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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 27.06.2018

‘Black Activist’ Posts Assassination Threat to POTUS: “The American People Shouldn’t Allow Trump to Nominate Another Justice By Any Means Necessary”

The Gateway Pundit 

Samuel Sinyangwe Twitter avatar On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he will be retiring from the bench at the end of July. The liberals immediately melted down over the idea of President Trump choosing another conservative Justice to the Supreme Court. “Black activist,” Samuel Sinyangwe, called for President Trump to be assassinated on Wednesday from […]

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‘OH MY GOD!’ Anguished Cries From Democrats as Kennedy Retirement Announced (Audio)

The Gateway Pundit 

Audio from inside a Democratic National Committee meeting on Wednesday obtained by Politico’s David Siders shows the anguished cries by Democrats when they hear an announcement that Justice Anthony Kennedy retired from the Supreme Court. Liberal tears from the night Hillary Clinton lost to Pres. Trump and lost future control of Supreme Court nominees, Nov. […]

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REPORT: POTUS Trump Privately Predicts He Will Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices – ZINGS SOTOMAYOR

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump, Justice Sonia Sotomayor On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he will be retiring from the bench at the end of July. Kennedy, 81, has been a noted swing vote on the court with his decisions often determine the deciding vote on a court split 4 to 4 between liberals and conservatives […]

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Reports: Pres. Trump to Push for Kennedy Replacement Before Midterm Election in November, Will Choose From List of 25

The Gateway Pundit 

Early reports on the reaction by President Trump and his administration to the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy have Trump saying he will choose a replacement justice from a list of potential nominees he released last year. Also, there is a report by ABC News the White House will seek to have the confirmation vote […]

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BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Retiring

The Gateway Pundit 

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he will be retiring from the bench at the end of July. Kennedy, 81, has been a noted swing vote on the court with his decisions often determine the deciding vote on a court split 4 to 4 between liberals and conservatives even though he was considered a conservative, […]

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How Trump’s Immigration Executive Order Prevents Child Sex Trafficking on Southern Border

The Gateway Pundit 

After President Trump signed an executive order last Wednesday, effectively ending “family separations” occurring at the US-Mexico border where illegal immigrants are detained after crossing into the United States, Democrats and the liberal media started beating their chest. “We won! We made him cave, this is the most embarrassing moment for Trump and his presidency,” […]

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UPDATE: Ex-Fox News Boss Bill Shine Accepts Top White House Job

The Gateway Pundit 

Update: According to CNN, Bill Shine has accepted a top White House job as Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of communications rather than the White House Comms Director as reported earlier. Former co-President of Fox News, Bill Shine is in final talks to become the next White House Communications Director. Bill Shine served as […]

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BREAKING: Ex-Fox News Boss Bill Shine in ‘Final Talks’ to Become White House Comms Director

The Gateway Pundit 

Former co-President of Fox News, Bill Shine is in final talks to become the next White House Communications Director. Bill Shine served as co-President of Fox News after Roger Ailes was ousted over allegations of sexual harassment; Ailes passed away in 2017. Shine was also subsequently ousted from Fox, however; he maintains he handled the […]

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Nancy Pelosi: ‘In My District They Call Me A Corporate Pawn’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

During a press conference on Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitted that constituents in her district call her “a corporate pawn.” The press conference was on the topic of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory against Democrat Joe Crowley, who had been believed to be the natural successor to Pelosi. The 78-year-old is drawing criticism from […]

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DEVELOPING: Peter Strzok Gives Closed-Door Deposition to House Judiciary Committee

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump-hating FBI official Peter Strzok was issued a subpoena last week and ordered to appear before the House Judiciary Committee for a deposition Wednesday. It is a closed-door deposition. Last week, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte revealed a subpoena had been prepared for Peter Strzok and was ‘on the way.’ Chairman Goodlatte followed through and […]

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Justice Kagan Furious After SCOTUS Deals Major Blow to Unions – Accuses Court’s Conservative Majority of “Weaponizing the First Amendment”

The Gateway Pundit 

The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow to labor unions Wednesday morning, ruling 5-4 that state government workers cannot be forced to pay “fair share” fees to support collective bargaining and other union interests. Trump-appointed Neil Gorsuch was the deciding vote. The Supreme Court is on a conservative streak which means we are winning. The […]

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In Major Defeat to Labor Unions, SCOTUS Rules 5-4 Against Forced Fees to Government Workers

The Gateway Pundit 

The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow to labor unions Wednesday morning, ruling 5-4 that state government workers cannot be forced to pay “fair share” fees to support collective bargaining and other union interests. Trump-appointed Neil Gorsuch was the deciding vote. The Supreme Court is on a conservative streak which means we are winning. Fox […]

