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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 23.06.2018

Pastor Who Shot Armed Carjacker At Walmart Speaks Out (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Gateway Pundit readers may recall the story earlier this week of multiple armed citizens shooting a carjacking would-be mass shooter at a Walmart outside of Olympia, WA. The man who led the charge and fired the rounds that ultimately killed the scumbag is now speaking to media. Seattle based KOMO News reports: David George, who […]

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CNN Compares Restaurant Kicking Out Sarah Sanders Private Family Dinner to Bakery Refusing Joe Biden Campaign Photo-Op

The Gateway Pundit 

Apples and oranges–or bananas. CNN’s ace Internet sleuth reporter, Andrew Kaczynski, bragged on Twitter he is finding lots of conservative hypocrisy over their comparative reactions to Sarah Sanders and Joe Biden being turned away from Virginia food establishments in recent years. Friday night White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked by the owner […]

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Hah! Hacker Changes Menu of Little Liberal ‘Red Hen’ Restaurant that Tossed Out Sarah Sanders and Her Children…

The Gateway Pundit 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant Friday night. Sanders and her family were booted out of the little liberal Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia because they are Trump supporters. Sarah Sanders tweeted about the intolerant establishment. Last night I was told by […]

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Sarah Sanders and Her Family Kicked Out of Virginia Restaurant by Trump-Hating Owner

The Gateway Pundit 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant Friday night, according to Sanders and a server at the Red Hen located in Lexington. Sarah Sanders at the White House Correspondents Dinner, April 2018. A Virginia liberal activist posted about the incident with images from the […]

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John Brennan, in Ominous Tweet to Pres. Trump, Calls for Insurrection by Cabinet, GOP Leadership

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan responded to a tweet by President Donald Trump on Saturday decrying the ‘Russia withc hunt’ investigation with an ominous tweet calling for Trump’s cabinet and inner circle to turn on him. While Brennan stopped short of explicitly calling for the invocation of the 25th Amendment, impeachment or an outright […]

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Exclusive Interview: Henry Kerner Disputes Charges of Tea Party Targeting by John McCain’s Staff

The Gateway Pundit 

Henry Kerner Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch reported on Thursday that Senator John McCain’s former staff director Henry Kerner urged the IRS, including the corrupt liberal Lois Lerner, to engage in “financially ruinous” targeting of conservative Tea Party groups. The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun […]

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STUNNING: DC Hatchet Man Behind Coordinated IRS Attacks on Tea Party — Is Currently in Charge of ALL DC Special Investigations

The Gateway Pundit 

Henry Kerner Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch obtained IRS documents Thursday revealing backstabber Senator John McCain’s former staff director Henry Kerner urged the IRS, including the corrupt Lois Lerner, to engage in “financially ruinous” targeting of conservative Tea Party groups. The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking […]

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The 2018 Election Will be a Referendum on Government Corruption – Because of this Trump and Republicans Will Win Again!

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Clean the Swamp President Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election in large part due to his stand against government corruption.  Being an outsider, Americans believed Trump could make a real difference.  The 2018 Congressional election is shaping up in similar fashion and because of this Donald Trump and Republicans will […]

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Rogue DOJ Adds Four More Leftist Attorneys to Mueller Team in Last Ditch Attempt to Save Phony Russian Bot Case

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The attorneys representing Concord Management, one of the Russian Companies that the corrupt Mueller team accused of impacting the 2016 Presidential election, are destroying the “Unlawfully Appointed Special Counsel” in court. Desperate Robert Mueller is bringing in reinforcements after they continue to make a laughing stock out of the Mueller […]

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TRAINWRECK! Far-Left Actor Tom Arnold Caught in a Lie! Says He Has Trump-Cohen Tapes Then Freezes on CNN – Cohen Responds

