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Amazon’s latest Fire TV Cube is a square deal of $15 off


A photo of Amazon’s Fire TV Cube on a TV stand.
The Fire TV Cube (2022) retains its tiny obelisk-like boxy form factor. | Photo by Chris Welch / The Verge

Ready for some deals to get you over the hump? The latest version of Amazon’s Fire TV Cube is selling for $124.99 at Amazon, Best Buy, and Target. That saves you $15 on Amazon’s highest-end streaming device, which sports speedy performance, hands-free voice control using Amazon Alexa, and Wi-Fi 6E for less network congestion if you have a lot of devices in your home (and a 6E-capable router).

The Fire TV Cube is kind of like buying an Echo smart speaker and a Fire TV streamer in one package, a decent value when you consider what you might spend on those separately. Just be aware that it’s an Amazon device, which means plenty of on-screen ads for Amazon content — and even some non-Amazon ads on the screensaver. Woof. Read our review.


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