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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 30.06.2018

As Liberals March for Open Borders, Pres. Trump Defends ICE Agents, Says Dems Will ‘Get Beaten Badly’ Campaigning to Abolish ICE

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump defended the embattled government agency ICE in a series of Tweets Saturday and also reiterated his call for illegal aliens caught entering the country to be “immediately” deported. Trump’s tweets came as thousands of liberals in cities around the country protested against ICE and in favor of mass illegal immigration under the […]

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The Same People Who Take a Knee For the American Flag Wave Mexican Flags at Anti-ICE Protests

The Gateway Pundit 

The same people who take a knee in protest during our national anthem are now proudly waving Mexican flags at the anti-ICE marches taking place around the country. Documentary filmmaker Andrew Marcus captured multiple photos of people waving the flags at the protest in Chicago. Lots of Mexican flags at the anti-ice #KeepFamiliesTogetherMarch in Chicago. […]

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IRONY: Pro-Life Activists Shouted Down by Mob of #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch Protesters (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In a moment of extreme irony, pro-life activists were shouted down by a mob of Democratic Party protesters during the “Families Belong Together” march in Washington, DC. The protests against the United States having control over their borders were organized by MoveOn.org under the guise of caring about children being temporarily separated from their parents […]

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Democratic Socialists, Home Party of Dems’ New Star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Want to Abolish Profit, Prisons, Borders

The Gateway Pundit 

Emboldened by the success of their candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in defeating the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), the Democratic Socialists of America posted a photo and statement about an abolish ICE protest the group held Friday with the message of abolishing many of the pillars of successful […]

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Top Democrat at Free Iran Rally: Let Me Be Perfectly Clear – We All Stand WIth Donald Trump on Iranian Regime (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The annual Free Iran Conference was held Saturday in Paris, France. 100,000 supporters attended this year’s rally. Saturday was the annual convention of the Iranian opposition in Paris in support of Maryam Rajavi. A delegation of American political leaders addressed the crowd on Saturday. The bipartisan delegation was led by former Speaker Newt Gingrich and […]

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Pro-Trump Candidate Challenging Dem Who Called Conservative Censorship a ‘Hoax’ Was Purged From Political Crowdfunding Platform

The Gateway Pundit 

Pro-Trump millennial Naomi Levin is challenging a New York congressman who recently called the censorship of conservatives online a “hoax,” which is ironic as she herself was purged from a political crowdfunding website for being a Republican. Levin is challenging Rep. Jerrold Nadler in New York’s 10th congressional district — a man who recently berated Diamond […]

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“ABOLISH ICE!” Far Left Open Borders Activists Rally Nationwide to Protest Trump Immigration Policy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Far left open borders radicals protest in New York Hundreds of thousands of far left radical lunatics took to the streets Saturday to protest Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy, chanting, “shut detention down!” More than 600 protests across the country are planned for Saturday. President Trump already signed an Executive Order to reunite illegal immigrant […]

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Newt Gingrich: Trump Admin has NO INTEREST IN speaking to Iranian Regime (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The annual Free Iran Conference was held Saturday in Paris, France. 100,000 supporters attended this year’s rally. Saturday was the annual convention of the Iranian opposition in Paris in support of Maryam Rajavi. A delegation of American political leaders addressed the crowd on Saturday. The bipartisan delegation was led by former Speaker Newt Gingrich and […]

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In Rare Display=> Over 30 Middle East Political Leaders Stand in Support of a Free Iran at Paris Convention (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The annual Free Iran Conference was held Saturday in Paris, France. 100,000 supporters attended this year’s rally. Saturday was the annual convention of the Iranian opposition in Paris in support of Maryam Rajavi. Over 30 leaders from the Middle East stood on stage in Paris in front of 100,000 freedom fighters to support the Iranian […]

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100,000 Rally for FREE IRAN at Annual Paris Conference – with Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani (VIDEO) #FreeIran2018

The Gateway Pundit 

The annual Free Iran Conference was held Saturday in Paris, France. 100,000 supporters attended this year’s rally. Amazing crowd! 100,000 at annual #FreeIran2018 rally in Paris! pic.twitter.com/oZs62OQxBD — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) June 30, 2018 The Gateway Pundit is reporting live from Paris today. The Iran: Prospect for Change conference is being held this weekend in […]

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“IT MUST STOP” Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt FISA Abuse Investigations by Obama Deep State

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.” Former Attorney General Eric Holder House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the […]

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“IT MUST STOP” Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt Investigations Into FISA Abuse, Spygate

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.” Former Attorney General Eric Holder House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the […]

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Chairman Nunes Calls For Testimony From 17 FBI, DOJ Officials On FISA Abuse During 2016 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) is calling for 17 FBI and DOJ officials to testify on Capitol Hill about FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election.  FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are among the officials Nunes is calling to testify. Fox News reported: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wants 17 […]

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Rep Gohmert: Rosenstein is Spying on Me (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

DAG Rod Rosenstein Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said in a radio interview with WMAL on Friday, personnel who work for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are spying on his office. “I don’t doubt for a minute that he has people who have been looking into my background. I’ve been told as much by some other […]

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VIDEO: Far-Left Bums Berate Female Reporter Over Her Appearance, Force Her Off Air During ICE Protest Coverage

The Gateway Pundit 

Portland open-borders protesters berated a young female KATU reporter over her appearance until the abuse became so over the top that she was forced off air. “Tacky-a** heels, those are ugly as f***…make your face look a little more appealing,” a protester, who looked like she hadn’t showered in a week, yelled at the reporter […]

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Man Arrested For Threatening to Murder Family of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai For His Role in Repealing Net Neutrality

The Gateway Pundit 

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai The Department of Justice announced Friday a 33-year-old California man was arrested for threatening to kill the family of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. Per the DOJ, a Los Angeles man was arrested Friday for threatening to murder Ajit Pai’s family over Pai’s role in repealing Net Neutrality. Another unhinged leftist threatening […]

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