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Washed up far-left actor Tom Arnold was on CNN yesterday and froze on screen when the CNN News anchor interviewing him asked him directly about his encounter with President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen. The awkward pause was stunning! Arnold was all talk then he suddenly froze – Arnold’s creepy pause […]

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European Human Rights Commissioner Refuses to Help Tommy Robinson, Wants More Illegal Migrants Instead

The Gateway Pundit 

The Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe has denied a request by German MP Petr Bystron to help imprisoned independent journalist Tommy Robinson, while she is calling for an end to the prosecution of NGOs that are aiding illegal immigrants. Robinson, a 35-year-old independent journalist and activist was arrested in May for suspicion […]

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Bill Maher ‘Jokes’ That He Wants Conservative Journalist Mike Cernovich Dead (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Bill Maher defended his wish for a recession to hurt support for President Donald Trump on Friday evening — and joked that he wants author and journalist Mike Cernovich to die. Following Maher’s ridiculous assertion earlier this month that he is hoping for a recession as a weapon against our president, Cernovich had tweeted that […]

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Bill Maher Jokes That He Wants Mike Cernovich to Die (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Bill Maher defended his wish for a recession to hurt support for President Donald Trump on Friday evening — and joked that he wants author and journalist Mike Cernovich to die. Following Maher’s ridiculous assertion earlier this month that he is hoping for a recession as a weapon against our president, Cernovich had tweeted that […]

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Stupid Democrat Accuses Trump of Stealing Personal Items From Migrants Like at “Auschwitz” … Doesn’t Notice Photos Are From 2014

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) is not known for her sharp wit or keen mind. On Thursday Speier posted photos of rosaries, wallets, and toothpaste taken from illegal immigrants coming into the United States. And she compared the tactics like something you’d see at Auschwitz. Rep. Jackie Speier: CBP takes away rosaries, shoes, wallets and toothbrushes […]

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Socialist Bernie Sanders Earns more than $1M for Second Year, While Complaining About Rich People

The Gateway Pundit 

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont religiously slams the rich, warning that people who enjoy wealth are the detriment of the working class— rhetoric that was ramped up when he was a candidate in the 2016 presidential campaign. Just one problem: Sanders’ own bank account is bursting at the seams. The self-proclaimed Socialist, who is […]

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Leading Mexican Presidential Candidate Obrador Calls for MASS EXODUS TO UNITED STATES When He Wins Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier this week Tucker Carlson warned Americans of the far left America-bashing leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador who is leading the presidential polls in Mexico. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, often abbreviated “AMLO”, is an ardent Leftist and Mexican nationalist. Obrador says he will flood the United States with Mexican illegals. Obrador campaigned in several cities […]

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Rep. Bob Goodlatte Issues Peter Strzok Subpoena to Appear Before House Judiciary Committee Next Wednesday For Deposition

The Gateway Pundit 

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) appeared on Fox News Tuesday evening to discuss the Congressional hearing with IG Horowitz. Chairman Goodlatte revealed a subpoena had been prepared for Peter Strzok and was ‘on the way.’ Goodlatte followed through and issued a subpoena to Peter Strzok on Friday […]

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FBI Agent Sally Moyer on Hillary Probe Who Labeled Trump Supporters “Retarded” and ‘F*ck Trump” Is Seen Out for First Time

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier this week, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows unmasked two of the previously unidentified, anti-Trump, pro-Hillary FBI investigators referred for investigation by the Inspector General. These FBI attorneys do not work in “counterintelligence” as the FBI previously claimed as an excuse to withhold their names from the public. The unnamed FBI officials “Agent 1” and […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Людмила Самсонова

Людмила Самсонова не отдала голландскую траву // Она продолжила серию российских побед на теннисном турнире в Хертогенбосе

Акции в День памяти и скорби прошли по всей России

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Ю.ОСЕТИЯ. Чего хотят друг от друга Россия и Китай? | Алексей Наумов. Разбор

Итиё Исикава: В договоре России с КНДР есть тревожные и непонятные нюансы