-flagged NGO migrant ships that transport migrants from the African coast to Italy. A fleet of NGO ships work around the clock to deliver “refugees” to Italy. A number […]

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Stormy Daniels Says She’s Headed to the Border Next Week As Soon as She Figures Her Best Course of Action

The Gateway Pundit 

Porn actress and Trump antagonist Stormy Daniels says she is heading to the border to help with the migrant crisis–but in a week as soon as she can figure out her best course of action. Daniels’ grandstanding Trump-hating attorney Michael Avenatti already jumped on the border crisis and is representing detained migrants and also claims […]

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Stormy Daniels Says She’s Headed to the Border–Next Week As Soon as She Figures Her Best Course of Action

The Gateway Pundit 

Porn actress and Trump antagonist Stormy Daniels says she is heading to the border to help with the migrant crisis–but in a week as soon as she can figure out her best course of action. Daniels’ grandstanding Trump-hating attorney Michael Avenatti already jumped on the border crisis and is representing detained migrants and also claims […]

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IG Report Ignores Obama’s Use of Pseudonym Email Account to Communicate with Hillary… What Were They Hiding?

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft In September 2016 TGP reported that former President Obama used a fake name on his email account to communicate with Hillary Clinton on her personal email account. In March 2016 Barack Obama told CBS News he heard about Hillary Clinton’s private emails through news reports. But Obama lied. FBI records […]

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Russia Promises ‘Tough Response’ to Creation of US Space Force

The Gateway Pundit 

If President Trump executes his plans to create a U.S. Space Force, there will be repercussions, promise Russian diplomats and politicians. The president declared Monday that the United States must return to outpacing China and Russia as competitors in space exploration and directed Pentagon leadership to create a a sixth, space-oriented branch within the U.S. […]

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