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House Approves Resolution Giving Rosenstein 7 Days to Turn Over Requested Trump-Russia Docs or Face Impeachment, Contempt

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Mark Meadows, DAG Rod Rosenstein The House passed a resolution Tuesday evening giving Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein 7 days to turn over requested classified Trump-Russia docs or face impeachment and or contempt. The resolution does not have a penalty attached to it, however, lawmakers are prepared to file contempt or impeachment charges next […]

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Conservative Reporter Laura Loomer Presses Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative investigative journalist Laura Loomer confronted Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) outside of her office on Monday evening after her online press conference. This comes after “Auntie Maxine” called for Democrats to stalk and harass Republican Trump supporters at gas stations, restaurants and whenever you see them out in public. Maxine thinks this type of abuse […]

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Communist (Democrat Socialist) Rocks House Democrats With Crushing Defeat of Joe Crowley (NY-14)

The Gateway Pundit 

Learn to recognizance the name, you’ll be seeing and hearing it a lot this year: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, image via Twitter avatar. 28-year-old Ocasio-Cortez defeated incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley, 56, in the New York primary elections Tuesday night, knocking out the 10-term incumbent who represented New York’s 14th congressional district in a blowout 58 […]

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“THIS IS FASCISM!” Linda Sarsour Comes Unhinged at NY Protest Over SCOTUS Ruling to Uphold Trump’s Travel Ban (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Women’s march leader, Linda Sarsour flipped out Tuesday at a protest in Foley Square in New York after the Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban. Sarsour, who stealth pushes for Sharia law to take over in the US and previously called for Jihad against the Trump administration, had the nerve to call Tuesday’s SCOTUS […]

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Showtime to Air Fox News ‘Sex Gate’ Series

The Gateway Pundit 

Showtime will air an eight-episode TV series to portray the alleged sexual harassment women were subjected to at the Fox News Channel. Oscar-winner Russell Crowe will play the role of the late network chief and founding chairman Roger Ailes. Ailes died in 2017, just months after he was ousted from Fox over the allegations. Former […]

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WATCH: Jake Tapper Absolutely DESTROYS DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Over His Ties to Louis Farrakhan

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s Jake Tapper absolutely destroyed Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)  over his ties to anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Ellison appeared on CNN to discuss the Supreme Court ruling that the travel ban is constitutional. The far-left politician naturally began to cry that the policy is “bigoted.” Tapper, surprisingly, pointed out that two of […]

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Report: Red Hen to Remain Closed Until July 5 In Wake of Sarah Sanders Controversy

The Gateway Pundit 

The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia will remain closed until July 5 in the wake of continued controversy over the owner and staff kicking White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders out after she and her family had been seated for dinner Friday night, Fox News reported Tuesday night. Stephanie Wilkinson, Main Street Lexington promotional […]

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Sick. Brit Hume Blames Donald Trump for the Escalating Violence on the Left (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This past week Democrats have harassed and abused DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant and forced her to flee. An unhinged Democrat mob then threatened the female DHS Secretary at her home. Democrats booted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family from a Little Liberal Red Hen restaurant. On Saturday Democrats harassed and heckled Florida AG Pam Bondi […]

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GOP KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK, Releases Brilliant and Ruthless Ad Against the Democrats (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The GOP has really knocked it out of the park with their absolutely brilliant new political ad — just in time for the midterm elections. The commercial, titled “The Left in 2018: Unhinged,” showcases how the Democratic Party has been radicalizing. The well produced ad opens with Senator Bernie Sanders saying, “a few years ago, […]

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Judge Ellis Rejects Manafort’s Challenge to Mueller’s Authority – Then Hammers Special Counsel Witch Hunt Against POTUS Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

  Judge T.S. Ellis, a Reagan appointee is assigned to Paul Manafort’s bank fraud case. Robert Mueller hit the Trump advisor with a second indictment a few months ago charging him with bank fraud, mortgage fraud and wire fraud. Paul Manafort challenged Robert Mueller’s authority and filed a motion to dismiss the case; Judge Ellis […]

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It Begins… President Trump Worshipped as God in Hanagaon District (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

It begins. Bussa Krishna, a 31-year-old farmer from Konne village in India, worships President Donald Trump as god. Via Jack Posobiec: Trump worshipped as a God in Janagaon district pic.twitter.com/pWUm1PvcjF — Ruptly (@Ruptly) June 26, 2018 Hindustan Times reported: Ironically, Krishna does not know much about Trump. “I only know that he is the most […]

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