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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 03.06.2018

Donald Trump Jr. Warns Smear Merchant Jon Tester — He’s Coming to Montana to Campaign Against Him

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) was Democrat point person this week behind the smears and destruction of Trump VA pick Admiral Ronny Jackson. Tester accused Admiral Jackson of being repeatedly drunk while on duty “where his main job was to take care of the most powerful man in the world.” Tester also told CNN that Jackson […]

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BREAKING: Active Shooter Confirmed Near Rock ‘N’ Roll Marathon in San Diego (VIDEO) *UPDATE* Female Suspect in Custody

The Gateway Pundit 

San Diego Police Department confirmed an active shooter near Rock ‘N’ Roll marathon on Sunday. Photo via NBC An active shooter at the City Hall Parkade has been confirmed near the route of the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon, according to city officials, reported NBC.   Grainy footage of the scene provided by FOX16 anchor Kevin […]

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Dinesh D’Souza Sounds the Alarm: NY Attorney General Wants to Get Rid of ‘Double Jeopardy’ to Go After Me Again (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza faced political persecution after he directed and released anti-Obama film, “2016: Obama’s America”. He was indicted over illegal campaign contributions. It was an obvious witch hunt. On Thursday, President Trump announced publicly he would be issuing a full pardon to Dinesh D’Souza. The New York Attorney General is so angry over […]

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President Trump Quotes Democrat Mark Penn: Mueller Staff Uses “Stormtrooper Tactics”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump quoted former Clinton adviser Mark Penn on Sunday after Penn accused Mueller of using “stormtrooper” methods to harass and frighten his targets. Mueller sent FBI agents to storm the homes of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in the early morning hours AFTER Manafort was already cooperating with Mueller’s far left team. Mark […]

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BOOM! Rep. Devin Nunes: Aussie Ambassador Downer Lied About Launch of Deep State Spying on Trump Campaign (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning. The interview was full of interesting nuggets including the fact that Aussie Ambassador Alexander Downer lied about the launch of the Spygate scandal. Nunes says Donwer lied about giving the Papadopoulos information to the Australian ambassador in the US to launch the […]

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Rep. Devin Nunes: The Drudge Report Is Being Censored Today on Twitter (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futrures today. Nunes was asked about internet censorship of US conservatives and conservative websites. Devin Nunes dropped this bomb… Rep. Devin Nunes: What the American people need to understand, there is bias against conservatives all across this country. And now as you see things it’s always […]

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CHUCK IN CHARGE: Schumer Tells The Media To Cover Up Spygate

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout: Chuck Schumer is now barking orders at the media. He wants the press to stop covering Spygate or to at least call it a lie when they do mention it. Conservative Review reports: Up-Chuck Schumer orders media to cover up ‘Spygate’ On Monday, while most Americans were […]

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BOMBSHELL: Leaker, Liar and Former FBI Head Comey Likely Caught in Another Lie – FBI Russia Investigation Started Before July 2016

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Another Internet sleuth has uncovered another bombshell surrounding the fake Trump-Russia investigation.  Leaker, liar and former FBI Director James Comey stated that the investigation started in July of 2016, but evidence found in the public domain proves that the investigation started much earlier. Manny at Politics Central released a post […]

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Italian Populist Leaders Hold Rally, Warn Migrants “It’s Time to Pack Your Bags”

The Gateway Pundit 

Italian populist leader Matteo Salvini warned migrants at a rally on Saturday, “The free ride is over. It’s time to pack your bag.” Italy’s interior minister, Matteo Salvini, declares one of the new government’s top priorities will be to “send them home”, signalling that he intends to keep a campaign promise to deport hundreds of […]

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Leaked Confidential Letter from Trump’s Lawyer to Mueller on Jan. 29 Likely Spells Doom for Liar Sally Yates

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday, the fake news New York Times published all 20 pages of a confidential memo Trump’s lawyers sent Robert Mueller in January.  On Saturday, The New York Times published a confidential memo written by Trump’s lawyers to Mueller dated January 29, 2018. Mr. Trump’s lawyers hand-delivered a 20-page confidential letter to Mr. Mueller in January. […]

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Sean Hannity: I’m The Next Target of the Deep State (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sean Hannity said Friday evening that he is the next target of the Deep State, referencing a new book written by Dr. Jerome Corsi. On Friday night, Sean Hannity promoted a book written by Dr. Jerome Corsi, “Killing the Deep State,” that claims that Hannity himself is the “next target of the deep state.” “Wow, […]

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Empire State Building Shines Orange for Gun Control

The Gateway Pundit 

The Empire State Building was ceremoniously lit orange on Friday night in solidarity with thousands of anti-gun protesters across the country. The ultra-liberal city of New York illuminated the iconic building to commemorate the third annual National Gun Violence Awareness Day and usher in National Gun Violence Awareness Month. The color orange was inspired by the […]

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Giuliani Reacts to Latest Leak to New York Times “If Mueller Tries to Subpoena Us, We’re Going to Court”

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday, the fake news New York Times published all 20 pages of a confidential memo Trump’s lawyers sent Robert Mueller in January. Rudy Giuliani then confirmed the contents of the memo published by The New York Times. The liberals went crazy after The New York Times published a 29-page confidential memo Trump’s lawyers sent to Mueller in January. […]

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CANDACE OWENS RIPS CNN — After They Ask Tom Arnold to Weigh In on Racist -Vulgar Tweets to Black Women

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN invited Tom Arnold, Roseanne Barr’s ex-husband and former writer on the sitcom “Roseanne,” on to discuss the obscene tweets hurled at Valerie Jarret this week. Apparently CNN thought Arnold was an expert on “tweeting obcenities” to women. Tom Arnold told CNN he could see it coming. “I could see it coming.” Tom Arnold, Roseanne […]

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Terrific! Trump RIPS Futile “Resistance” in Weekly Address

The Gateway Pundit 

And this is why we love him. We finally have a president who is strong enough to hit back at the communists, the open border fanatics and America-haters. In his Weekly Address President Trump slammed “the resistance” and their commitment to resist the will of the American people. The Hill reported: In his weekly address, […]

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Far-Left Hack Fantasizes About Trump Punching First Lady Melania Then Using Secret Service to Conceal Assault

The Gateway Pundit 

Senior Editor of The Atlantic, David Frum fantasized about President Trump punching First Lady Melania then using the Secret Service to cover up the assault as a way of arguing what constitutes ‘obstruction of justice.’ Frum suffers from a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. David Frum Twitter avatar The liberals went crazy after The […]

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