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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 07.09.2020

Biden Gets a Round of Applause From Reporters After Answering Softball Question During Campaign Stop – Then His Handlers Swoop in and Shut it Down (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday traveled to Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a Labor Day campaign stop. Feeble Biden rarely leaves his Delaware basement and when he does he stays close to home. This is Biden’s 7th trip to Pennsylvania since June. Biden sat down with representatives from Iron Workers, Pipefitters, AFGE and other unions. ‘Blue collar’…

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A Special Flag To Show Support For The Police (Just Pay S&H)

The Gateway Pundit 

As Democrats riot and call for “defunding the police,” it’s time to stand up! It’s time to let Liberals know the majority of Americans support the police. We support the “thin blue line” that separates law-abiding people from the lawless mobs. To tell Liberals how important the men and women of law enforcement are to…

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State Officials Confirm El Dorado Fire of 7050 Acres Was Started by Pyrotechnics at a Gender Reveal Party

The Gateway Pundit 

The El Dorado Fire spreading in California has already burned 7050 acres with only 5% of containment. But it didn’t have to be this way. According to officials the El Dorado fire was started by pyrotechnics at a gender reveal party. #ElDoradoFire | SAN BERNARDINO/ INYO/ MONO UNIT | El Dorado Fire Cause pic.twitter.com/PNBQWMXMwK —…

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Biden Now Says National Mask Mandate ‘Probably Unconstitutional’ – Gives Bizarre Non-Answer to Reporter Asking When He will Visit Arizona (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Basement-dwelling Biden did a total 180 during an interview with Arizona’s Family Political Editor Dennis Welch on Sunday and said that a national mask mandate is probably unconstitutional. A few weeks ago Biden called for a national mask mandate. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris delivered remarks after their Covid-19 roundtable in mid-August and called for…

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Following Biden Kenosha Visit, Kamala Harris Meets with Blake Family and Lawyers, Speaks by Phone with Jacob Blake

The Gateway Pundit 

Following Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s visit last week with the family and and legal team of Jacob Blake, a Black man shot by Kenosha, Wisconsin police while resisting arrest on August 23, Biden’s vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is in Kenosha Monday meeting with Blake’s family and legal team. Jacob Blake, screen…

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And There It Is… Black Lives Matter in Seattle Chants “Who Do We Protect?… Black Felons” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Black Lives Matter marched in Seattle again on Sunday. This time the protesters cut the crap and got REALLY honest. The mob was marching and chanting, “Who do we protect? Black Felons!” That’s exactly what millions of Americans were saying all along. Now there is agreement. Seattle pic.twitter.com/GoqzsCq1Do — special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) September 7,…

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Why Won’t Deep State Release Which Outside Contractors Received Personal Data from Obama’s FBI and Why Were These Names Redacted in the First Place?

The Gateway Pundit 

A stunning report released from the FISA Court received no publicity until nearly a year after it was released to the public. The report covered results of an investigation or audit into FISA searches made by Obama’s NSA, FBI and DOJ during Obama’s time in office. On April 26, 2017, an unsealed FISA Court Ruling…

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“It’s Not True! People Stop Using Me… Stop Using My Image!” – US Veteran Tells Liberal Media and Far Left Groups to Quit Using His Face in their Trump Hit Pieces! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday The Atlantic posted a ridiculous hit piece on President Trump on his support for the military. The BS hit piece comes as President Trump continues to surge in the polls following the RNC convention and continued leftist riots across the country. The fake news media immediately began running with the unconfirmed and ridiculous…

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WOW! CNN’s Jake Tapper Tried to Persuade GOP Candidate Sean Parnell from Running Against Pelosi Lackey Connor Lamb in PA Race

The Gateway Pundit 

Breitbart News reported this weekend that CNN’s Jake Tapper interfered with the 17th District Congressional Race in Pennsylvania. Tapper through text messages, direct messages on Twitter to Parnell’s account, and phone calls — tried to steer Parnell from running in the district against Pelosi lackey Connor Lamb. Now the RNC is involved asking what other…

