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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 25.06.2018

Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint Against Maxine Waters For Inciting Violence Against Trump Officials

The Gateway Pundit 

The corrupt and useless Rep. Maxine Waters went on MSNBC this weekend and declared war on Republicans. “Auntie Maxine” later told supporters at a rally to verbally assault and harass Republicans wherever you find them. Waters incited a violent mob against people in Trump’s cabinet. On Monday, conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch filed a House […]

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “A Hollywood Actor Encouraged People to Kidnap my Children” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders opened the Monday White House press briefing by addressing the Red Hen Restaurant controversy. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant Friday night. Sanders and her family were booted out of the little liberal Red Hen Restaurant in […]

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Boom! 63% of Americans Say Arrest Illegals and/or Send Them Home – 21% (Democrats) Want Them Released

The Gateway Pundit 

REALITY WINS! This is DEVASTATING for the Democrats and their Liberal Media. A solid 63% of Americans want illegals arrested or sent back to their home country. Only 21% (hardliner Democrats and open border lobby) want the illegals to be released and trusted to show up for their court hearing. Via Andrew Bostom: Even CBS […]

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Wray, Rosenstein to Testify to House Judiciary Committee Thursday

The Gateway Pundit 

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray will publicly testify before the House Judiciary Committee Thursday, June 28th at 1:00 PM EST. The Congressional hearing will be broadcast live. Via House Judiciary Committee:  On Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 1:00 p.m., the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on “Oversight of […]

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GOP Lawmakers Demand Names of Everyone “Past and Present” Who Has Worked on Mueller’s Witch Hunt

The Gateway Pundit 

Nine GOP lawmakers signed a letter asking DAG Rod Rosenstein to provide names of everyone “past and present” who has worked on Mueller’s witch hunt after the IG report revealed more anti-Trump bias from FBI attorneys Sally Moyer and Kevin Clinesmith. Fox News reported: The lawmakers say they are “disturbed” by the initial appointments to […]

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The Left is Eating Each Other: Mark Cuban’s Bar Under Fire for ‘Homophobic’ Drink Special

The Gateway Pundit 

Days after praising a Virginia restaurant for kicking out White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Mark Cuban’s darling left is now turning on him for a “homophobic” drink special being offered at one of his bars. To celebrate Pride, Cuban’s Landmark at 57 West created a special cocktail menu in honor of the gay community. […]

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The Left is Eating Eachother: Mark Cuban’s Bar Under Fire for ‘Homophobic’ Drink Special

The Gateway Pundit 

Days after praising a Virginia restaurant for kicking out White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Mark Cuban’s darling left is now turning on him for a “homophobic” drink special being offered at one of his bars. To celebrate Pride, Cuban’s Landmark at 57 West created a special cocktail menu in honor of the gay community. […]

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DHS Official Finds Decapitated Burnt Animal Carcass on His Doorstep as Threats to Homeland Security Staffers Increase

The Gateway Pundit 

Violent, rabid leftists have been ramping up their attacks, threats and rhetoric because of President Trump’s hardliner stance on illegal immigration. ICE agents and DHS staffers are facing angry protesters and increased threats from abusive, unhinged leftists. A senior DHS official residing in Washington D.C., recently found a decapitated, burnt animal carcass on his doorstep. […]

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President Trump Puts “Low IQ” Maxine Waters on Notice After She Tells Cheering Dem Mob to Harass and Harm Trump Supporters

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump blasted Mad Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Monday after she called for harassment and harm to Trump supporters.  The corrupt and useless Rep. Maxine Waters went on MSNBC this weekend and declared war on Republicans. “Auntie Maxine” later told supporters at a rally to verbally assault and harass Republicans wherever you find them. Maxine […]

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VIDEO: Cory Booker Endorses Call For Harassment of Trump Administration Officials by Low IQ Maxine Waters

The Gateway Pundit 

Appearing on MSNBC on Monday, Democratic Senator Cory Booker endorsed the call from Maxine Waters for protesters to harass members of the Trump administration whenever they dare to step foot in public. WATCH: Cory Booker 100% agrees with Maxine Waters that members of the Trump administration should be harassed… but does it with a REALLY […]

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Pelosi Denounces Mad Maxine – Then Steals Trump Campaign Motto: “We Must Make America Beautiful Again”

The Gateway Pundit 

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi came out with a new Democrat motto today: “We must make America beautiful again.” Gee where have I heard that before? Pelosi also denounced Mad Maxine Waters for calling for violence against Trump supporters. That is the real news shocker of the day! Pelosi must understand how these calls to violence […]