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Far Left Michigan Secretary of State Announces Michigan Will Not Have Results on Election Night – May Take A WEEK to Count All Votes! (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

The steal is in. The Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump in a fair election, so they are laying the groundwork for delayed counting, mail-in ballot manipulation, illegal ballot harvesting and more. The Daily Caller reported on Michigan’s efforts already to tamper with the 2020 Presidential election vote: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson…

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BLM Chaos and the Need for a History Lesson

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Larry Johnson Ulysses S. Grant George Santayana is credited with first speaking the aphorism, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” And it was Winston Churchill that offered up a slight modification, to wit–Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” Put succinctly–if you…

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EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats are using US Military funded artificial intelligence software to combat American citizens’online efforts to promote President Trump. Military related publication, Stars and Stripes reported in May: A new Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, is planning to deploy technology originally developed…

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Tommy Robinson Appeals to President Donald Trump: “Free Julian Assange!“

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Collin McMahon British activist Tommy Robinson and German politician Petr Bystron recently met in England recently. British patriotic activist Tommy Robinson has issued a dramatic appeal to President Donald Trump on the eve of Julian Assange‘s extradition hearing, which begins on Monday in Old Bailey Central Criminal Court in London. German politician…

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‘F*ck White People!’ – BLM-Biden Supporters Scream at Elderly Couple Dining Outdoors in Pittsburgh, Steal Their Drinks Off Table (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This is how Biden supporters treat elderly Americans. Black Lives Matter terrorists screamed obscenities at elderly people dining outdoors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Sunday. “F*ck 12 and f*ck white people! You old dick!” one BLM militant yelled to a peaceful elderly white man sitting at a table. A woman then marched over to the couple,…

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White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow Shares a Personal Story About His Recovery from Alcoholism These Past 25 Years

The Gateway Pundit 

Larry Kudlow gave an emotional speech this week about the hopelessness of his addiction to alcohol and drugs and his recovery coming from God’s grace. FOX News reported: White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow delivered emotional personal remarks about his experience with addiction at a drug recovery event organized by first lady Melania Trump. Kudlow…

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Former US Representative Trey Gowdy Says He’s “Assuming that the Clinesmith Indictment Will Be the Only” Indictment in the Durham Investigation

The Gateway Pundit 

Trey Gowdy shared some thoughts on the John Durham investigation on Sunday morning with Maria Bartiromo. Former US Representative Trey Gowdy was on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo this Labor Day weekend.   Gowdy had this to say about the John Durham investigation that has been going on for the past year looking into criminal…

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Jesse Watters Explains the Democrats Today – “They’re Pretending Something’s Out There You Can’t See”

The Gateway Pundit 

Jesse Watters on his Saturday night show on FOX News “Watters World” gave an excellent overview of what we are facing in America today as the 2020 election approaches.  The Democrats are behind the riots but somehow they are attempting to tie President Trump to the riots.  They at first hoped that the riots would…

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: BLM Activist Who Attempted to Kill Conservative After Memorial for Murdered Trump Supporter IDENTIFIED

The Gateway Pundit 

The man who attempted to kill conservative activist Shane Moon following a memorial for the Trump supporter who was murdered by Antifa last week has been identified by witnesses as Black Lives Matter activist Robbie Smith. Smith’s social media lists him as owning or working at CamCuts Barber Shop in Burton, Washington. Gateway Pundit called…

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America-Hating Democrat Ilhan Omar Praises Violent “Uprisings” in Minneapolis and Kenosha to “Fundamentally Change” America (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Top Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was out trashing America, her adopted country, and praising the rioters torching and looting in Minneapolis and Kenosha, Wisconsin. On Sunday Ilhan Omar praised the “uprisings” in Minneapolis and Kenosha to “fundamentally change” America. Ilhan handily won her primary in August. She holds a deep seated hatred for this…

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Иномарка насмерть сбила девушку в Москве

Экс-глава «Автодора» остался в неоплаченном долгу // В погашение нанесенного им ущерба в два миллиарда пойдут старая иномарка, часы и чуть более 300 тыс. рублей

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