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EXCLUSIVE: ‘It’s Washington, Darling’ – Women Celebrate Trump in ‘MAGA’ Fashion Show (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Hundreds of women from around the country gathered in Washington DC Sunday to celebrate President’s Trump’s birthday, accomplishments and to show the world that contrary to the narrative of the liberal media, women love Trump. The “birthday extravaganza,” hosted by Virginia Women for Trump included high tea and a conservative fashion show featuring gowns by […]

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“CRIM-ITALIE” – Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini Wants to Make Italy Great Again

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by: Dr.Theodore Roosevelt Malloch CEO Roosevelt Global Fiduciary Governance Limited Italy and crime too often go together – sort of like spaghetti and meatballs. L’hai capito. With relatively low murder rates and rape cases, Italy yet marks exceptionally high when it comes to another kind of crime, namely: corruption and fraud. It permeates […]

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Border Patrol Rescues Three Dozen Migrant Children, Pregnant Girl, Among Group of 57 Abandoned by Smugglers in 108 Degree Arizona Desert

The Gateway Pundit 

The Border Patrol in Tucson, Arizona announced over the weekend the rescue of 57 migrants abandoned by smugglers as they illegally entered the U.S. through the Arizona desert in 108 degree heat. The majority of the group of illegal aliens were minors: 36 children including a one-year-old and an underage pregnant female. 17 of the […]

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Border Patrol Rescues Three Dozen Migrant Children, Pregnant Female, Among Group of 57 Abandoned by Smugglers in 108 Degree Arizona Desert

The Gateway Pundit 

The Border Patrol in Tucson, Arizona announced over the weekend the rescue of 57 migrants abandoned by smugglers as they illegally entered the U.S. through the Arizona desert in 108 degree heat. The majority of the group of illegal aliens were minors: 36 children including a one-year-old and an underage pregnant female. 17 of the […]

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Red Hen Restaurant Owner Stalked Sarah Sanders’ Family – FOLLOWED THEM to Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment!

The Gateway Pundit 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant Friday night. Sanders and her family were booted out of the little liberal Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia because they are Trump supporters. Sarah Sanders tweeted about the intolerant establishment. Of course the liberals are cheering […]

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Red Hen Restaurant Owner Stalked Sarah Sanders – FOLLOWED HER to Next Restaurant to Continue Harassment!

The Gateway Pundit 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant Friday night. Sanders and her family were booted out of the little liberal Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia because they are Trump supporters. Sarah Sanders tweeted about the intolerant establishment. “Last night I was told by […]

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Oregon Schools Now Offer THIRD GENDER Option To Students

The Gateway Pundit 

Oregon, of course, continues to blaze the trail in the gender revolution. The state has now bravely gone where no person or trans-species-of-other-self-identification has gone before. They are now offering a third gender option for both teachers and school kids when they register to start classes. KUOW reports: The Oregon Department of Education is introducing […]

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

Obama Held ‘Russia Meetings’ in the White House and Invited John Kerry but Not NSA’s Honorable Admiral Rogers

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The Obama White House held special meetings related to the Russia investigation in 2016.  The odd thing is that crooked John Kerry from the State Department was invited and good guy Admiral Rogers from the NSA was excluded. Yahoo News reported in March the following related to former President Obama’s […]

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James Woods Warns After Maxine Waters Threats: ‘Get Armed and Vote; Your Life Depends On It’

The Gateway Pundit 

Actor James Woods warned his fellow conservatives to ‘get armed and vote’ after Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) called for Republicans to be harassed in public and at their homes. James Woods. “Now that a United States Congresswoman has called for harassment against Republicans and the inevitable violence that will come of it, I urge all […]

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President Trump Unloads on “Dirty” Red Hen Restaurant That Tossed Sarah Sanders and Her Family

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump blasted the Red Hen restaurant located in Lexington, Virginia over the owner and staff kicking out White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Friday night. “The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine […]

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Pam Bondi: Three Huge Guys Were Screaming at Me and Cursing Me One Inch from My Face – One Spit on My Head! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Florida Attorney General spoke with FOX and Friends on Monday after after being verbally assaulted, threatened and bullied by raging leftists at a movie theater on Saturday night. Bondi, the popular Attorney General from the great state of Florida, has been a long-time target of unhinged left. She told FOX and Friends “three huge guys” […]

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